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Need Help On How To Host 6 Domains

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Hi guys,I need your openion on how best to host 6 domains in my Xisto account.Currently, I have a forum and Mambo site hosted on the Xisto subdomain lawmatchmaker.Trap17.com. I purchased a new domain name for ithe mambo and forum toplawfirm.us and I decided to tie the new domain name to my Xisto sub domain using the Xinto processes page.1)My first question, is would that work and also if the Xinto processes page is up and working again as when I tried to register the new domain there was a password error?2)I purchases another new 5 domain names I'll call them D1 to D5. If I also want to host all 5 domain names D1-D5 on the same Xisto account, and they all will have different websites associated with each of the domain names,should I use the add domain feature in cpanal for D1 to D5 instead of park domain?3)Is it true that park domains will be indexed by search engines not as individual websites but just as my Xisto main website? How will the search engines index them if I use addon domain instead, as seperate websites ?I hope my questions are clear, thanks in advance guys.

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1)My first question, is would that work and also if the Xinto processes page is up and working again as when I tried to register the new domain there was a password error?

Once the Process page is working again, yes you can go and change your domain name tied to your hosting accout with appropriate credits.

2)I purchases another new 5 domain names I'll call them D1 to D5. If I also want to host all 5 domain names D1-D5 on the same Xisto account, and they all will have different websites associated with each of the domain names,should I use the add domain feature in cpanal for D1 to D5 instead of park domain?

Add on domain would be your choice of selection. Add-on domain will create individual sub-folders under your public_html folder, and they can have individual files with appropriate URL address, i.e. D1.com instead of lawmatchmaker.trap17.com/D1...etc. Your visitor will never know the difference. Parking other domains to your hosting will make it to share one index page with all other domains. This is useful when you have the same domain name with different extensions, i.e. D1.com, D1.net, D1.org to show the same index page. Parking a domain name is used also to redirect old domain name to new domain name.

3)Is it true that park domains will be indexed by search engines not as individual websites but just as my Xisto main website? How will the search engines index them if I use addon domain instead, as seperate websites ?

This is the first time I'm hearing about this since web crawlers are changing just about everyday how it is searching. However, you can use robots.txt to limit the web crawlers to cache or uncache certain folders. For more on robots.txt, please search the web, Xisto forum or create a new topic.

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admin buff explained it very clearly, and is hereby resolved. closed.

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