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End Of The World

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end of the world.....imminent phemenon that all of us need to prepare for.....for everything has its decay period after which it HAS to perish....the end can arrive ANYTIME.....noone can determine whethter its now or then......and frankly...no amount of preparation or repenting can save us because death comes to all..so might as well just let it come that actually prepare forwhat we cannot evade

i disagree. i think we can definitly change the outcome of the earths existance. nothing is on a set path. sure each humanbeing is going to die eventually but the human race i think can live for longer than what people say it can. if we would drop all conflicts between nations and consentrate on problems with health and environmental issues. we could last alot longer. exploring science would come alot easier. we could possibly terraform mars and start a whole new civilization.
Edited by arza1 (see edit history)

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  arza1 said:

i disagree. i think we can definitly change the outcome of the earths existance. nothing is on a set path. sure each humanbeing is going to die eventually but the human race i think can live for longer than what people say it can. if we would drop all conflicts between nations and consentrate on problems with health and environmental issues. we could last alot longer. exploring science would come alot easier. we could possibly terraform mars and start a whole new civilization.

True, the human race is as resilliant, as it is ignorant. (no offense, am one too :D )
But if people keep closing there eyes for problems or keep being afraid of whats good for them,
this generation will not last for another century.

I personally believe that the hunger for money/power is the cause of all our problems,
we don't even are aware of the fact that there could be nothing left soon to capitalize.

On the other hand, there is a growing number of people who begin to see that 'God' will not decent to save us when this Earth collapse, they want to change the world themselves to save the future of their children, the planet and all living beings on it. I just hope we're not too late.

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The end can happen any time.In the Bible, there is a chapter called revelations. It is full of SYMBOLIC things about how our world will end.It says it will end and Jesus will come when we leaste expect him to.We have no controll over it.And anyways, why are we all so worried about it? We're all going to die anyways.

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At the end, we will have more of everything bad. That's highly apparent now with the rise in crime. There are wars on the brink of being made and teens are behaving even more badly. Worse, the internet can hide these horrible actions! (I don't just mean this for teens, but for everyone!)

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The end can happen any time.
In the Bible, there is a chapter called revelations. It is full of SYMBOLIC things about how our world will end.

It says it will end and Jesus will come when we leaste expect him to.

We have no controll over it.

And anyways, why are we all so worried about it? We're all going to die anyways.

i keep hearing this and i have to say...... this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. god, jesus, allah, the bible or whatever you beleive in has nothing to do with the end of the world. the only thing that does is the things that inhabit it. like us. we have more power than let on. just because someone has told you that there is this fantacy figure that will come to destroy the earth and rescue all good from it doesn't mean it is true. if the world is going to end it is because we are going to let it. it is very possible that we can stop anything that is of threat to the earth. it is just a matter of preparation.

lets see........... global warming. the collection of greenhouse gasses in or atmosphere causing temps to rise over time. easy fix pump just enouh gasses into the air to make our atmosphere weaker, or just stop pumping harmful gasses into the air that are makingi t more dense. know it is going to be impossible to get every single person in the world to be energy efficiant but even if 50% of our pop. was, that would be a huge difference.

ok........ death by comet or astroid. this one is a little more difficult. although we do not have the tech. now to stop an astriod the size of texas. it is very possible to create such a thing. they are now thinking of divises (or ships) that could possibly "tow away" or change the direction of an astroid to avoid a deadly impact.

we even have control over death by nuclear bombs. that is easy. don't use them.

my point is religion has no role in saving the world from distruction. if anything it is just slowing the human race down.

i know what you are thinking......."well without religion everyone will turn evil" people can still be good to each other without religion. you can beleive in good nature and good will without submiting yourself to a fictional being.

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The world isn't going to come to an end anytime soon imo. Those who say "oh the worlds coming to an end, look at all the events around you" should really think. Ten years from now, probably something else disastrous occurs, people will be saying the world is coming to an end. The world will end when its quite obvious, like 10 seconds b4 it happens.If an Ice Age did occur, I think man and the world would survive, like it did in the last one before. To tow away a planet i dont think would be possible, and would probably result in consequences on earth itself more than helping i think.I don't think religion is slowing the world down. Religion gives people something to believe in, supposedly according to a study, those who pray become happier too. Religious views can be found all around us. Don't kill people is a law, and can be found in the 10 commandments, etc. Religion has played an important part in the growth of the world i think. Good and evil are a point of view

