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Sotw #25 Voting

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My vote goes to Avalon. Though, I believe the animation that came before the present 3d-rotating symbol, was better. But, then after close observation, I noticed the relationship that it has with the render. Though, I dont believe I've ever seen a 3d-rotating symbol in a sig before. So, I'm marking it as unique. I always favored uniquenism (if that's a word :lol: ). I, also, like the brushing, and colors used which adds a nice balance.DJ Luki: 0S_M: 0Avalon: 1

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DJ Luki: 0S_M: 0Avalon: 2I love the animation, and the effect on the render.SM yours is just to plain, and DJ's is to busy.

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Luki -- The brushing looks rushed, and the background could be better. Overall, not bad, but not the greatest.Mike -- Don't really get what's happening in the background, and the animation seems to make the sig worse rather than better. I've never been a fan of "animation-just-because". Nice render usage though, and the text minus animation is good.Avalon -- I don't really like the spinny look (mostly because gamerenders is covered in them), and the text could be made to fit the sig better, but the render blending is okay and the background has nice brushing.My vote goes to Avalon.DJ Luki: 0S_M: 0Avalon: 3

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Ok..My vote goes to Avalon, simply the animation is very well done, the colors used blend in very well. Just love the effect on the render. Looks like something from matrix.. Not too keen on the text but it looks awsome.DJLuki, the sig is a bit OTT, too much color, alot of brushing.Saint-Michael, Like the sig but a bit too plain.DJ Luki: 0S_M: 0Avalon: 4

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My vote goes to Avalon for one main reason is that if someone said to me 3D rotating image in a sig i would laugh at them but avalon pulled that off brilliantly "Praises Avalon" "Stops Praising notices shoddy Text" lol but you still get my vote.DJ Luki: 0S_M: 0Avalon: 4

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