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Check Your Main Email In Trap17 Account There might be tons of email that used up your webspace (50%) in my ca

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This is to bring an important notice to all the hosted members who use Xisto email services here. Especially those who are having sub-domain from Xisto. I do have the same account. I added-on one domain and I used to check my email from that domain only. But I've never bothered to check my email in the sub-domain.trap17.com. It has been a year and there are around a staggering 4567 emails in the inbox which occupy about 75 MB webspace. Since the email is associated with there is no limit to the email inbox storage capacity. The problem is anything@your-sub-domain.trap17.com will reach this primary email inbox. And in a year it could amass like this.


I was prompted to look all ways possible as I was running out of disk space and was desperate how to overcome the problem. So, I started checking the disk space usage and found that no folders are using much space and couldn't figure out the problem. But when I check the main email it took me 30 minutes to delete all the spam emails.


If you have the same problem the following is the tip:

Tip on deleting emails from your inbox:

Before deleting one by one firstly you may increase the number of display at one page by going to OPTIONS whithin the email > Display information > Number of post to display > it will be 15 by default but you could change upto 300. But if you do INBOX-TRASH too will exceed the disk space alloted and you won't be able to delete all. What you must do is after you delete twice or thrice from the inbox also PURGE the INBOX-TRASH in the left menu. This way you will be able to delete all the messages.


After deleting those emails from the main email ID my account has almost 50% free webspace out of 150MB alloted space.


I hope this is useful at least for some members.

Edited by Dragonfly (see edit history)

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But you have to make this email account, isn?t it? I mean... it?s not something that generates automatically when you receive the hosting... only to know if I?m supposed to have one (which I don?t think but...).

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There is a default account set up with your main account and each of your subdomains automatically. You can check in the "Default E-mail account" section of your cpanel to see how many you have. I am sure there's probably a way to delete them. Since I don't give out those addresses and have never planned on using any of them, I have them all set up to forward all incoming messages that I might get to a gmail account. "Aliases / Forwarding" is the section you should check out to set that up.

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Before deleting one by one firstly you may increase the number of display at one page by going to OPTIONS whithin the email > Display information > Number of post to display > it will be 15 by default but you could change upto 300. But if you do INBOX-TRASH too will exceed the disk space alloted and you won't be able to delete all. What you must do is after you delete twice or thrice from the inbox also PURGE the INBOX-TRASH in the left menu. This way you will be able to delete all the messages.After deleting those emails from the main email ID my account has almost 50% free webspace out of 150MB alloted space.
I hope this is useful at least for some members.

another tip for those that are in your situation would be to mark all the spam emails as spam so the emails don't add up so fast in the future. this should be done before you delete and purge. also, do this before you use your email client such as outlook express.

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Well thats funny, you should enable the spam catcher or box trapper or something like that that requires little settings to change and stuff. You can do this in Cpanel, and set a quota for your other e-mail accounts, and get rid of the un-routed e-mail and set it to a un-default, so make it give errors if somebody types the wrong e-mail.Sorry this is jumbled and stuff.

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So, I have never set up an e-mail account here, but are you saying that Trap 17 automatically set them up for me? Anything that I receive in that default box will be taking up space from my alloted 150MB account?


I see a folder in my file manager titled Mail and when I click on it there are two sub-folders that are present there that I didn't create and a file titled inbox that is taking up 2168K. Hmm, where can that be from when I have never set up any mail here? The two folders are empty. Can I delete them? When I view the inbox file, it contains spam mail. What happens if I delete the inbox file? What is going on here? How can this be? I am greatly confused? I have never used the E-mail Management Tools. Do I have to use this to accomplish removing the not needed or undesired boxes. I DO NOT WANT TO RECEIVE MAIL HERE.

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Well thats funny, you should enable the spam catcher or box trapper or something like that that requires little settings to change and stuff. You can do this in Cpanel, and set a quota for your other e-mail accounts, and get rid of the un-routed e-mail and set it to a un-default, so make it give errors if somebody types the wrong e-mail.
Sorry this is jumbled and stuff.

i hate spam filters. they will delete some WANTED mail. once in a blue moon, but when you're expecting an email and never get it, it's frustrating. why i like to set my own filters or just marking emails as spam. you still get spam this way, but usually, they are much easier to mark and delete in one shot. you have to go through that extra hassle if you want a clear mind you're getting all the emails you were expecting to get

mich- i believe they are automatically created when you create your subaccounts...and your main email address was created when your website was created. check in to your account/s through cpanel there are 2-3 email readers i believe that you can use to do this through your cpanel

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My email accounts never recieved unwanted mail. I have had my account since november. I used it for my site and stopped checking the mail in January. I just checked it and I only had 16 messages which were all for my site. Or most of them were...only a couple were spam and that is expected.

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So I went in my cPanel to Mail, deleted and purged everything that was in the inbox and placed

:fail: No Such User Here

in all the e-mail directives including the default. Now I shouldn't receive anymore e-mail here, right? And I won't have unwanted mail taking up my space? :)

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This topic has been useful to me. Till today I have been getting more than 20 emails per day in the main email account and around 5 in sub-domain email account which I need to set as it gives an authentic email ID as the owner of the domain and sub-domain. It is a pride to have email@our_own_domain.com and this is possible due to the generosity of Xisto. I don't get any much spam emails in my paid hosting account, which surprises me though. After reading post by post now I am deciding which way is the best to keep my webspace free of emails.

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This topic has been useful to me. Till today I have been getting more than 20 emails per day in the main email account and around 5 in sub-domain email account which I need to set as it gives an authentic email ID as the owner of the domain and sub-domain.

Well, I am SO GLAD you brought this to people's attention. What I did has worked fine and I don't get any more e-mail here at all now. Since I didn't know the mail boxes were set up automatically, I didn't know they even existed. I can just imagine how much space all that spam would have taken up over time if I had never check out those folders. Thanks to your informative post, the problem was solved and I have recovered some disk space.


Thanks for your attention to detail.

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