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i will have to agree with you when you say religion has set the foundation of our laws and community as a whole. but i think it is about time to let the things go that are keeping us from advancing. like the block stimcell research. why shouldn't we advance. like holy wars or even wars in general. they happen all the time. religion is sticking its nose n places where it doesn't belong. the are conflicts starting in politics because groups of christians don'tlike the path that nonbeleivers are taking. the only reason why we can't reseach on stimcells is because half of the government is christian. what is silly is it couldn't happen the other way around.if an aithiest spoke up and said well you know i don't like the fact that 'god' is in the pledge to the flag. they wouldn't even think twice before refusing to take action.religion is playing to big of a role in the world. people can beleive in something other than religion to make them happy. how about each other. or would that just make too much sense.do you know how easy it would be for me to create a theroy of how the world came about and is going to end by using fantacy characters. the only reason why people 'beleive' in corrupt religions like chritianity and others is because generations and generations before them did. i can almost garantee that 90% of christians have christian parents and grandparents. i don't know this for a fact but it is a good guess.

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  arza1 said:

i keep hearing this and i have to say...... this is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. god, jesus, allah, the bible or whatever you beleive in has nothing to do with the end of the world. the only thing that does is the things that inhabit it. like us. we have more power than let on. just because someone has told you that there is this fantacy figure that will come to destroy the earth and rescue all good from it doesn't mean it is true. if the world is going to end it is because we are going to let it. it is very possible that we can stop anything that is of threat to the earth. it is just a matter of preparation.

First of all, you should capitalize the first letter of eacho of the important religious figures, weather you believe in them or not :P sorry, that is just my OCD.


And obviously, you have never read the Bible, or did not understand it, or you would be quite familiar with the chapter of Revalations, which is DEVOTED to the end of the Earth. And just because you don't believe in a God, or other divine being, doesn't mean there isn't one; take a look at your sig. :P And honestly, how can you say we got here by our selfs? Things don't come out of no where. not in this universe. it's physically im possible. so how do you suppose we are going to let it all go by our selfs? Don't bash my religon. And no. eventually, a force no matter what it is will come and kill us all, weather it be God, an astroid, Global warming, ice age, you name it. We as humans have these things called limits.




lets see........... global warming. the collection of greenhouse gasses in or atmosphere causing temps to rise over time. easy fix pump just enouh gasses into the air to make our atmosphere weaker, or just stop pumping harmful gasses into the air that are makingi t more dense. know it is going to be impossible to get every single person in the world to be energy efficiant but even if 50% of our pop. was, that would be a huge difference.


Good luck with that. It costs thousands of dollars to get appliences that we use everyday replaced. And if you live in america, even in the projects, you live in the top 2% of the ricest people in the world. most of the world lives in polverty, and more than 50% of the world lives a basic, primitive life styles. So basicly its us americans that are screwing it all up. And anyways, over the past century i believe, it says mean tempratures have only risen by one degree. Forget Al Gore and everything he says.



ok........ death by comet or astroid. this one is a little more difficult. although we do not have the tech. now to stop an astriod the size of texas. it is very possible to create such a thing. they are now thinking of divises (or ships) that could possibly "tow away" or change the direction of an astroid to avoid a deadly impact.

You are the most unrealistic thinker i have ever seen. We can't even go to mars yet, so what makes you think that we can to away massive armigeddin sized astroids? They say the next massive astroid is supposed to come in 2036. We don't have the time to build something like that.



we even have control over death by nuclear bombs. that is easy. don't use them.


Weren't you alive during the Cold War, were you. We don't always have that choice. There is always going to be some crazy @$$ communist dictator out there, who is bent on destruction, and to expand his empire, will use the threat of nuclear warfare. And of course, there will always be that free thinker who decides to rebel.



my point is religion has no role in saving the world from distruction. if anything it is just slowing the human race down.

I never said it did. Maybe if you take the time to actually READ my post, and understand it, you will not say such foolish things.



i know what you are thinking......."well without religion everyone will turn evil" people can still be good to each other without religion. you can beleive in good nature and good will without submiting yourself to a fictional being.

No, because i know many atheists who are quite honorable citizens. And you do not know if the being is fictional or not, you will not know untill we pass away, so just keep your mouth closed, and we'll all be happy, mkay?

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Sorry, I just had to respond to a particular part of Mermaid's post when I read it.

