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9 Year-old Girl Gives Birth In Amazon Rainforest

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well different people develop at different speeds, its not that surprising to hear of a girl that young being able to give birth, and as far as the whole "society causes things like this" thats a load of bleep. things like this would still happen even if the modern world didn't exist, just that there would be no "enloghtened" people around to say that this is wrong. We consider giving birth younger than 16 to be wrong, but back when everyone lived in tribes and stuff that was pretty normal, people didn't live to be that old most of the time so they had to procreate younger than we do to survive.

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I guess it's hard to judge what's going on without having much of an understanding of other cultures, but even so, that's got to be some kind of a world record (Not that it's a record someone ought to strive for o.o)Sheesh, I'm 20, and I still plan on putting off having kids for years and years.. scary.

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Oh my gosh. Poor girl. Its just digusting what some people do when they put there minds to it. I just feel like im taking everything for granted even though how an earth would a nine year old girl cope raising a child not much older than the mother. When the girl turns twenty her child would be 10 maybe 11. We think giving birth at sixteen is totally wrong and against laws but nine.As for the guy hu raped her, I think the guy should either be shot or locked up in some mental hospital for the rest of his life. It really getsme when a kid is abused, especially in such a horiffic manner. Now not only does the child mother suffer but her baby is the worst victim of all. I doubt the baby will have a normal life after this.

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I read the article as well as every post on this topic. Many people are going off about how this "poor girl was raped" and yet it does not say that in the article. The only thing it says is the incident is being investigated for the possibility of her being raped. Without evidence or any facts how can you reach a conclusion. I prefer to think people are innocent until proven guilty, of course, it appears many people think the opposite. We cannot determine all the circumstances leading up to this girl becoming pregnant from the article. I do agree that 9 is too young to give birth simply because the body is not mature enough to handle a pregnancy as well as being to emotional immature to handle the responsibility of caring for offspring. Other than that, I cannot say whether or not a rape occurred without any evidence. A pregnancy of a minor is not proof that a rape occurred. In some cultures, it is natural for girls to have sexual relations after the first menstruation, so we cannot impress our culture upon them and reach unfounded conclusions (even though Western cultures have done this hundreds of times in the past).Some cultures believe that the consumption of alcohol is wrong and forbidden. Those that believe this too... do you think if someone drinks until they were so drunk they pass out in their yard should be shot or locked away in a mental institution? Before you object to that, some people do believe that.For those of you who are wondering, the infant weighed 4.9 lbs and is in good health.

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Quote:"I read the article as well as every post on this topic. Many people are going off about how this "poor girl was raped" and yet it does not say that in the article. The only thing it says is the incident is being investigated for the possibility of her being raped. Without evidence or any facts how can you reach a conclusion. I prefer to think people are innocent until proven guilty, of course, it appears many people think the opposite. We cannot determine all the circumstances leading up to this girl becoming pregnant from the article. I do agree that 9 is too young to give birth simply because the body is not mature enough to handle a pregnancy as well as being to emotional immature to handle the responsibility of caring for offspring. Other than that, I cannot say whether or not a rape occurred without any evidence. A pregnancy of a minor is not proof that a rape occurred. In some cultures, it is natural for girls to have sexual relations after the first menstruation, so we cannot impress our culture upon them and reach unfounded conclusions (even though Western cultures have done this hundreds of times in the past).Some cultures believe that the consumption of alcohol is wrong and forbidden. Those that believe this too... do you think if someone drinks until they were so drunk they pass out in their yard should be shot or locked away in a mental institution? Before you object to that, some people do believe that.For those of you who are wondering, the infant weighed 4.9 lbs and is in good health." End QuoteWell at least the baby is ok but i think that argument is really good and i never thought of it like that!

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WOW... this world is getting everyday weirder.... I didn't know that was even possible... What I learned that girls can only get babys at 12-13 years old...And what sick *BLEEP* would rape a 9 year old girl... god...

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I read the article as well as every post on this topic. Many people are going off about how this "poor girl was raped" and yet it does not say that in the article. The only thing it says is the incident is being investigated for the possibility of her being raped. Without evidence or any facts how can you reach a conclusion. I prefer to think people are innocent until proven guilty, of course, it appears many people think the opposite. We cannot determine all the circumstances leading up to this girl becoming pregnant from the article. I do agree that 9 is too young to give birth simply because the body is not mature enough to handle a pregnancy as well as being to emotional immature to handle the responsibility of caring for offspring. Other than that, I cannot say whether or not a rape occurred without any evidence. A pregnancy of a minor is not proof that a rape occurred. In some cultures, it is natural for girls to have sexual relations after the first menstruation, so we cannot impress our culture upon them and reach unfounded conclusions (even though Western cultures have done this hundreds of times in the past).
Some cultures believe that the consumption of alcohol is wrong and forbidden. Those that believe this too... do you think if someone drinks until they were so drunk they pass out in their yard should be shot or locked away in a mental institution? Before you object to that, some people do believe that.

