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Brian Gillingham

Brainwashed Groups

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vegetarians are more brainwashed than meat eaters. meat eaters don't go around shunning vegtables. Meat eaters eat both vegtables AND meat.
In case you people didn't know, humans are built to eat both meat and vegtables. Which is why we are called OMNIVORES. We are not meant to eat JUST vegtables or just meat.

The problem with people and society today is that everyone always takes things to EXTREMES. When people hear something is good for them, they will only eat that one thing. Or when they say something is bad, they will cut it out of their diet entirely. This is RETARDED.

People are meant to eat BALANCED diets. Eat your veggies, meat, fruits, and grains.

Who is more brainwashed? You'd say that it is me - a vegetarian... who, at his own will (which is a key to not being brainwashed), researched the matter and came to these conclusions.

You meat eaters eat everything... that's right. You are just fooled into thinking that it is good for you. That's where the brainwashing comes in. Nearly all facts indicate that any human diet that contains meat is not as good as a vegetarian. If you believe what they tell you - you are brainwashed, that's all. So, do you really believe that meat is good -- high protein is better -- milk, at least two full glasses a day... I could go on...

You say that a balanced diet is good. Here we agree - well, almost agree. Everything but the meat makes a very nice balance (but brainwashing has told you that the pyramid must contain a meat component, eh?).

There seems to be absolutely no nutritional evidence brought forth by any of you pro-meat people, so I conclude that meat eaters ARE brainwashed - to one degree or another.

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I really get worked up whenever I am exposed to people who are brainwashed - and don't even know it.


Here's my short list of groups that I believe to be brainwashed:

Meat Eaters - believe that they need that much protein.

Religious Followers (any religion) - all of them are cult members.

Republicans - conservatives? They are not conservative when it comes to burning gas, or taking care of the environment.

White Men - even though they can't admit it, they assume to be better than everybody else.

SUV drivers - they actually think that they need their large vehicle. How many times do I see a single person driving any SUV; it makes me want to cry.

Capitalists - when they believe that profit is the most important driving force in our dynamic world.

Hmmph... it looks like I just described my dad.


Where is your proof on any of these statements??? I like how you make a statement that is backed up with NO facts at all and then try to tell everyone they are wrong lol! Let me see


Meat Eaters - believe that they need that much protein. = Taste alot better to me then eating grass!


Religious Followers (any religion) - all of them are cult members. = TRUE


Republicans - conservatives? They are not conservative when it comes to burning gas, or taking care of the environment. = Brian forgets that the Democrats have been in charge of the country as well and are just as guilty as the Republicans! Be smart and dont vote along party lines. Vote for who has the same view as you and hope that he or she wins! It would be best if the Dems and Republicans would get their acts together but that will never happen!

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Capitalists - when they believe that profit is the most important driving force in our dynamic world.

If you are going to mention Capitalists, why don't you mention Socialists as well ? What are you brainwashed in, some sort of left wing, athiest political group or what ?

Also some advice - you should take your Dad they way he is, he's the only one you've got.

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You have some good points and some bad points.

Meat Eaters - believe that they need that much protein.

This is true, but it's also true of vegetarians. I've found that the people who worry about their weight or what they eat just create too much stress for themselves and they end up avoiding foods they like for the sake of looking good. The people that stress the most are usually the relatively skinny ones anyway.

Religious Followers (any religion) - all of them are cult members.

I have to disagree with that one. I just now came back to Christianity, but I'm still not a strong believer. I'm not even sure if I believe in God 100%. I think that a lot of people are a bit too fanatic about their religion, but that's just how they believe they should act. But there are also people like me who believe in a religion, but don't let it overcome other things in life.

Republicans - conservatives? They are not conservative when it comes to burning gas, or taking care of the environment.

Eh. I think a lot of major politicians from all parties are overly corrupted and deceitful. They find themselves in places of power and take it too seriously or use it for ulterior motives. So I wouldn't keep it just to republicans.

