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Albus Dumbledore

Report Button On Shout Box

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I think that we could do with a report button..because recently there have been many weirdoes around here that post things that they shouldn't be posting...so maybe someone can make a script and we can have a report page just for the shout box...designed just for the shoutbox.... for example i know it cant be like a topic where there is automaticly a report button there, but maybe we can make a page on the forums that is exactly like the normal report page and it does the same thing (sends it to all mods and admins) just a thought

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in the meantime, just PM admins/moderators about the member's shout in question. include as well the link to the shout number + the name of member:

Posted Image


when you go to View The Shoutbox, you can copy shout link you want to report for review. from the example above, shout #9575 is http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?acttbox&shout=9575.


it will then be reviewed for proper action.

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I don't think there should be a report thing because there are thousands of shouts a day and that will end up making tons and tons of reports. Sure if it gets out of hand you can pm a mod but usually the shout disappears in a couple minutes anyway. If there was a report button there would be tons of reports. lol Maybe they should make just shoutbox mods that mod the shoutboxes :( lol

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This is a pretty good idea! Although there is usually at least 1 moderator online, and the shoutbox is something that every will see right away.

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well i can pm dean see if he could mod it like that, but yeah all you have to do is pretty much what serverph just said and then the mod will take care of it.

note: this was the post i made to dscripting aboout the shoutbox modification

A topic was posted on this forum I'm at about adding a report button feature to the shoutbox in which the user just has to click on the name in which creates a small drop down menu to either select the profile or report the shout and then user just has to click report and it will automatically generate the report for moderators or admin to review instead of going through pages worth of shouts to find it.

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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