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Hosting Specification Clarification Just A Question

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Okay i have a couple questions.
On your home page Xisto.com there is this listed there:

:: FREE WEB Hosting Features ::
Sub-Domain or Domain Hosting
Cpanel (latest release updated automatically)
Fantastico 2
50 - 250 mb space [ 50 mb provided initially ]
500 - 20,000 mb Bandwidth
Ip Address [ Shared ]
Unlimited Sub-Domains
Unlimited Parked-Domains
Unlimited Addon-Domains
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Unlimited Email Accounts
Unlimited Email Forwarders
Unlimited Mailing Lists
Unlimited Email filters
Unlimited Ftp Accounts
PERL version 5.8.X
PHP version 4.3.X [ Safe Mode OFF with FULL GD Support ]
MySQL version 4.0.18-standard
File Manager
FTP Manager
All this absolutely FREE and much much MORE

Now this is what my Cpanel is saying that i have:

Domain name metalmusic.trap17.com Hosting package Beta
Subdomains 0 / 99
Parked Domains 1 / 9
Addon Domains 0 / 9
Mysql databases 10 / 99
PostgreSQL Databases 0 / 99
Disk usage 33.29 / 150.00 MB
SQL Disk usage 1.45 MB
Disk space available 116.71 MB
Bandwidth usage 235.09 / 5000 MB
Email accounts: 9 / 99
Email forwarders: 2 / unlimited
Autoresponders: 1 / unlimited
Email filters 0 / unlimited
Mailing lists: 1 / 99
FTP accounts 0 / 99

Well my first question is:
What does it mean Hosting package Beta? And why has the information provided in the cpanel changing all the time?

My second question is why is some of the things that are supposed to be UNLIMITED have a limit of 99? or 9? I havent used the subdomain system yet but im going to start and im just wondering if i missed something in my hosting plan. I have the Default (150 MB) hosting plan.
If someone could, please help me answer these questions.
Thank you
Notice from jlhaslip:
Lists placed inside quote tags. When the posting is mostly a list of stats, please use quote tags (or code tags for program listings). Otherwise you get credits for them and we all know that this is not 'original' material.

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'Beta' refers to the Hosting package you are provided with. The smaller package is called 'Alpha', I think.

And there are lots of features provided under this Hosting Service. I would think that if you use up all the features and need more, that you should seriously consider getting a Paid service. On the Subdomain issue, are you aware that you can simply create a folder structure for your site and not use the Subdomain feature? Only you can determine what is best for you, but you don't have to use seperate sub-domains for everything. By creating a 'folder' you access it thusly:

instead of
Each can have their own index.html files, etc.

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I can't really think of a reason why you'd need more than 99 subdomains (unless you were providing your own hosting service...which i think is against the TOS).You do bring up some good points though. The signup screen says we get between "500 - 20,000 mb Bandwidth" (what i'm most concerned with atm), but it only lists about 5gb (5,000mb) bandwidth a month in my cpanel. How do we go about getting our bandwidth limit increased, should we need it?

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If you are going to need more that 99 subdomains... well you'd be better off getting a paid service somewhere like Xisto or another hosting provider. And its against the TOS to run a subdomain hosting script and stuff like that. Also bandwith is 5 GB for the Package 2 (which I have) and I think around 500 MB for the Package 1. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If you should need more than these, I would go with some type of paid hosting. Hope I helped you in someway. :).

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Contact OpaQue by PM about more Bandwidth. He may be able to swing something, but I don't know for certain.

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Trap17 free web hosting provides only two plans. If you require more than what the free web hosting provides, please visit Xisto - Web Hosting.com to find a much more suitable hosting for your needs.Thank you.

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