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World Trade Center (the Movie) Is it still to earlier to remember or even to make a movie about it?

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Ok...I wasn't sure wither this put this under Movies or Debates. So bare with me if I am in the wrong place.


Recently they started a TV campaign to advertise the new movie World Trade Center that is being released on August 9th. Basically it is retelling what happened on September 11, 2001.


Ok, I'm normally not effected by movies, but this one has effected me just in the advertisement. Just the whole idea of seeing people suffering in an event that only took place 5 years ago just seems to get me. So I got to thinking, I didn't know anyone who was effected directly by the attacks, so what must a person be going threw right now who was?


They must be devastated by the idea of having to go back and remember September 11th all over again each and every time they see that advertisement and even see how their loved one might have gone threw before they died. To me this just seems like torture for the victims families, its just too earlier to go back and rip open those wounds which may have just begin to heal. <_<


I'm not saying don't remember what happened, but to me there's a time and place where forgetting, when it comes to the healing process of grief. To me 5 years isn't enough for grieving families to get over the event, enough to deal with a movie coming out on the event. I think at the least wait 10 years after the event before releasing a movie about the event.


Ok here is my debate.

How long do you think movies based on a tragic event (such as the September 11th) should wait to be released or made after the event has taken place?

Should that movie be released in theaters or just released in stores?

Should there be a mass advertising campaign for such a movie?

Edited by Madkat-Z (see edit history)

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I agree it's too early for this kind of film... But that's not what big holywood industries think... All they see is big pile of cash, just waiting for them...For me, the reasonable period to wait, to make such a movie, is AT LEAST 10 years, best make it 15... That way, wounds will heal, and they won't be opened as easily, as after 5 years...Ofcourse people shouldn't forget people lost in that terrible event, but let us try and be at least a bit decent, and not make money, off other people's misey...We should all remember 9/11, and all other unfortunate and sad events, and never to forget those people... I think there should be maybe some law passed, forbiding use of real events, such as September 11th, for a period of at least 10 years... And penalty should not be monetary, but 10 years in prison, so everyone should follow that law...That's my view of the things...

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I agree it's too early for this kind of film... But that's not what big holywood industries think... All they see is big pile of cash, just waiting for them...
We should all remember 9/11, and all other unfortunate and sad events, and never to forget those people... I think there should be maybe some law passed, forbiding use of real events, such as September 11th, for a period of at least 10 years... And penalty should not be monetary, but 10 years in prison, so everyone should follow that law...

That's my view of the things...

Well I do think the same thing that Hollywood is just trying to make a quick buck off of peoples grief and patriotism. I'm waiting to be called "unamerican" or uncaring, because I'm refusing to see that movie. I don't think its even worth the money to go off an support the shameless exploiting of a tragedy that we all have recovered from. To me that is unamerican an uncareing.

However, there was one thing I learned from my Digital Media teacher is that, "Hollywood has no morals, consideration for others feelings, and will do anything in order to make a profit or to get a good shot". So I understand their side of the story and why they are doing it. So I don't think there should be a law put up against it. That's kind of going against freedom of speech there. :)

Instead of making a law against it, I think there should be an unwritten rule with all film makers not to make a movie about a tragic event until X number of years after the event. The only way that will happen is if most of the general population go bananas about it and basically turns the movie into a flop instead of a hit. For some reason I'm not seeing that happening with this movie. Unless the news and media slam it down so hard with negative criticism, that no one in there right mind would go see it, this movie will most likely be a "All American Hit".

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Personally living in NY and knowing close people that lost there lives made me upset. I however feel its ok to make a movie on such things, but its not ok to make big bucks of something like this. Its the same thing with the Flight xyz, they made $$$ of it, and people went to see it.But the way they are majorly advertising it is like what the heck? You want me to go see something, I don't really want to think about or remember for a while, let alone see a movie watching people die and building collaspsed. I almost lost my dad, and these Hollywood producers are harping on the idea to create a movie about this horrible event.There just in it for the cash, wait till someone bombs out Hollywood and they will be the first to suffer, about losing all there money and huge houses. Serves them right :)

Edited by MaineFishing45 (see edit history)

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I may not live in the area, but like everywhere else around the world. Pretty much affected by the event. Thus IMO, I think it is a bit early to make a movie about it when there is still quite a bit of uncertainty in the world, and there are still some people willing to commit acts of terrorism and so forth. But unfortunately, the hollywood studios and so forth will only see $$$ in the eyes. But hopefully there are a few higher-ups working within the studios able to see common sense. Personally though, I think they should at least delay it if they intend on a cinema release, although I would prefer it if they didn't go around advertise the whole thing everywhere.. especially in areas most affected by the events on that fateful day.