White Men - even though they can't admit it, they assume to be better than everybody else.

Maybe, but I think all races have their own issues. I may be a little too stereotypical at times, but I think I'm right in most cases.
For example, I think that a lot of Black people are too lazy and naturally "ghetto", and never seem to want to amount to anything. Go listen to the song "Changes" by Tupac Shakur. It explains exactly what I mean.

(For those thinking that I'm a complete racist right now, I'm half-Black, so I think I have the right to speak about Black people, and this is the vent anyway.)

But to be fair, I also think that (female) Asians are bad drivers and overwork themselves academically (my ex-girlfriend is asian and a complete match for that description), and Mexicans have way too many children. Not all hispanics, just Mexicans.

There are definitely some exceptions though. I know some great people that come in all shapes and sizes, and they don't all fit stereotypes.

I probably just offended half of the world, but hey, it's a free country. Open yourself to new ideas, and go watch Mind of Mencia on Comedy Central. If you're still offended, send me a pm and I'll be glad to discuss.

SUV drivers - they actually think that they need their large vehicle. How many times do I see a single person driving any SUV; it makes me want to cry.

I have to laugh at this one, because it's so true. I take a 45-minute walk to school everyday down some of the busiest streets, and I can't tell you how many SUVs I see with only one person in them. I suppose they could make a valid argument about the look, but they'd look just as good in a Mustang too, which would probably emit less gas.

Capitalists - when they believe that profit is the most important driving force in our dynamic world.

Another true one. As I get older I find myself wanting money less and less, because I'm starting to realize there are a lot better things in life than dollars. I'd much rather spend an hour in the grass looking up at stars than spend an hour cleaning dishes for 10 bucks. I don't care about money in life, I just need to make some to put myself in a position where I can enjoy the better things.

[Man, I've got to get back to those Mein Kampf and Communist Manifesto audio books on my iPod...and Harry Potter.]

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Meat Eaters - believe that they need that much protein.


..I dont think I need that much protein. I know I could get by eating nuts or eggs or something else instead.. but dude. I think meat tastes good, so why not eat some? I might be in trouble if that's all I ate.. but (almost) no one has a diet like that. Why not eat a variety of things? People who refuse to eat meat seem weird to me.. look at all the other animals running around eating eachother o.o It's nature~


I think only hardcore political people care that much about republicans and democrats.. maybe that makes them somehow similar to obessed religious people :)


And honestly, I know a lot of 'white men' who think very little of themselves.. anymore, in schools, there are plently of 'nerdy little white guys' getting bullied by people of various races and genders.. and stuff like that doesn't go away or change just because you get outta middle school, or graduate from high school, or even college.


As far as SUVs.. at least we live in countries that are well enough off that we can afford them. Not that it makes it better/right.. but why not talk about how you're thankful to live in a well-to-do area, instead of complaining about someone's choice in cars? XD I'm sure people who drive SUVs are feelin' it right now, anyways, with current fuel prices XD

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I really get worked up whenever I am exposed to people who are brainwashed - and don't even know it.


Here's my short list of groups that I believe to be brainwashed:

Meat Eaters - believe that they need that much protein.

Religious Followers (any religion) - all of them are cult members.

Republicans - conservatives? They are not conservative when it comes to burning gas, or taking care of the environment.

White Men - even though they can't admit it, they assume to be better than everybody else.

SUV drivers - they actually think that they need their large vehicle. How many times do I see a single person driving any SUV; it makes me want to cry.

Capitalists - when they believe that profit is the most important driving force in our dynamic world.

Hmmph... it looks like I just described my dad.


Umm... it sounds like the problem might be disliking everyone with a view different to what you stand for. If you hate meat-eaters, that's pretty much most of the world's population isn't it? Then religious followers narrows it down considerably more. Getting rid of the Republicans... how many are left now? I hope you're counting. I suppose some of the remaining ones might be SUV drivers and capitalists as well.


