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A Better Cat Litter Or The Final Solution Krapbegone

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My idea: Being an owner of 4 big fat lazy cats, and in charge of cleaning their little droplets of love, I have spend many a night trying to make it easier on me. Hear me out. A cat can cra.p or piss up to 5 times in a 24 hour cycle. With four cats that is a lot of smelly bomboms, so I have thought my cats how to unload their little chocolate kisses in our toilet. You first need lots of snacks for yourself and lots of patience, and of course, catnip for them desperados. Make sure you have a toilet seat cover with some sort of cushion, or else there will be no place to get a hold of if your cat decides to take a dive. Place some cat nip around your toilet, not on it..that place is for crapping not eating, this will help them to get comfortable with the envioronment, flush the toilet several times. Keep repeating this for a week...second week. Find a small container, a painters paint container works good..about 2 inches high and big enough to fit on top of the toilet seat. Replace the regular cat box with your new one. When the cats decides is time to deposit a bag of nice chuncky quarters you will be ready. It could be a piss or the stinky one..be patience they are not stupid and are very clean, they will find the new *BLEEP* litter box, keep it in the bathroom for a week. Next place this container on top of the toilet seat (the seat cover is up). With some rope an drilling a few holes on the side of the *BLEEP* litter box and a bit of inginuity wrap it around your toilet seat and make sure it is stable (one word of warning, make sure you don't spill any litter in your toilet that can create some plumbing problems). You have to train your wife or whoever lives with you to take the litter container off and place it back when they have done their thing, keep doing this for another week. By this time the cat(s) are very courious about the toilet seat and have learned to love your throne. Next step is getting rid of the litter(sand) compelety. Now this is the hard part, all cats are used to cleaning after themselves and covering the fruits of their labor, so when the cat goes up again and sees there is no freaking litter to cover its treasure you will have one pissed off cat, so only do this when you are at home and can keep an eye on your cat(s). At the end the cat will do its thing on the *BLEEP* litter box and just leave it there for you to clean up, but you are a cat lover and you have done it before. Do this only for a few days, a weekend works good. Next get rid of the litter box completely and pray that your cats have more brains than your dog. When you find several brown sailing boats in your toilet, tears will come to your eyes. Good luck.

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LOL what an amusing idea - wouldn't the cat slip into the toilet?Find a way to make the toilet flush after the cat, say if ur out for 6 hours, when you come back and enter the room that would be a pretty disgusting surprise. maybe give the cat a dangly piece of string with a mouse on or sumthin to pull to flush. smoothly done :angry:

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lol sweet idea... did this work? btw to person above me he said one of the cusiony type seats so the cats can get ahold of it and not slip in...btw u do know they make litter boxes that clean themselves...

Edited by tdktank59 (see edit history)

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I taught my old cat to use the john, and she only fell in when the dog pushed her in. their sense of balance is amazing, so unless you have a kitten(s) (which are small and dumb), they should stay dry.

Edited by PIPER-4-HIRE (see edit history)

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Wow, thats pretty cool, though the cat in my house has his litterbox and since he is only 1 its no problem for us. The real problem here is the dog, she like to mark territory a lot, no matter what we do she always waits until she is inside and when nobody can see her, that she leaves us her little presents. If only dogs could be as smart and clean as cats.

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Depending on the breed, dogs can be as smart (or smarter) than cats - they just aren't as clean, as you mentioned (I'm a cat person, by the way).The nice thing about teaching a cat to use the toilet is that if said cat is a mother, she will probably teach her kittens to use the bathroom the same way she does, although, as you mentioned, there may be initial problems until the kittens can master their sense of balance.

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This is really a good solution: one of my cats uses the toilet and is a very good thing not to have to take the droppings to the garbage. She is not scared with the flush and even if there's a clean litterbox available, she still prefers to use the toilet. And yes, she never fell into the toilet, she have good balance. :lol: But this was spontaneous on her: she started acting like this by herself. I did not trained her (I don't know how to train: if I knew, I surely have trained the other 21 fellows of her to do the same. As I didn't, I still need lots of litterboxes--and lots of clay litter, of course).I keep wondering if is possible to train a dog to do the same. Dogs are easy to train...except in hygienical questions :lol: I have also two female dogs, love them really much, but I must admit: to clean the droppings of them is by far more disgusting than cleaning the cats litterboxes.Deneb <_<

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