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There just in it for the cash, wait till someone bombs out Hollywood and they will be the first to suffer, about losing all there money and huge houses. Serves them right :)

I still think they would make a movie about it, but thats Hollywood for ya.

Anyway, I've been thinking. If the movie is ment in order to help people remember, why advertise it so much? After having seen the advertisement at least once a day for the past two weeks, its causing me to become numb to the subject and the imagery they are using. When you start numbing down on the events such as that people are more likely to forget the event. I don't think we will forget this event, at least well people are still around who lived threw it.

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Ok...I wasn't sure wither this put this under Movies or Debates. So bare with me if I am in the wrong place.


Recently they started a TV campaign to advertise the new movie World Trade Center that is being released on August 9th. Basically it is retelling what happened on September 11, 2001.


Ok, I'm normally not effected by movies, but this one has effected me just in the advertisement. Just the whole idea of seeing people suffering in an event that only took place 5 years ago just seems to get me. So I got to thinking, I didn't know anyone who was effected directly by the attacks, so what must a person be going threw right now who was?


They must be devastated by the idea of having to go back and remember September 11th all over again each and every time they see that advertisement and even see how their loved one might have gone threw before they died. To me this just seems like torture for the victims families, its just too earlier to go back and rip open those wounds which may have just begin to heal. :)


I'm not saying don't remember what happened, but to me there's a time and place where forgetting, when it comes to the healing process of grief. To me 5 years isn't enough for grieving families to get over the event, enough to deal with a movie coming out on the event. I think at the least wait 10 years after the event before releasing a movie about the event.


Ok here is my debate.

How long do you think movies based on a tragic event (such as the September 11th) should wait to be released or made after the event has taken place?

Should that movie be released in theaters or just released in stores?

Should there be a mass advertising campaign for such a movie?

I agree with you 100%,I think the movie shouldn't be released In respeact for the famies of the vitim that have died on the september the 11th.I think and it probaly will effect the famies of the vitims emitonally.And what about the vitims that servied the attack? Imagine the images going through their head when the see the advertisement.

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It would be interesting to see. I had no one I knew who worked there or anything. But it would be interesting to see all that stuff.

Well, it would be interesting to see, but I would still find it rather disturbing, but it wouldn't put me to sleep on a movie making stand point. What I'm wondering is wither you meant movie or information stand point. On the information stand point, I wouldn't use a movie of this type to get information from. Sure some of the facts maybe true, but movie makes do alot of things in order to increases the effect it has on its audience.

This makes me do some more wondering, What type of audience do you guys think the director intend this to be viewed by? :)

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How long do you think movies based on a tragic event (such as the September 11th) should wait to be released or made after the event has taken place?

Really depends on the event, but i don't think it is too early. I was not directly affected at all by it though. People that were affected i think it will be.

Should that movie be released in theaters or just released in stores?

I do not think it matters if it is released in theatres or in stores because either way you have to go and buy it. The people that wanna watch it are going to watch it in a theatre or on a tape or DVD. I really don't think it makes a difference at all.

Should there be a mass advertising campaign for such a movie?

Well why not. There have been worse movies like XXX haha. No, but seriously... I was not affected by it all. I mean it was sad that all those people, but no one i knew or no one i knew, knew anyone that was there and died.

Anyways on another note. I wont see that movie just because i think those towers are better gone. I think it is sad all those people had to die, but those towers stood for everything i dislike about America. How the rich get richer and the pour more pour every day. They stood for capitalism which to me is such a horrible thing i can't believe America, land of the free home of home of the brave, stands for such a thing. Good riddens to the Trade Towers. I just wish all those people didn't have to die.
Edited by BooZker (see edit history)

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I do not think it matters if it is released in theatres or in stores because either way you have to go and buy it. The people that wanna watch it are going to watch it in a theatre or on a tape or DVD. I really don't think it makes a difference at all.

