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Thank You, All Moderators Of Trap17! well deserved and over due thanks...

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Dear Xisto moderators;It's not everyday that we get a little bit of encouragement from our work, school or even just regular day life. But when we do, it feels tremendously jubilant!But we forget that Xisto "is" like a work place or a school--everyone functions like a well oiled machine parts. And sometimes we feel that it's obvious and natural for moderators to be maintaining this wonderful forum, we often forget that it is by no means a paid or well rewarded position for moderators. Moderators do this and help Xisto forum out of their pure goodness in your hearts and ask nothing in return.For this, we salute all Xisto moderators for their endless effort to keep Xisto alive and be respected. We truly appreciate all your help and we just cannot thank you enough and tell you what it means to be part of this great staff.No matter how effective you may feel as this Xisto collective, each of you matter so greatly to Xisto. And without our Xisto moderators we know for certain that we will not see a better day in our forum.Sincerely yours,Xisto members

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I would also like to echo Buffalo's sentiments.It's the moderators and the members that keep this site going, through many methods such as keeping the site active, helping out the new members and giving out good debates and chit chat.Without nice moderators, there wouldnt be members, without members, there would'nt be a community.. without a community there wouldnt be trap 17.Well done to the Moderators that kept the site going, and to the members that keeps it active.

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Hello Moderators,Thank you for being here. You guys are always there. Seriously. Its like you work shifts. Someone is always on. I read someones post and then there is that correction. The little things that make us happier and more understandable. You really work hard. You guys deserve a lot more than thanks in my opinion but we do our best to keep you happy. You sure do know what to do.

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