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Stem Cell Research Stem Cell Research- Should We Accept It?

Do You Support Stem Cell Research?  

18 members have voted

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I am against all testing that could harm a living thing, and anything that harms a once could be living thing.

now this is something that annoys me about when people have issues with stem cell research, If an adult dies, and the organs and things are used for some sort of research would any of you have a problem with that? how about when organs are transplanted from someone who is dying/dead to save anothers life, do you have a problem with that? but when its taking something from a dead fetus thats morally wrong, and should be banned, and all this other stuff, the kid is already dead, let his life have at least some meaning. if even one person can be saved by the stem cells from a fetus then that has given at least some meaning for that fetus's existance.

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I don't understand why you think that stem cell research is not popular in North America. I'm sure it's very popular, it's just not popular with the current government. The Bush administration, which is Republican, is against it. Generally, Republicans tend to be more religious. Religion, in many cases has inhibitted science, unfortunately. Our good friend Galileo was persecuted by the church. However, it seems to be the trend that today there are more athiests and agnostics, and even those that are registered under a religion, just don't plain care about it. They live life and every once in a while refer to God, maybe on Sunday maybe on Saturday, and most probably because they were either forced and/or brainwashed by their parents. Horrible cycle, right?Anyway, aside from that, stem cell research seems very valid to me, along with abortion. A zygote may be living, but if it cannot feel pain and does not have a subconscious like developed babies and humans then what is the worry? Aborting a zygote is no less than killing a cow for it's food. Sorry, if this seems harsh to you, but we're all animals anyway.What does abortion have to do with all this? Aborted zygotes could be used for stem cell research, right? So for those with ethic problems with both abortion and stem cell research, watch how those two "wrongs" make a right, when they cure illnesses and save lives. If you're against stem cell research and you get in a car crash lose a vital organ and there's no room on the donar list and some stem cell research technology saves you, I hope you will see that you were wrong. So why not use aborted zygotes, which will be dead anyway, and put them to good use? One woman's trash is another society's treasure, or it would seem to be.I don't see what's wrong, however, I'm not religious, nor Republican, but don't get me wrong, I'm far from Democrats, too.

Edited by PmH (see edit history)

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I think that stem cell research should be more aggressively researched. Some countries do it, anything that can help. And as long as they are only using cells that they are growing - then thats cool. But taking cells from alive 7 week babies is getting tough. Its a decision that will need to be made by the medical, eithic and so forth boards of goverenment departments around the world.

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now this is something that annoys me about when people have issues with stem cell research, If an adult dies, and the organs and things are used for some sort of research would any of you have a problem with that? how about when organs are transplanted from someone who is dying/dead to save anothers life, do you have a problem with that? but when its taking something from a dead fetus thats morally wrong, and should be banned, and all this other stuff, the kid is already dead, let his life have at least some meaning. if even one person can be saved by the stem cells from a fetus then that has given at least some meaning for that fetus's existance.

If somebody donates their body there isnt anything wrong. But if you take a fetus, and do something to it, it never said you could. Nor did the sheep, mouse, or monkey. If you donate your body that is your choice, and no one has forced you, it is YOUR body. Just as the other beings own their body, and it shouldn't be used in a manner they never wanted it to be used for. If they took organs from a body who did not donate their body then it is wrong. I'm not going to tell someone what to do with their body, because i wouldnt want them to tell me either. Except for abortion, because a living thing is growing inside of you, and it is their body now too, for now.

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Actually You Could Live ForeverStem Cell Research

Actually you could potentially live forever.  Just keep replacing aging tissue with well-preserved new tissue and there's no reason the body would cease to function.  And when it comes to shrinking telomeres, which is the cause of aging, just add more telemerase to the cells.

Scientists are actually studying nanotechnology to find out how to alter cells to let this happen with nanobots.  They'd have to be well-programmed and able to monitor your internal environment so they know the right amount of telemerase to deliver and where and so if any cells stop forming tumors (what happens when telemerase gets out of control) they know to kill it by removing that chemical from the tumor.

It's just biological immortality, meaning that you can still die from say an accident (though even dying from those would become rarer as medical technology improves), but you don't go through any aging process that ensures death.  There are actually species of bacteria and jellyfish that are naturally biologically immortal.

I'm young and I'm looking forward to this new technology. Can't wait for the big ten double-0 Birthday Bash. I want to have it on Mars, which should be terraformed by then.


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