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Science V Religion

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Sorry if this may have been brought in the past, but it hasnt been up as of late, and I thought I might start the discussion or get your thoughts on this.I've been born a catholic, but a non-practising one. To be honest, I only attend church about twice a year (Easter/Christmas). Personally, I think there is nothing that any religion has to offer. Is god is a mere word? a word that gives great amount of hope to people when needed. Because by the sound of it, 'God' could be just a world that implies 'hope' to many people, nothing more. After recent events from many religions, I feel that religion is looking like its all talk and no walk.Science on the the other hand has proven many things, but still has yet to prove many other things. It is also a ongoing 'experiment' which in some way makes sense.Overall, whether we like it or not, religion is there for a balance view (although it may not be like that at times).What are your thoughts? (for science, religion or both?)

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I'm for both. They both work well together, most of the time. Infact, many scientists were of an Abrahamic religion. I like to mention, science is here to answer the question: "How did God do it?" Also, if science didn't try to put religion to the test, we would lack knowledge in some areas.As for some 'talking' more than 'walking', like always, you can't blame everyone for other's actions. There are plenty of people in religious groups doing as much 'walking' as they are 'talking'.

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im guessing when you say sience, you mean the theory of evoloution?for me, it is hard to say, lol i do believe in god, and that he did play a role in creating the universe please note i said the universe, not the people in it... i believe that evoloutlion played the role in making people here on the planet earth, and lord knows maybe somewhere else... but i do not believe that god said, let there be people and poof there were adam and eve...lol because how would you explain the different colors of people now adays? its evoloutlion....i know some people may say "But maybe the kin of adam and eve evolved over time to be different colors" but that is not scientificly possible, there is genetics to play with here...if two white people get together and have kids, unless both of both of their parents (parents? what parents? they are te first people on earth) had a recessive trait for being african american, then, but since it is said that they were both white, im guessing they were both homozygous dominate (meaning all of their traits were white and no other color) then all of the kin would come out white, and from their kin on the same thing would happen....where with science, you can clearly look at the DNA stran of an Ape, and a human, and compare them...there aren't that many differences in the amin acids/nitrogen bases... so clearley we evolved from apes, or apes evolved from us, but it is most likely we evolved from apes.....so like i said before, i believe god created th euniverse, and life took its own course in creating itself

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im guessing when you say sience, you mean the theory of evoloution?
for me, it is hard to say, lol i do believe in god, and that he did play a role in creating the universe please note i said the universe, not the people in it... i believe that evoloutlion played the role in making people here on the planet earth, and lord knows maybe somewhere else... but i do not believe that god said, let there be people and poof there were adam and eve...lol because how would you explain the different colors of people now adays? its evoloutlion....

i know some people may say "But maybe the kin of adam and eve evolved over time to be different colors" but that is not scientificly possible, there is genetics to play with here...if two white people get together and have kids, unless both of both of their parents (parents? what parents? they are te first people on earth) had a recessive trait for being african american, then, but since it is said that they were both white, im guessing they were both homozygous dominate (meaning all of their traits were white and no other color) then all of the kin would come out white, and from their kin on the same thing would happen....

where with science, you can clearly look at the DNA stran of an Ape, and a human, and compare them...there aren't that many differences in the amin acids/nitrogen bases... so clearley we evolved from apes, or apes evolved from us, but it is most likely we evolved from apes.....
so like i said before, i believe god created th euniverse, and life took its own course in creating itself

there are people who havn't color , and it caused by a defomation the DNA , so if we suppose that eve and adam were white the colore black wouldn't be never , but if we suppose that eve or adam were black there are a posibility for there children to be black and after a time will be different collor from "mixture" .

for the religion Vs science ??

i thing the religions give to man the way to how live to be in the paradise after death , at least as i know the islam as the last religion and the most protected religion by the god, it give the way to live with respects and with all rights for human , and the god tell us in it , that we have to discover sciences and even we get a highest level in science always there are a higher level , so the religion give us the posibility and the oblgity to discover sciences , !! and the scientifics are the most religious people i thing because they see some reaction and some fact , and they know that the only way to this fact can be , is the existence of god .
i think the religion => sciences and sciences => religieon , so we can't unlink religion and sciences .

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Hey! This is a fascinating topic which has fascinated me all these years.This world is a developing one and the development in the field of science is more than any other field. Science it one of the most supreme subjects and philosophy is another.Many great men of the world gave too many gifts through both science and religion.I am a catholic and I firmly believe in God.But I also undertake extensive studies in Science.I keep them separate.None of these can define the other.So I don?t comment on Science vs. Religion!

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i believe that evoloutlion played the role in making people here on the planet earth, and lord knows maybe somewhere else... but i do not believe that god said, let there be people and poof there were adam and eve...lol because how would you explain the different colors of people now adays?

Good question! However, i like to point out a few things, and even declare a theory. Although, this theory of mine can't/may not be proven, many other theories are out there that can't/may not be proven either, yet they continue to keep alive. So, why not one more? :) Anyways, moving on...
One thing i gotta point out, God said, let there be [this], and boom a universe came into existence, so why can't the same thing happen for humans, only without the boom :( ? According to the theory of evolution, monkeys would have to had come first. Now, that would mean, God would have to have said something for monkeys to come into existence. Now, i ask, what's so hard about creating humans through the word, if everything else can be created through the word?

Ok, now for my theory, in hopes to provide something for your question. Although, there is no proof of what kind of skin color Adam or Eve had, that does not mean, they were both caucasian, even if many Bible movies show them both as caucasian. If either one had dark(er) skin, over a period of time, the possibility of genetic diversity can occur. You may declare this as evolution if you want. But, it has nothing to do with monkeys. :(

Hope this is helpful.
Edited by truefusion (see edit history)

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Religion was the tool that brought mankind to civilized exsitance. Science is the vehicle we ride into future  exsistance

Indeed the universe as we see it can be beautiful, even to the point of amazement, but everyday science steps closer to understanding how it all came to be, while religion loses its grip on the meaning of our personal exsistance. As a history of the human race, once nearly everything we observed in this world was intimately connected to God, from the sun rising to volcanos exploding. Of course those times are long past, and we can no longer believe in those things anymore.

As the decades and centuries wear on, our current views on religion will seem as unbelievable to future humans as we now view the earlier primitive views on a "God"  type of  entity

Science has no use for followers, war, or weekly sacrifice, without those three things though, religion cannot survive

-reply by ChickenBiskets


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