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What Is It With People And Myspace? vent

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I really do not like Myspace and even though I have never been on the site before in my life it annoys me. I first found out about this from my older cousin. He keeps annoying me to sign up for it and I tell him that its pointless and if he really wants to express himself he should post on a forum or something. He never bothered me again. A few months later some kids at my school start using it. It is no big deal and is not effecting me. A few weeks later people are telling me to read all this stuff they printed off of their Myspace page. I said that I do not care about conversations with you and complete strangers so I just gave it back. Then we were researching for a project in our school's computer lab. I was the only one who was not on Myspace. Everyone was annoying me about how I do not have one and how its so awsome and no one got work done including me (even though I never accessed it). Finally the teacher complained and the school's IT tech finally blocked the site. I have no idea how one site you have never been on can cause you so much irritation but I guess I found it.

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I don't like myspace. :)Seeing as how I'm one of the people that have to help people that have trouble with their personal information, I don't like being flooded with questions like "OMG SOMEONE KNOWS MY EMAIL" of course, that can only lead to bad things. MySpace should be more of an online dating site, because, as said above, many perverted people and freaks use it to find 'girlfriends' and things. I see it as a dating site, and it shouldn't be used by young people.

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I think MySpace is a nice social website. I personally enjoy using it to stay in touch with friends from back home. Some people want to be social butterflies and add 10215421 friends, regardless of how many they stay in contact with.

Unfortunately, there is now a MySpace FriendBot. I think you type in a word or two of interest and it automatically adds people with that interest. I had someone with a friendbot add me. I gave her one month to see how high her friends list went and it shot up by 70 people. That's when I knew she was a friendbot user and I denied her friend request.

Funny how only about two journals in allf of MySpace talk about it. Why? Because, it seems, most are too ashamed to admit they use it. Everyone wants to act and seem popular by having more friends on their page than they their friends do. Thats why I will only add someone if they have few friends, don't get friends very fast (sign of a friendbot user), or I know them personally.

Also, you can talk to friends on MySpace without having to go through the trouble of e-mailing and things like that. Plus, I managed to find one good friend that I lost contact of a few years ago and I got to "peep" on a relative that hasn't visited in forever. (I wanted to make sure that relative was doing OK since I haven't seen her in forever and she usually visits a local relative yearly.)

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MySpace isn't so bad really.. it promotes a lot of bands and musicians and artists that would normally go unnoticed. I've found over 30 people I haven't talked to in 5+ years. My friend's girlfriend just got rich doing photography because of MySpace. As ridiculous as MySpace seems nowadays.. it's still doing some good.

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I really never saw what was so great about MySpace, I mean sure it's kinda fun...for maybe an hour, in total. But I don't get why people get to addicted and attached to it...if you've seen one emo's profile, you've seen them all. But eh, if people like it so much, good for them, I'm glad they have fun with it.I actually bothered to make a MySpace account, barely did anything with it and I was bored, haven't touched it since.

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ok, i know myspace is a website like any other out there in the world, but what is it that people like about it so damned much? i mean a year and a half ago NOONE knew about it....and it has been the cause of many young ladies being picked up by these oldperverted men and being raped etc...lol before we had to worry about chat rooms....not anymroe its myspace they need to be worried about....about a week ago a 3rd grader asked me how to set-up a myspace account, and i was like pshh im not going to tell you, you shouldn't be on a site like that..lol but please tell me, why does everyone like myspace suddenly? i mean it seems to be the thing to have now adays, i know it has been going on for like 4-5 months now but still....

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Yea myspace is a little wierd.

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I can partially agree with Encyclopaedia Dramatica's Article on MySpace. MySpace is just a total waste of time for ego expansion to me. Blogs are a waste of time. Nobody really cares about an opinion of a random person on the net.If you're telling me that you communicate with friends on it, you have to realize there are such things as IMs, Free Remote Forum Hosts, and IRC that you can use to communicate with a friend and send pictures with, just like myspace, only better.

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I agree. Myspace is a waste of time and it's still dangerous. Though it's only dangerous if you make it that way and act without thinking. If people were smart enough not to give out personal information than it wouldn't be so dangerous. I mean, who wants to know stuff about a random person unless they have some alterior motive or such. People need to just get over it and show some common sense while online. If they did that we wouldn't have a problem but we still do don't we? That's the problem with American teens and such.

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I absolutely HATE MySpace. I think it's ridiculous and just a really stupid/pointless obsession or fad that everyone is into now...it's like a huge popularity contest to see how many friends you can get. I think that's one of the stupidest things, how people add all these people as friends that they don't even know, just to get their friends amount up. I had one, I'll admit, but I deleted it about 6 months ago because it was becoming ridiculous. It makes me sick that all my friends have one. Especially now that all these girls are getting attacked by people on the site...it's kind of scary.I could probably go on and on about MySpace but I'll just stop there.

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Hmmm I don't really get wich myscpace ya'll mean, if it's MSN Myspace, yeah it sucks. It's something lame on wich you can build a small weblog/profile and my firewall blocks every image on there, I wonder why :)If it's the myspace.com it's cool... I started there in Januari an found out my favorite hiphopclick also has a 'network' on there. But it does suck some perverted peoples use that kinda sites to get contact with kids and such. Here in Holland those perverts use the TMF chats to do that, TMF is a music channel and many children go there to talk music, so I think it's a paradise for those perverted $^%.

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yeah gotta love those chats nothing but perverts most the time, but i wouldn't dislike it so much if these pervers didn't use it to get to little kids, or even the teens using it to cyper (online sex) with other teens or even younger! but since they do use it for that because they cant use somthing like Adult Friendfinder or just friendfinder..but ohh well unless myspace becomes verry un-popular you wont find me on it... even then id only use it for the music band pages and movie paces etc....

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ok, i know myspace is a website like any other out there in the world, but what is it that people like about it so damned much? i mean a year and a half ago NOONE knew about it....and it has been the cause of many young ladies being picked up by these oldperverted men and being raped etc...lol before we had to worry about chat rooms....not anymroe its myspace they need to be worried about....about a week ago a 3rd grader asked me how to set-up a myspace account, and i was like pshh im not going to tell you, you shouldn't be on a site like that..lol but please tell me, why does everyone like myspace suddenly? i mean it seems to be the thing to have now adays, i know it has been going on for like 4-5 months now but still....

First off there isnt that many perverted people on there. Think if there was a city with 50,000 people in it. There is bound to be an amount that are rapists, no?

What I like about it is its a easy way to share pictures, meet people, keep in touch with friends, find friends that i havnt seen in YEARS, and as an email and to advertise free through bulletins.

And to answer the question why everyone likes it suddenly, two words, THE MEDIA.

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I have seen no point to Myspace. I prefer LiveJournal as an honest opinion, I find it more secure. The problem with Myspace is that its turned into more or less a dating/flirting site and not a way to keep up with friends like most people have tried to advertise it to me. The only benefit to Myspace is its a way for colleges to find out who about which students are responsible for vandalism on campus. I have never or will ever have a Myspace account. :rolleyes:

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