Well the only reason I asked that is mostly because of the different advertising schemes they use. When something is released on to DVD or tape, the advertisement is not as massive as for a movie that is being released in theater.

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I still think they would make a movie about it, but thats Hollywood for ya.
Anyway, I've been thinking. If the movie is ment in order to help people remember, why advertise it so much? After having seen the advertisement at least once a day for the past two weeks, its causing me to become numb to the subject and the imagery they are using. When you start numbing down on the events such as that people are more likely to forget the event. I don't think we will forget this event, at least well people are still around who lived threw it.

well i think the very same thing. Movies with subjects like these are really just about the money, it's the deal with every hollywood pic. I don't say it's bad, sure you can get a profit out of it. But can you do that? Don't you think it's wrong to put money out of other people's misery. OK, which movie isn't? but not on this scale. That's why it's too early to make this kinda movie, not because it's a tragedi or anything, just because of the profits. The picture doesn't have to be good, it's about 9/11 so everyone likes it anyway. The same with United 93. I really have to say: the movie sucks. i was only attracted to it the last 15 minutes or so. Sure you say, but the purpose of the movie was to show the life in the plane and giving information about how thing went that day. If you want to give information make a documentary like Fahrenheit 9/11, not a roleplay movie. Then you are looking for entertainement (information comes in second place) and like i said i only got that for the last 15 minutes. I'm afraid the very same thing is going to happen with this next 9/11 movie.

I can't see why families of victims of the attacks would stop this movie, or the public in general. I mean: i wanna know what's it like, hidden in a good entertaining story. I think the families want to know the exact same thing (correct me if i'm wrong, i'm talking in my experience) they now can only imagine what that hell was like, when they see the movie, it's visualized. Offcourse the day after is a bit early to make a movie about it but 5 years after, i can't see why not.

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Well just as an update to my board, I haven't heard anything on the news saying bad things about it, actually all I'm hearing is good reviews so far. I guess that could of been a reason for the advertising campaign to have started so early and was so harsh, so people could prepare to actually go see the movie. However, I have also seen a recent flood of documentaries on 9/11 on TV shortly after the movie was released. I know next month is the 5 year anniversary of 9/11, but its still a month off. I'm guess they TV industry wants their cut of the profits as well. :)

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I dont think its too early. Hundreds, thousands of events occur frequently...and movies are made about them. No one normally seems to care. Oh wait, but its because what those events happened out of America?

Its been 5 years, people need to start moving on honestly. I personally, and many think im cold hearted was not effected by september 11th, i took it as just a tragedy that we, like many other countries have and will...need to move on from.

The event is still pretty fresh in our minds, and perhaps the writers wanted to give praise to the 'heros' of 9/11 before they all died. Because if you do a war/distaster movie like 20 or 40 years after the event, chances are a lot of those people who were directly involved will be older, or dead. Plus those who are young, may have just had kids and probably its nice for them to have a video they can show their kids, and be like i was there, i helped those people etc... The story is still fresh for them, so they can still express the freshest ideas on what happened, after years....things become blurred and stories exist that arent real, or you leave out amazing stories, because its been so long.

But people aren't thinking like that, instead they are just thinking about how horrible this event was and how angry they are that people are making money over it, okay it was horrible but stuff like this happens in OTHER countries ALL the time. America isnt perfect, and people need to get over their high and mighty opinions, and their pride. Its okay to be prideful of your country, but everyone from every country needs to understand, their country is NOT perfect, and bad things will and can happen.

But no, i dont think its too soon.

There just in it for the cash, wait till someone bombs out Hollywood and they will be the first to suffer, about losing all there money and huge houses. Serves them right <_<

Wow, so its not okay for them to make a movie about something that happened, but its quite alright for you to wish harm on them? Who is really the 'bad' guy? My eyes are looking towards you. Its rude to sit there and state, what happened was such a horrible thing, then basically wish the same onto someone else.
Edited by JasperIk (see edit history)

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I really want to see this movie and hopefully will soon. Many people gave it great reviews and didn't think anything of it being too early. It has been almost 5 years now and although sacred ground we have other conflicts to worry about. People who don't want to see it don't have to and that's all there is to it. It may be just for the money but I think it will be interesting to see. I saw a documentry on it onces on TV and that was the year after and it was pretty crazy and now I sort of want to see just what it was like that day.

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