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Se?or Maniac

When Will We Pull Out Of Iraq?

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Does anyone actually know when we are going to pull out of Iraq? Sources say that Bush is not going to pull out of Iraq until his term is over. I feel that this is not a good thing for us. Also the other thing is that we are starting to sit their and talk about entering into Iran because of the fact that they are not giving up the potentialy harmful nuclear research and development. But that should be a little easrier of a task because of the fact that the United Nations are going to sit their and have our back. But back to being in Iraq. While we are to have said to be in their to set up a democracy, and help Iraq I feel that the main reason that we are their is just to sit their and track down one person. Iraq seems to be getting back on their feeet themselves and also seem to have a democracy running right now. Why do we need to sit their and mess with that.






Does anyone know where to get free newspaper archives about pulling out of Iraq?

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Wouldn't Iraq be a pretty good Base from which to invade Iran? They are neighbours and the traveltime wouldn't be very much from there.Just Kidding, of course. The US has an obligation to ensure that the country of Iraq gets restored to a 'working' country. That is one of the reasons several other Nations didn't assist this time. There are some issues which will be difficult to resolve before the United States is able to withdraw completely. I'm not certain what those conditions are, but they have a responsibility under International Law. And you can be assured that any early departure will upset some of the members of the World communities.Some things like a restoration of Food Supply, Electricity, Potable Water, are on the list but I'm not sure what exactly the requirements are. The US can't decide the criteria on their own. Even though there is a Government in place, the conditions go beyond that.

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Invading Iran would not be hard. But it carries on a war that is not necessary anymore. IMO If we invade Iran most likely we will end up having to rebuild a country that is fine right now. It is alot of extra work just for nuclear chemicals.

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Why can't the US just leave Iraq and Iran alone? As we have seen so far, they pose no obvious threat to us, and have no real need of any support. I feel it best if everyone just leaves them be until we know for certain what is going to happen.

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IRAQ is putting together its interim government now. As soon as that is running, the country can work on its civil war. The president of Iraq does want the US and its coalition out with 2 years I heard. Our Priminister in Australia and our media talk about 2 years untill we are completely out of IRAQ and the US would be the same. Depending on IRAN of course.

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the answer is simple as long as a bush or cheny is involved we will never leave.Put it like this Thanks to Bush USA is now in the process of destroying itself. Just look how bad it is with central and south america and all the little countries surrounding us.I say by the tiem we actually pull out of Iraq the us will be so broke it will be impossible for us to recover. Our money is worthless, oil prices ar emaking people poor, corrupt government officials who will take a bribe to let someone do illegla activities but will put the dealth penatly for stealing a candy bar.Im glad I don't vote at least I can say I don't help in the corruption. Maybe I move to Canada or something.

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Bush and Cheny want to get out but cant leave yet. They have started something called civil unrest against everyone it seems. I hope the new government can control there population.

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United States cannot just leave Iraq for now. She has committed to rebuild Iraq and that is how things should be. After toppling down Saddam if they just leave at this stage Iraq will fall into the hands of terrorists and who knows if Al-Qaeda will not make use of that opportunity. We do not know how long will it take to rebuild Iraq, as much as it becomes stable the chance of United States leaving will become more and more reality. Right now Iraqi Police and Arm Forces should be strengthened and trained more so that they can defend their own country. Unlike few months ago, at the moment Iraqi soldiers have become more engaged in carrying out their works. They have started replacing US army in many key posts which is a sign of progress for US itself. This transition of power will complete and then US can leave. It may take 6 months more or even a year.

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Now that the US is in Iraq they cannot just leave.This type of war is one of those wars that you cannot win. Even if you defeat Saddam's army, that's only the easy part. The hard part is fighting the guerilla forces, guerilla war is very difficult to supress. They can shoot at an American soldier whenever they feel like it and have the ability to attack by surprise. That is why nearly every day a soldier is killed in Iraq.

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The same time when we pulled out of vietnam. When the public gets tired of all the fighting. Or when we go to another war so we need the manpower instead of all the soldiers stationed in Iraq.

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This is my own theory, no offense is intended for any one. The US will pull out when Osama Bin Laden?s is decapitated and Al-Qaeda is dissolved. Either that or they run out of dam kamikaze people and then the leaders themselves go blow their guts to hell. A more likely theory would be when the new president is elected to office and pulls out of the hell hole the US army is in.

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Apologies for my first (and probably last) rant:Iraq is a horrible war run by Incompetent Civilian General Rumsfeld who has taken matters out of the hands of the military. It is executed in a dishonest way because the Military Generals dare not speak the honest truth to the Civilian General because their jobs are on the line, if they contradict Rumsfeld they get fired, Rumsfeld is saying everyday how great things are going in Iraq, so everyone is marching round the Pentagon saying, Hey! ain't the war in Iraq just a big success ... meanwhile, outside the Pentagon everyone knows this is not true and worse, it is costing lives.Consequently there is no new thinking being applied, tactics are always reactionary, the army is treated badly, planning is in stalemate, and there is a blockage in the system which is Rumsfeld. Of course, once you remove Rumsfeld it will become apparent that the system is still blocked with a host of other blinkered zealots right the way up to Cheney and beyond, but Rumsfeld is the number one bugbear. IMO.Until the system gets unblocked, or until Democrats win back congress, it does not make a difference what anyone says, America is stuck in Iraq as if in a time warp.One other thing. The American people were trapped by stupid, stupid Republican administration, not necessarily by faulty intel (although there is that as well) but by THE RUSH TO WAR. There was never a chance to have a debate, or to suss the pros and cons, or to do PLANNING, or to work out an EXIT STRATEGY, or to realize that while Saddam was exerting his tyranny, he was keeping a lid on Sunni/ Shia/ Kurdish differences, that were potentially EXPLOSIVE, and would BLOW UP IN YOUR FACE if you weren't darned careful. If there had been time to have a DEBATE and PLANNING, none of this would have happened.BTW, the Iraqis kicked the Brits pretty badly when they were the occuping power in 1920, and eventually kicked them out of Iraq altogether, and that showed the Iraqis could mount a very effective resistance when they had a mind. Which is exactly what is happening right now.Why didn't Tony Blair know these things, how did the Brits get suckered a second time, what do they have a foreign office for?

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There was a interesting show on about how th einsurgants have been using the internet to deliver images and small movies showing bombings and attacks - Helping to get more insurgants envolved Did anyone watch it . SBS Austalia last night

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I hope the american army will pull out of Iraq pretty soon, thanks to them other country's are stationed in Iraq as well, and if Bush leaves these country's will be "free" again...

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