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Unlimited Times Of Intelligence

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Oh, i have an opinion...... is it possible to create human genetically so that he/she could be the most intelligent person in the whole world.....hihihi.......people would be amazed and be crazy about ideas of having the most intelligent child......

Edited by LevinZ (see edit history)

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I think it is definately possible, if not just now, sometime in the future it probably will be. For a while now, the idea of 'genetically modified' people have been seen around and has gotten both praise and not-so-praise about it. I don't know if it's ethical. But I do believe that soon, if not today already that it is / will be possible.

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It is most definetly possible the only obstacles to this are our current technology of genetic manipulation and that we don't know where all the genes that control human intelligence are located. There is another theory that somewhere in our genetic code is a lock. it requires data be removed from the extrons of our DNA and adding the genes for intelligence to it. this is based mostly on the fact that the genetic code would be a whole lot more efficient without having to sort tons of junk data. another problem with making the most intelligent being on earth is how do you define intelligence? is it math and science. is it aptitude for music or art? i think our biggest problem once we get the technology is determining what do we want to do with it.

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Oh, i have an opinion...... is it possible to create human genetically so that he/she could be the most intelligent person in the whole world.....hihihi.......people would be amazed and be crazy about ideas of having the most intelligent child......

If it ever is possible, there will be an increasing definition of the "most intelligent," because people would be creating ones that improve in intelligence in competition. Unless someone figures something out and doesn't release any secrets, so that no one is able to catch up (something like the whole Google search algorithm - no one has been able to top it at this point, so it remains at the top).

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So far, that is. If one person fails to complete something, someone else will (for example, if Einstein became a violin player instead of a physicist, someone else would have eventually come up with the same things that he did - there was another scientist already working on the theory of relativity around the same time that Einstein did). Therefore, if someone discovered that one could genetically make someone more intelligent, but kept the exact proccess secret, someone else would discover how it was done within a year or so.But yes, I believe that making someone more intelligent by genetic modification is possible, but there is still a limit.

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It is far into the future until human are able to genetically modify human genes. There are alot of moral controversy between religous and belief groups. People will not allow anyone to play as god and great a super intelligent human being.I don't believe in intelligent related to genetic at all, but I believe is the event that occur on that person and how he or she is raised that make a person that is smart. Intelligents can't really measure how much thing a person achieved in his or her life. For example, Einstein just happened to come up with a relativity theroy. Some people that could be consisted as the same level of intelligent him, might not be able to come up with a similar theory. It's all depends on lucks and chances. Everyone have a relativly same size of brain, but why are there some that are smarter than others. It's all depends on what that person went through when they are a child. We all know that it is easier for a child brain to learn things than a matured brain. The older your brain becomes, the less things it can precieve. Scientists say that as an average human being, we only use 5% of our brain. This 5% is not how fast your brain can process, it's how much knowledge you have gained in your life. I guess what i'm saying is that, there are not many geniuses, but there are lot of hard working people out there. True intelligent are rare, just ask yourself, how many people that you know are a true genius?

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True, DogEater, a lot of one's intelligence is determined by how they are brought up, but genetics does play a certain role, which is why some people who live in normal families come out geniuses, while others are retarded.

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True, DogEater, a lot of one's intelligence is determined by how they are brought up, but genetics does play a certain role, which is why some people who live in normal families come out geniuses, while others are retarded.

Actually, I don't think that it is genetics, but rather different cultures (or families) use the same methods to bring up their childeren, and their childeren's childeren, etc. So when one family raises their childeren right, their childeren will raise their childeren right, and make it seem sort of as if it were genetics, but it really isn't.

And that method doesn't always work. I know a family with two very intelligent siblings (out of 5 childeren), and the rest are all complete morons.

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I definitely agree that it depends on how the kid is raised. He maybe the smartest kid on earth but he could also be the laziest, therefore he is sort of like a wasted intelligent person. He could also do bad things with his intelligence sort of like hacking or something.

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Intelligence is one's desire for knowledge. genetics have nothign to do with it. Look at Autistic Savants (spelling), some of those people are smarter than those who have nothign wrong with them.If you desire knowledge and can put it into practical use, then that is intelligence.

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My opinion is: There is no way to control the mind and human ampition. I believe that would be the soul, and everything that makes up that persons personality. them rights are not Implanted or brought upon you. That choice is up to you, and from there you decide on your lifestyle and what you create or do is in your beneift. You may be able to genetically inhance humans and make babies perfrect. But Cloning is very real. It is as if you are twinning your self. But at a later time. But you will not have Twin sense or anythign like that. I believe that you will look as similar to eachother as possible... But it will never be a solid clone... it maybe on the outside but never on the inside. I noticied awhile back that animals and one human was cloned. The best thing is Personality will never ever be cloned. I'll say its a Genetic Code based on you from life. and it is part of your soul. If you lost your emotion and sould your body will be empty. When you die... your sould leaves the body... aka your spirit! Cloning is not a good idea anyways. than theres more possible Crime Rates will rise and Framing will be easier. I Disagree with cloning 100%. Anyone else agree or disagree!?!

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Well, if genetics has nothing to do with one's intelligence, then why are some people born retarded (without any physical problems, such as their mother doing drugs or being dropped as a child)? As for Autistic children, the reason they seem smarter is because they are more focussed in a certain area of expertise, thus making them appear to know more (although, overall, they don't), and that is due to a certain way that their brain is "wired", which IS a genetic thing (I know, I have high-functioning Autism).

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Everything in this world is related to genetics, Genes is our DNA, the only thing that makes us human and not no animal! Drugs impare the human body to react in an another way, mostyl because it kills your body! Your Genes are your body... So when a kid is born... the chance of them being different and slow or dumb is 50%. Not only that, In some caes the reaction in genes invovle evolution and the person becomes failry smarter than they should of been. This has happened many time sbut not enough. And not for the same reason as drugs. This would be considered a mistake! The human mind is a superior being of anyother and the human body harnesses it and uses its capabilities to do about anything. Genes is DNA. DNA is classified as blood, hair, skin, semen, nails, finger prints, almost your whole body is your genetic code. Thats why crime is so hard to get away with.

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