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My Suspended Account

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I was going to update my website and just discovered my account has been suspended. I was not notified and have no idea why. I still have more than 48 credit days so this isn't the reason. Why is my account suspended?

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The suspended reason for your site is because of massive spam email that was originated from your site.If this is not your case, please contact the server admin at xisto.com/helpdesk and send your case. The server admin has suspended your account and only server admin should un-suspend your account.If you did not send out massive spam emails, check your codes to see if there's a bug in sending mails out.

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We recieved complaints against your site regarding this as a result this action was taken.

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And I can tell you who made the complaint, Charles Heflin. Why? Because I uncovered illegal activities by him as well as massive amounts of Copyright infringement. I have notified all the copyright holders of his actions and have files a report with the Internet Crime Complaint Center, a branch of the FBI. I was using my website to warn others of the fraud, complete with documentation, being perpetrated by this person. Also, a file with complete documentation was stored at my website so it would be available the IC3.Heflin has threatened many times to shut me down because I blew the whistle on him. It looks like he has finally succeeded in doing that. Yes, he set me up pretty good. I don't sell anything at my website. There is no reason to send out any email period, let alone spam. If it's as easy as making a false report to Xisto to get an account terminated, I feel sorry for other people here when a person conspires against you with malice. It's also sad when a hosting company, such as Xisto, indirectly supports people who infringe copyrights, commits fraud and profit through illegal activities.

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True2Earn: i understand where you are coming from about taking the word of someone who indirectly supports people who infringe copyrights, commits fraud and profit through illegal activities. BUT, ask yourself how the Admin whom this complaint was sent to would know that this Charles Heflin had illegal copyrighted content on their website... i am sure that when Charles Heflin sent the e-mail to the xisto network that he did not include a link to his website so the xisto admin could not have known that.and the action that was taken was the safest action that could have been taken... If you were to offer free e-mail services from your website, and you recieved a complaint from someone that ______@yoursite.com was sending pornoraphic spam e-mails from your e-mail service, and it was against your TOS or rules, what would you do? just let this person keep his e-mail account until you can get ahold of him and talk to him about the problem, for all you know he will never respond to e-mails or IM's and continue to send these spam e-mail... so the logical thing to do would be to temporarily suspend the account until the person who was doing the wrong can come online and argue the case with the administrator of the site...that is basicly what the xisto admin did....

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Who said anything about pornographic spam? There was never any porno sent from my account, period. And this can be verified if the admin felt like revealing the info. Anyway, it has been four days and there still is no response whatsoever from the Xisto Help Desk. It appears that customer service is a weak point of the company. I might as well write off Xisto and not get paid hosting with this company. They would probably ignore any inquiries from paid accounts like they do with free ones.At any rate, I've came to an agreement with the "certain person" who has been causing me problems: I pretend he don't exist and forget all about him and he'll do the same.

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I apologize for delay of my response.

Although site admin will have genuine reason(s) why your account was to be suspended, I would also consider that supporting Xisto hosted member is also in serious ranking on the list. Therefore, I made override on server admin's suspension and reanimated your account.

Changing shell for **********Shell changed.
Unlocking password for user **********
passwd: Success.
Unsuspending email account logins for true2earn.com .... Done
Unsuspending email account logins for blabbo.info .... Done
Unsuspending FTP accounts...
Updating ftp passwords for ***********
Ftp password files updated.
Ftp vhost passwords synch
**********'s account is now active

This is under one condition that you double check your script and two domain user(s) that your mailing function/script isn't faulty. Double check that you are not sending out what *might* be considered as spam or mass emailing. If this would to happen again, you have to wait until Xisto's complete investigation.

Thank you for your patience, True2Earn. You are now free to dominate the WWW world :)

PS. Your dissatisfaction of quick resolution regards to this matter is duely noted. However, we are trying to bring the very best of our Xisto Free Web Hosting, No Ads service to you as best as we can. Please understand and respect our services with your kind words.

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Maybe it should be I who should apologize. I should have been a bit more mature and not "go off" like I may have done. At any rate, I thank you BH. I also think that I should sift through everything and delete whatever there is that is not necessary to maintain my blog (and change the password, just in case).

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Topic resolved and now closed.Just a quick question, True2Earn are you able to view your website? Your domain does not show any page and I'm not sure if the suspension is still in effect. Please PM me with your reply.

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