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Albus Dumbledore

Making The Files In File Manager Invisible

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i was wondering if there was a way, any way in the world, to make the files that were allready in the file manager when we first signed up
meaning these



because on my site, we made a sitemap (http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/) and it shows those folders, and to make it less cluttered we want to get rid of them, or make them invisible to the public..

is this possible?

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Modify the script to have these folders / files ignored for display purposes.Since the bulk of them begin with an under_score, use that as a selection criteria for the ignoring part of the script and then specify the other ones by name.

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Modify the script to have these folders / files ignored for display purposes.

Duh :) ! Details please. Script? Where? How? For us flunkies that don't know much about this stuff.


And by the way, while I was surfing through my files I found this in my public_html and www folders.


folder-WysiwygPro>folder-editor_files>folder-images>folder-smileys>16 gif files of smileys


My ftp programs indicates the folders were uploaded/created 06/20/06 Anybody have a clue where they might have come from? I certainly didn't upload them. I downloaded them and they are cute little smileys, some animated.

Edited by Mich (see edit history)

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lol, editing the script, haha thats funny, but maybe i could try it sometime, if there isn't a way to clear those files. thanx everyone for your help

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Well, don't delete or change permissions on any of those files or folders. They are "SystemFiles" used by the Server to control access to your account and do a bunch of system maintenance stuff. All of them are needed by the Apache server (or Cpanel) which is the system used to regulate the Hosting here at Xisto (and many other sites).Without seeing the actual script you are using to list your sitemap it is difficult for me to sort through the listing and eliminate them from the output of your sitemap, however, one way to stop them from displaying on the sitemap would be to move the site and the sitemap script into a folder 'below' public_html and have your .htaccess file point to the folder instead of the public_html folder.Does this help?

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it would if i knew i knew how to change the htaccess to where it does that, and if i were to do that, then whatever folder i indicate would basicly become the public_html folder?

haha, i feel like such an idiot, i just looked at the script, and there is an option to add

$excludedir[] = "images"

and it will exclude the directory i dont want meh..*hides*

thax for all your help
Edited by Albus Dumbledore (see edit history)

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Use the Index Manager in Cpanel and click the last option I think that makes them not appear, I do this all the time, because they are really annoying.Site Management --> Index Manager --> and the very last option I think, does not display them. After that you should see the icon change too. :)

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well, i got it to work, but if i do need any more help with it i will try your ideal maine, thanx everyone for your help <_<this topic can be closed

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