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Hosting Credits- Admin Please Read!

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I have a big favor to ask of Xisto staff.... I will be gone this week on a cruise and I have no time to make up credits. In a week as I am already suspended, I will be deleted. I am asking if the staff could be lenient to my case and not delete me unless I don't get unsuspended by next Tuesday the 24th. Please! My site is important to me and I don't want it to be deleted. Thanks so much in advance!

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Well if your site is already suspended already, just back up the files and once you get your hosting credits when you come back you can start over again which would be the same anyway because you will be down just as many credits. I don't think that the staff will be able to make an exception becasue if they do they would have to for everyone. They say everywhere to not let your credits to get that low in the first place for that reason that you should keep it up to atleast 10. I don't know maybe if they are in a good mood they might help you out but that would make it unfair to others. Hopefully you will understand.

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When your site is suspended, you cannot access your cpanel or FTP. It is always a good practice to always back up your files in your local harddrive and perform frequent database backup and download/email to yourself.If your site is that much important, I would have made sure there would have been enough credits for such as this occasion. The hosting conditions are clear: it is free as long as you have the hosting credits.Refer to Xisto Readme and you'll find that your hosting will not be terminated until you reach -30 hosting credits.

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If your site is that important to you, then you should backup all of the files on the server and let your site get deleted, then reapply. The Admins can't bend the rules to let one particular person off...

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If you had the time to make a post like this, you could've taken the time to make more posts and unsuspend your account. That way you can go make backups. If anything, you shouldn't even let your site get suspended in the first place. Just because of that, it shows that you're irresponsible. If you had, let's say 30 credits, and you ask the admins to watch over your account, then I'd say it's more reasonable. (Not saying the admins WILL help though)

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To add what other people have said, you must be able to find about an hour or so between now and when you leave. In that time you could pick a random topic say tips for story writing and google it. This website comes up:


If you paraphrase the information from there, even if not all of it you will earn a good few credits if presented well and if there's enough content.


Alternatively, I think you can buy credits off OpaQue. I've forgotten what the rates are and if he'll still allow you to do so but it doesn't hurt to ask.


If I were to give you credits, then there would be not much point in having the system. It's there to encourage you to make good posting for good hosting. <_<

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