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Idea For A Overunity/perpetual Motion Device Though I know it probably wont work

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Well, though a way for such things has never been discovered, I'm giving my idea for a perpetual motion device, though it was originally thought up as a device for overunity.It's pretty simple - attatch a generator directly to an electric motor, then run a cord to the electric motor, and hand crank the generator to start it.Anyone else have an idea for a perpetual motion device?

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I don't think that would work as energy would be transferred to heat (via friction) and sound inside the generator. This would mean that you would run out of energy in the system so it would eventually stop. This is similar to the theory of a solar panel powering a light bulb, but obviously the light bulb gives off heat energy which is not taken up by the solar panel.

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rvalkass is right, friction in the system would eventually stop it. No offense but so many poeple have tried inventing a perpetual motion device that I doubt whether it is at all possible with current technology and I doubt whether it'll be developped on this board lol. In my opinion if you're trying to develop a perpetual motion device your best bet probably involves vacuums, superconductors and magnetic fields. but as I said before... many many poeple have tried and failed... I doubt somebody on here will succeed, of course I could be wrong :)

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They've already succeeded - in space that is. Every satillite in space is in perpetual motion. It's impossible to do it here on earth, I belive. Somebody said it in the Mythbusters forums over at the discovery channel, and those who post there are usually very smart people, but sometimes not.

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i thought perpetual motion on earth was already created with that box that had hinges on the edges. I saw a demonstration, but it could have just been powered by electricity to show a theoretical idea.

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They've already succeeded - in space that is. Every satillite in space is in perpetual motion. It's impossible to do it here on earth, I belive. Somebody said it in the Mythbusters forums over at the discovery channel, and those who post there are usually very smart people, but sometimes not.

Before I even read your reply I was going to say gravity and orbit, though I hesitated and still am unsure of this because gravity is the same as falling towards something slowly while circling it, and satellites will eventually collide with something unless some other force moves them away from the planet/gravitational pull they are orbiting.

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The satellites in space use solar panels to gather power to correct their orbits, otherwise they would crash, thus since they use an external power source they are not a "perpetum mobile". In theory yes, every satellite is a perptual motion device but as so often, reality and theory don't quite match.

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Well, though a way for such things has never been discovered, I'm giving my idea for a perpetual motion device, though it was originally thought up as a device for overunity.
It's pretty simple - attatch a generator directly to an electric motor, then run a cord to the electric motor, and hand crank the generator to start it.

Anyone else have an idea for a perpetual motion device?

Yes this idea is pretty simple, the biggest thing that will stop it is the efficiency of the motor and generator. While motors and generators are fairly efficient, they are not 100% efficient, due to friction mainly. To explain this in basic terms, let's assume both the motor and generator have an efficiency of 90%, I think it is actually less than this but it will do for this example.

Let's assume the motor consumes 1000 watts and the generator output is 1000 watts. Sounds like a nice balance doesn't it?

The fact is, due to being 90% efficient, the generator will require a motor of around 1100 watts to to drive it sufficiently for it to output 1000 watts. So now we need a bigger motor to drive the generator, but wait a minute, as the motor is also 90% efficient, we need around 1200 watt motor to drive the generator. That means we need a bigger generator to drive the bigger motor, which means we need a bigger motor to drive the bigger generator... ARGH! See the problem with this idea?

If both the generator and motor were 100% efficient, this might work, but alas, that is not the case.

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... and it never will be. Even things in space don't move indefinately (they could, in theory, but they don't). The pull of gravity from stars and planets can either slow down or speed up their movement, and objects in space (even just space dust) will slow it down. If there was a perfectly empty vacuum, however, then yes, said object in space would move indefinately.

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Idea For A Overunity/perpetual Motion Device


Replying to Tetracahas any one ever thought to put the moter round the generator so they are as one iam sure this will solve the problem


-reply by ronald brown

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Satellites are not perpetual motion devices, they just look like it.

When a body orbits the earth it is essentially falling due to the force of gravity. Think if it like this. When you throw a ball it falls to the ground in an arc. Now, what if you could throw the ball so hard that the arc matched the curve of the earth? It would be falling but it would never hit the ground. Of course the horizontal component of velocity would be lost due to friction in the air but if you did the same thing in space there would be (almost) nothing to counteract it and you would have a satellite. 

In reality there is "dust" in space in the form of micrometeorites so even though they are tiny when a satellite strikes them a tiny amount of that horizontal vector of energy is lost.  Eventually all satellites will fall out of orbit, unless they have engines to help maintain thier orbit.

Now here is something that will really blow your noodle. A wire passing through a magnetic field will generate a weak current. The earth is surrounded by a magnetic field. So if you put a wire coil inside a satellite and aligned it correctly with the earth?s magnetic field it would generate electricity as it orbits. Wow! A perpetual motion device! Sorry not quite. It takes mechanical energy to force the wire through a magnetic field and convert it to electricity. The mechanical energy to push the wire through the magnetic field would come from the horizontal component of force in the satellites orbit, slowing it down and eventually causing it to crash back into the earth.

I can desing a perpetual motion device on paper and provide sound math but the problem is that all systems have points where energy is lost.  Once you factor in these points of loss; friction, sound, heat, collisions, air resistance, etc. The desings all come to a halt.

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idea on perpetual motion deviceIdea For A Overunity/perpetual Motion Device

well I have thought of this topic before and have something quite similar to yours.

1. A moving platform that is powered by friction panels, as the platform moves it runs over Numerous panels that absorb friction as power then the power is used to run the moving platform.

2.Two magnets moving in cricular motion. As they move circularly the poles of the magnets repel Each other accurately enableing the magnet to continue spinning.

3. A satelite above earth attached with solar panels. Since the satelite  never goes on the night side of the earth it can forever generate power.

4. 2 solar panels on one object. One solar panel powers the object while another one stores Energy into some kind of batery in the object. So when night comes the stored energy is used and When day comes the solar energy is used.

5.Waves. I might be wrong but I think waves in the ocean are constantly in motion. If so a device Could be made to use this motion as energy or power

I'm not sure if any of these are possible. I'm only 14 years old afterall and they are just my logical thoughts. I don't know if the energy produced is sufficient for perpetual motion.

-reply by person person

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Perpetual BallsIdea For A Overunity/perpetual Motion DeviceThis concept revolves around those clanking steel balls that swing on strings found at Spencer's gift stores. Watch them smash into the row of balls and see the last one on the other end magically bounce away. Only problem, the bounce becomes less and less until they cease.If there were three very heavy balls situated on a carjack-like device, heavy-duty of course, and they ratcheted up several inches on each swing, the swing would become shorter, more violent and thus keep going as strong as the first collision. When they reached the max height, they would simultaneously fall and the odd ball out would resume swinging in a wider arc..Smashing into the other two again at a similar violent pressure, enabling the process to start all over again.When these girder-like arms fall, the force would be geared to spinning flywheels capable of rotating an electric generator, not unlike degenerative brakes.-reply by Les McDonald

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