My point is, you're calling some 99 + % of the world brainwashed here. Now that might be true, but to put it gently, you might want to consider that the problem isn't with the whole world, but with yourself.

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Umm... it sounds like the problem might be disliking everyone with a view different to what you stand for. If you hate meat-eaters, that's pretty much most of the world's population isn't it? Then religious followers narrows it down considerably more. Getting rid of the Republicans... how many are left now? I hope you're counting. I suppose some of the remaining ones might be SUV drivers and capitalists as well.


My point is, you're calling some 99 + % of the world brainwashed here. Now that might be true, but to put it gently, you might want to consider that the problem isn't with the whole world, but with yourself.


Joshua, By the way, you are the first to mention hate. I am just pointing out that these are groups that tend to be brainwashed - that's all. I am not at odds with the whole of the population like some Grizzly Adams.


I believe that I have been proving the point as well ... by that, I mean - none of the "defenders" of any of these groups has offered any facts or statistics to indicate that they aren't in some sort of disbelief or brainwashedness.


The truth is that the majority of the world's population still does not eat that much meat most of the time. You don't really consider the billion or so hindu and buddhist - most of them are 100% vegetarian or vegan.


The fact about protein is that you simply don't need anywhere near the amount of protein that you have been led to believe. Do some serious research on the topic -- get back to this thread and we'll talk about it more then.


Not so harsh now! ... I have to admit that I don't really feel that any/all religions are cult oriented, but most are a bit too convinced of some fundamental things that just don't jive.

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Stop going on and on about how much we shouldn't kill animals, you pansy. I already said "For every animal you don't eat, I shall eat three", so you're personally responsible for the murder of INNOCENT ANIMALS. Get over it and stop whining.

1. a. A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
b. The followers of such a religion or sect.
2. A system or community of religious worship and ritual.
3. The formal means of expressing religious reverence; religious ceremony and ritual.
4. A usually nonscientific method or regimen claimed by its originator to have exclusive or exceptional power in curing a particular disease.
a. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
b. The object of such devotion.
6. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

n 1: adherents of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices 2: an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season" [syn: fad, craze, furor, furore, rage] 3: a system of religious beliefs and rituals; "devoted to the cultus of the Blessed Virgin" [syn: cultus, religious cult]

Hilariously enough, this doesn't only apply to religions but liberal hippies who believe that photographs of ice melting and a few hurricanes ( which have always happened ) mean that Global Warming exists, then devote themselves to nitpicking the president.

I guess now, you're going to go back like the first post and complain about how much the WHITE MAN IS GETTING YOU DOWN. Hey, guess what? Racism goes both ways, pal. Get a grip.
Edited by Kioku (see edit history)

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Meat eaters - Really I have never heard of these types of people, though I have some friends that would never touch a vegetable, one of them said that he is actually allergic to vegetables and when he its a single vegetable he starts feeling bad and whatever. I just think he makes it up, but he eats a lot of other things besides meat. I also think that vegetarians are brainwashed, its part of nature to eat meat. Their ancestors ate meat wether they like it or not. Religous Followers - I too believe that some, notice I said SOME are just brainwashed by religion. By those some I mean that they are people who are just in the religion but do not serve a purpose to it. Like some super Catholic people here in my country that are supposed to be good people that go to church and stuff and outside the church they are ugly monsters who are always doing against what their religion states. Its kind of funny, it almost seems as though they just go to church to be forgiven, and they never offer anything in return, I bet they dont even give thanks. They just go to church to ask and ask for miracles.Politics - Brainwashers, I dont know why people still believe in these creeps. At least in my country. They all offer everything we all want, and when they have the power they just find ways to make their wallets larger.White men- I guess this only happens in the United States or in other countries. SUV drivers - Forget SUV drivers, or at least here in Mexico. What Im worried about is truck drivers. The Ranch person stereotype is the worse I have ever seen. It is a typicall person who has his huge truck, usually drunk, that doesnt give an f about anything. He has his big truck and if you dont move out of the way, well we will see what happens. They have the need to feel strong and powerfull. They feel like outlaws.Capitalists - All I can say is that they are the greediest people in the planet, they dont care about anything except their money.