  Mermaid711 said:

Weren't you alive during the Cold War, were you. We don't always have that choice. There is always going to be some crazy @$$ communist dictator out there, who is bent on destruction, and to expand his empire, will use the threat of nuclear warfare. And of course, there will always be that free thinker who decides to rebel.

Girl, I don't think you were alive during the Cold War since you say you just turned 13 this year, and yes, there is always a choice not to use them. That was the whole "Bay of Pigs" thing off the coast of Cuba. Communists aren't the only ones with nuclear warheads. In fact, the only country to actually use the atomic bomb was a capitalist country. :P That's right, it was America, and Truman got a little eager and pushed the button twice in the space of a few days without waiting for a report on the actual effects of it. Nagasaki didn't need to be bombed. Not that Hiroshima should have been since most historians believe that the war was already coming to a close and there were signs that Japan would surrender soon, but I guess it wasn't quick enough for Truman.
As to when or how the world will end, I will defer to T.S. Eliot's "The Hollow Men,"

This is the way the world endsThis is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
~T.S. Eliot (1925)

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And obviously, you have never read the Bible, or did not understand it, or you would be quite familiar with the chapter of Revalations, which is DEVOTED to the end of the Earth. And just because you don't believe in a God, or other divine being, doesn't mean there isn't one; take a look at your sig. :P And honestly, how can you say we got here by our selfs? Things don't come out of no where. not in this universe. it's physically im possible. so how do you suppose we are going to let it all go by our selfs? Don't bash my religon. And no. eventually, a force no matter what it is will come and kill us all, weather it be God, an astroid, Global warming, ice age, you name it. We as humans have these things called limits.

yes i have read the revalations, and yes it does speck of the end of the world in some vaig symbolic manner. yes my beleif is that there isn't a god. and yes it is possible that matter is created out of nowhere. the 'matter may not be created nor desroyed' law does not exist any more. they still teach it in school but it has been proven wrong. you are right about my sig. and you are right that i cannot prove that god doesn't exist. but i can decide to say " hey you know what this god business sounds silly as *BLEEP*". and as a idividual i am aloud to speak my mind and bash anyones religion that i please. there is no doubt that the human race will die eventually but there is nothing stopping us from pulling our heads out of our asses and trying to make that day not come for a while. we should give up all of these materials like money or even the money system.



You are the most unrealistic thinker i have ever seen. We can't even go to mars yet, so what makes you think that we can to away massive armigeddin sized astroids? They say the next massive astroid is supposed to come in 2036. We don't have the time to build something like that.

how in the world is that unrealistic. god is unrealistic. making a divise to change the path of an astroid is not. we could do it from miles and miles away from earth. using a neclear bomb. and just because the towing idea hasn't been made doesn't mean it isn't possible.



I never said it did. Maybe if you take the time to actually READ my post, and understand it, you will not say such foolish things.

i never asumed that you did. i was just throwing a point in there.



No, because i know many atheists who are quite honorable citizens. And you do not know if the being is fictional or not, you will not know untill we pass away, so just keep your mouth closed, and we'll all be happy, mkay?

:P so wait. you believe in the higher being. and you are saying that i won't know until we pass away.


ok so i am assuming that you have passed away. and you know for sure that there is a god. well damn i guess i was wrong. :P


what you are going to say is...... 'no i have faith and i beleive and blah blah blah'. well it seems to me by you aproach that you are for sure. and that i am just some dumb person that hasn't been able to grasp the consept of god. and that i will come around. and i will see whenever i am sent to hell for not beleiving. i hear this al the time contadicting staments coming from religion. religon is supposed to bring happyness into peoples lives but it only bring coruption. what i mean is people think they are better just because they beleive in god. they think they have the ticket to their heaven and people who don't beleive are going to be left behind while they advance.



Girl, I don't think you were alive during the Cold War since you say you just turned 13 this year, and yes, there is always a choice not to use them. That was the whole "Bay of Pigs" thing off the coast of Cuba. Communists aren't the only ones with nuclear warheads. In fact, the only country to actually use the atomic bomb was a capitalist country. :P That's right, it was America, and Truman got a little eager and pushed the button twice in the space of a few days without waiting for a report on the actual effects of it. Nagasaki didn't need to be bombed. Not that Hiroshima should have been since most historians believe that the war was already coming to a close and there were signs that Japan would surrender soon, but I guess it wasn't quick enough for Truman.

no neither of us where. alive that is. and thank you for backing me up. someone knows there history.
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Its possible to predict a large asteroid, that would destroy everything, hitting us, so in some way its sorta predictable :P

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