For those of you who are wondering, the infant weighed 4.9 lbs and is in good health.

Finally after reading through these responses, I find one that is more along the lines of what I was thinking. Perhaps our view of society here, in that it wouldn't or shouldn't happen at that is isn't the truth over there. We get upset when a relative over hear gets pregnant at 15 years old. But that doesn't mean that 14 year olds over here don't get pregnant either. Perhaps to them, getting pregnant at 15 is normal...

Plus, give her some credit, sure she's only nine years old, but having a child makes you grow up very fast. It's a shame that her childhood was cut short, but even though she's young, I'm sure the experiances that she's gone through have made her a little more mentally ready for taking care of her child. For all we know... she could be the happiest mother in the world.

I once had a friend that started her menstrual cycle at the age of six. Granted it's rare and she was tiny... it means that people at the age of nine could be "physically" ready to get pregnant. Sure it is obviously dangerous and it doesn't happen all that often (if ever), but I'm sure that it has in the way far past and that it will eventually happen again in the future.

Also, I'm not familiar with Brazilian tribes, so I could be way off base here, but something else has come to mind. What if women in this particular tribe are more like the women from tribes long ago. A woman's duty was to have children and keep the tribe populated. She's done that, and by some miracle survived the incredible odds that she wouldn't. I'm sure other tribe females will be around to help her with the task of raising her child, just like I'm sure she possibly already started to do with other people's children.

Mind you, she could have been raped, and all of what I've said could be false hope... but that's the point, we just don't know.

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I think many young women in the third world are particularly susceptible to sexual violence in many forms. I think this piece of news illustrates how important it is to protect this particular group of disadvantaged women. At the very least, a sound sex education on how to protect themselves would have already helped.

I agree with this view. The main problem is poverty. Poverty robbed many people of what could be considered a privileges and rights in many developed countries. But in third world countries I would like to blame poverty. So, the solution is that they improve the quality of life.

This is a very sad story and I wonder how could a 9 year old girl could conceived a baby. I never thought that a girl of their ages can actually get pregnant.

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I really don't understand why are everyone stating how this girl is poor and she may be raped and so on. Nothing of those things is stated in the article which is precisly explaining that she and baby girl are ok and that police was about to research sexual habits and customs of the tribe in which she lived. No one can blame them if they have some sort of belief which includes sexual act with underaged girls. And there in article it is clearly stated that such events happened before it is just that no one saw such young girl giving birth for about several decades.

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I think it's possible that she wasn't raped. I've heard that in some African and Indonesian tribes9 year old (and even younger) girls get married already! It is very strange for us of course, but theythink it's notmal. So may be this is normal for this brazilian tribe also.What i did not catch - how can police be related to some isolated rainforest tribe?In any way, i hope the girl is ok - 9 is very young age for motherhood.

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Well, i am in middle school and there is this girl in my science class who has had a baby girl. She is like 13 or 14. I do believe it was rape, but it is a different culture from ours so we don't really know, but then again 9 is awfully young to have a baby. I think i was nine when i got my first period, but she must have been developed or she would not be able to support a child. now, the way it said she acted, it sounds a lot like a rape. But my God, she was young. I mean, I was an EARLY bird, but God almighty! The poor thing. She is going to have trouble supporting that child. Maybe they could do a DNA test on the baby to determine who the father is.

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Well one also has to check religious and other beliefs of those tribes we cannot interfere in their way of life if it is considered normal to them. I think so maybe our way of life is not normal to them there is really thing that we cannot conclude which is better also. I would like to point out that we must consider their life span and how long do they live so they have to be young when they have their children, because they wouldn't be able to reproduce.

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Hey,This is quite horrifying that a 9 year old had to mature physically and mentally so harshly. But I guess she must have been raped , I had once read in a news paper a japanese 9 year old too had become a mother. I can agree that there is a high chance of her being raped for nowadays the number of rapes has increased dramatically, I wonder if anybody helped her.There are many cultures where girls as young as 3 or 4 are married off and have sex after they get their first period, The girl might be a toddler adn the man might be a teen of 18-19. It is a gruesome culture, So there is a chance that if the young bride had her periods at the age of 8 she would be a mother by the time is 9 or 10. It scars the mother emotionally and physically as she obviously would not be ready for all of the baggage of a child at the age of 10.

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