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Umm... it sounds like the problem might be disliking everyone with a view different to what you stand for. If you hate meat-eaters, that's pretty much most of the world's population isn't it? Then religious followers narrows it down considerably more. Getting rid of the Republicans... how many are left now? I hope you're counting. I suppose some of the remaining ones might be SUV drivers and capitalists as well.
My point is, you're calling some 99 + % of the world brainwashed here. Now that might be true, but to put it gently, you might want to consider that the problem isn't with the whole world, but with yourself.

I'm with the above poster, apparently the slaughter houses haven't gotten your message. As far as the
rest of the free world goes, most of the 3rd world countries can't afford such luxuries, and then many of them view the cow as being sacred, a term that obviously you are not very acquainted with. I'm sure that your wife and family aren't treated with half as much respect as you would give say as Porky or Petunia Pig or for that matter a common squirrel. Unless of course you've "brainwashed" them into believing such atrocities. As for your previous posting, you're backpedaling or contradicting yourself about religious groups....make up your mind are they all cults or not? Are you afraid that when your time comes you may be wrong?? Also as for your comments on capitalists, I believe you are profiting from the internet, are you not? Jealousy is a very ugly thing indeed, as those who typically complain about others driving SUV's are usually the ones who can not afford them. For a family it is also more financially available to purchase a SUV or van as opposed to a hybrid which have been proved not to be as effective as the car companies boast them to be. As far as white men go, none that I have ever known, been associated with, employed with have ever placed themselves above any other race. In fact, have you filled out a form lately the space where you fill in you race....caucasion is usually listed last now where 10 - 15 years ago is was top on the list. The white man is the one becoming the minority....look around you!!!!!!!!! Go into any major city, hospital, university and you will see a much more diverse group, with the minority being white.
In short I feel you are a very naive, uneducated and short sighted man who is terrified of life. What are you so afraid of that you can not allow other people to live their own lives or maintain their own beliefs...it has no affect on you. You are being just as predjudice as you accuse the white man of being....
Edited by michellehorowitz (see edit history)

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Bisexuals are totally brainwashed, its like a little cult. Watch all the bisexuals in High school they are all the same, and they all branch off of just like one bisexual. Its sad really.White men are brainwashed? Heres one for you, all people other then white [well not all of them, but some of those who aren't white] are brainwashed into thinking, all white people are racist, hey if you go up to me, and start telling me i'm racist, when i have said NOTHING to you, nor have given you dirty looks, maybe it is you who are racist, eh? Religions are completley brainwashed, but not all religious people are cult-like.

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Wusses are the biggest group of brain-washed people. People who eat meat being brain washed? I guess nature's pretty close minded and brain washed, then. Gj.

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I really get worked up whenever I am exposed to people who are brainwashed - and don't even know it.


Here's my short list of groups that I believe to be brainwashed:

Meat Eaters - believe that they need that much protein.

Religious Followers (any religion) - all of them are cult members.

Republicans - conservatives? They are not conservative when it comes to burning gas, or taking care of the environment.

White Men - even though they can't admit it, they assume to be better than everybody else.

SUV drivers - they actually think that they need their large vehicle. How many times do I see a single person driving any SUV; it makes me want to cry.

Capitalists - when they believe that profit is the most important driving force in our dynamic world.

Hmmph... it looks like I just described my dad.


OMG..I get really mad when i see Vans/SUVs and such be driven by one person...tsk tsk

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With that in mind, I'm getting the biggest car I can get with the worst gas to mile rating just to piss off the people who kiss the ground Al Gore walks upon. Hopefully, it'll be wide and take up most of the road in case if annoying little kids are in the way so I can just steam right through them. Hummers with H1 kick some serious **bottom**. Green Peace blows.

Edited by Kioku (see edit history)

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