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The Truth About Racism Racism is in all shapes and forms and here is my story

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Okay, thanks for the reply. I really didn't need to know the link because I had already sourced it out. As I stated earlier, my purpose was to have you investgate the opposite side of the issue involved and hopefuly understand the History of the situation. It is important to recognize that there are always two sides to every story and that by knowing the issue's History, the reasons are better understood. Or maybe just better explained.

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Racisim as in system, as in culture is mostly a western problem.That's probably because major forces in Europe made colonies in Africa and slaves carried to western world.And today, USA is the last standing empire, containing not a nation but formed up with many races. So people run into a different race everyday in USA, so probabilty of a racist act is more.And espically this black-white thing is something I really cant understand...But, remember racisim and prejudging is different.

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 boozker I see where your coming from and your very right.

Unfortuantley its not that simple, that bonus point you talk about or affirmitive action is just helping black people recieve jobs and fight systemic racism.  You were mentioning that black people complain about the white man bringing them down.  Well look at the field, black people are stereotyped daily as gangsters and rappers and drug dealers.  Its funny because it actually cost the government less money to educate black people than to encarcerate them, so I always ask myself why, why would the government want to jail black people instead of giving them an education, why when a black person commits a crime on a white person, why does he have to serve so much more time in prison, than a white guy putting crime on a black man.  THan people say well if black people don't want to get sterotyped than they should stop rapping about drugs, unfortunatley, that seems to be the only way a black man can succeed in this world,  and another really funny fact is that the majority of people that listen to that gangster rap are actually white.  Basically black people can only get jobs entertaning white audiences, lets look, basketball, football, rapping.  In predominantly black low income schools, they spend more on funding sports than they do funding education.  After all they have to be kept in line so they can be a good source of entertainment on the tv screen.  And I'm not saying all white people are racist, that would be impossible, but lets look at todays media for example, everytime you look at the front page of yahoo and you see the picture of a black person, they never have anything good to say about them, why is it when a black man uses a drug or kills someone, why is it on the news so much more and amplified at such higher rates.  And I don't blame a lot of white people for thinking about the minority as dirty and stupid, like I said thats how our media portrays it today, if a white person was to be educated on the truth about racism, this world would become much more peacfull and filled with understanding for eachother.I really have to give it for Mr. MLK, he stood preaching while white people threw rocks at his face and breaking all his bones, and still looked to solve this conflict in ways of only peace and socializing to come in harmony with our differences of only the color of our skin.

I really enjoyed reading everybodys opinion, and we are all learning from eachother daily.  I'm just saying next time you see a person of color or a minority, just try to look past the skin color.  Look a little deeper at their personality and you might just make yourself a new friend.

Regards to all my friends

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It's simple, blacks are superior physically. I am not black, but I consider them to be superior to other races in many aspects... Why choose a white(or asian or w/e) when a black can do things way better? Its just common sense, and I'm not being racist, just pointing out the obvious that we try to hide under the pretext of equalityBlacks are superior physically and therefore can be better firefighters

Edited by ORene (see edit history)

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First off, I should point out that I take no offense to your so-called "racist" words against white people.Racism really isn't the problem in itself. You need to consider America's history, how Blacks were enslaved and treated with disrespect. Enslavement of the Africans was definitely the worst enslavement that ever happened in the history of the world.I should also note what is implied when someone says the "N" word. When you say it, you are clearly saying that whoever you are talking about is stupid, bad, or helpless, and in a racist way. It's OK for Blacks to say it because it isn't implied that they speak of the entire African-American race. On the other hand, the worst that can be implied when someone calls you a "whitey" is that you're a nerd, which isn't all that much.So yes, some racism does exist against white people, but it's not anywhere near as bad as black racism.

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