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Rock, Paper, Scissors

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Okay, so I'm trying to figure something out, and part of that is understanding. So In the game of rock, paper, sicssors what is the best first move, and if possable,why?

I don't think there's a best first move. Rock beats scissors beats paper beats rock. Starting with any of them, there's a 1 in 3 chance of the other person starting with something that's the same, that can beat yours, or that will lose to yours.
How many moves are there usually?

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I always throw scissors first. People RARELY throw rock first (because when you're setting to throw you're making the rock shape already) and out of paper and scissors I pick scissors because if the other person picks scissors or paper you're still fine. Also, it usually works if on the second throw.. you do whatever would have beat your first throw. So if you throw scissors the first time, throw rock. There is actually quite a bit of strategy to Rock/Paper/Scissors and I've only let you in on a little bit. Everybody I play it with thinks it's random, so I usually win =P I can read pretty well what people are gonna throw based on odds and what was thrown previously. I can't discard the luck factor completely, but based on how often I win I have to assume that my strategies work =). There is a strategy to EVERY game =)

Edited by Zythrix (see edit history)

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I always chose rock first.And there is great logic to this; here's how it goes.I understand easily how scissors, beats papers, duh, cut cut, snip snip.I understand how rock beats scissors, smash smash.But what I don't understand, is how rock can lose to paper?Alright, rock, can tear paper up in a second. You throw a rock at paper, and BOOM! HOLE! You can't even throw paper so :lol:. Why do I chose rock first?So when people chose paper and they say "Ha! Paper covers rock! I win!" I can punch them, then I'd say, whoops, sorry, I thought paper would protect you.Little bit of humor, but really, pick rock first, if they chose scissors, they'll probably pick paper next, so you pick scissors.. And so on, very simple.

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but you all forget the secret move steam roller rarely use due to the fact it flattens everything basicall a steam roller is a rock but palm down.but I would have to paper is the better advantage though ucz most people throw rock.

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I think that it depends on your opponent. You have to know your opponent before you play against him, if you do you will know what he will throw after the first time you beat him, and the next and the next and so on. You have to be 1 step ahead. But unless you dont know him I would choose rock, because you have a few fractions of seconds extra to change your decision depending on how your opponents hand is changing. You have to be really fast though, otherwise you will be considered a cheater.

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It's like any other game, you need to get to know your opponent. The first few times you play them just try out different scenarios regardless of whether you think you will win lose, just to see what they come up with. It can also be down to human nature. The majority of people will not throw rock first, as you know their hand starts in that shape. Given this scissors is best as a first throw as the worst you will end up with is a draw. I have learnt from experience that people always seem to pick what would beat what you just used. So if you used scissors first, go for paper next, as they will probably pick rock. Finally, choose rock as they will probably pick scissors. Works most of the time :lol:

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It's like any other game, you need to get to know your opponent. The first few times you play them just try out different scenarios regardless of whether you think you will win lose, just to see what they come up with. It can also be down to human nature. The majority of people will not throw rock first, as you know their hand starts in that shape. Given this scissors is best as a first throw as the worst you will end up with is a draw. I have learnt from experience that people always seem to pick what would beat what you just used. So if you used scissors first, go for paper next, as they will probably pick rock. Finally, choose rock as they will probably pick scissors. Works most of the time :lol:


I couldnt agree more, for exaple, another game where this technique would be useful is in Tic Tac Toe, or Noughts and Crosses, depending on what you called it :P

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I can beat anybody at Rock/Paper/Scissors even not knowing 'how they play'. I've done it enough times to figure out the average patterns and to generally know what someone is gonna play at any given time.Also, with tic-tac-toe, there is a guaranteed way to win as well (well, you'll either win or it'll be a tie game). Most people know the move-set now though so the game has lost it's appeal.Let me re-phrase.. I don't want to come across like I never lose..; I do.. but I can calculate the odds and put them far more into my favor =)

Edited by Zythrix (see edit history)

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Lol.. didn't know there is any strategys in this old silly game :lol:.. But each people thinks diffrently so there in this game is only 33% of winning in a row.. if only you have bigger luck then you might get better results or if you alredy see what other people will put (rock,papper,scissors).. I ussally first put scissors or rock because if you try to put papper other people alredy sees that you try to open fully the hand..GooD LucK learning this games strategys :P..

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Having played the rock, paper, scissors game a lot over here, I have some really good rounds (which causes some people to say I'm really good) and some bad rounds. None of the options is really a safe first move. Paper can wrap around the rock (so I've learnt), otherwise it might be considered as a fairly weak move. All trial and error really.

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people normally without thinking do scissors the first turn, so people have to try hard to not do scissors as many people know that they are going to do cissors. There are many variants of this game such as foot, nuclear bomb, and cockroach. Where its basically the same thing but with different names. But i do find it amusing to go BOOM when everyone does nuke at the same time

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