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No Php Pages Working

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Hi people!I just noticed that none of my php pages are working, they dont have any source so arent sending anythnig to the browser which is strange as it seems like they are working on the server because they are detecting if someone is logged in and redirecting accordingly but theres just no soruce code and no page showing up. My HTML pages seem to be working ok but my site is dependant on php :) Any ideas to the problem or just the server being difficult like computers do?Thanksps ive tried in IE and firefox and cleared my cache, thought id try the obvious first!

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when you view source before your page is completely loaded, it would often give you a blank or incomplete source code. see to it that you have your page fully loaded before viewing source.

your site is shadows.trap17.com? try to optimize your images: the background.bmp is 324.05 KB (331830 bytes) when i loaded it -- and simply too large for a single color background. you can optimize your code as well to do away with background images by simply using background colors for your tables/cells/etc. these images slow down your page (and it sure did slow me down, since i was on dialup).

i was not able to test your module pages in php yet to see if they are working (as linked from your menu: Photos from the prom, Old piccys of us, Random pics, etc.) since i have a bad dialup connection at the moment.

btw, did you code your php yourself or is it a premade CMS/script you simply uploaded and installed? that may help us figure more solutions to your situation.

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The shoutbox works and it looks like everything's hosted on your site. (I'm "HHH" with the message "*__*" btw) so there's doesn't seem to be anything wrong from Xisto's side as it all works for me.


Are you sure it's not your problem or many it was just a temporary downage.

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i shall take a peek at reducing the image sizes and such now im on half term ive got a chance :)i wrote it all myself but it was working fine before this. ive just tried loading the index.php several times and still nothingit seems that if you guys can see it all working maybe its my PC or ISP i shall try on another computer in the house and add the results as an edit, see if that will help find the problem**EDIT**I tried it on the other computer and it did work properly so it must be a problem with my laptop.Any ideas?

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The problem is still there so does anyone have any idea as to what it is? atleast if i know what it is i have a chance of solving the problem?Anyone? i really cant think fo what it is because its only my laptop thats having the problem, its strange so any help would be great Edited by shadowx (see edit history)

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