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Two New Moons Of Pluto Discovered

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You may know of Charon, Pluto's largest moon. The Hubble Space Telescope has helped us to discover two more moons of Pluto. Ground-based observers have been trying for over ten years to find anything else out there by Pluto. They're relatively small- estimated 29 and 38 miles in diameter. The New Horizons mission (launched about a month ago) should go past Pluto in 2015 when it will check out these observations.

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i remember a few years ago, i was soo interested in things like to solar system, and i still am interested in the solar system, and i have read somewhere that many believe pluto isn't acculy a planet but a large lump of another planet.. like neptune...or somthing, and that it was just put into an orbit..lol lord only knows, but a new moon on pluto, great another thing people have to learn in science >_< hehe, the thing about the "prob" that is being sent to go past pluto is going to take a long time!! but i guess it is the price you pay for wanting answers about somthing. thanx for posting it

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Sounds like not more than a asteriod :lol: No, but they are small. Get from one side to the other in about 30 minutes. No wonder they couldn't find it. Pluto is so far away too. I mean, you won't see it with a regular telescope. You would need something like a Hubble to find them. Hopefully they can varify in a few years. Thanks for the post.

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not evem hubble can pick up pluto clearly, you would have to set up a system of telescopes in space to see pluto but that is a big discovery though especially for pluto, but of course we are still waiting for the biggest answer to the biggest question of them all is their life outside our solar system.

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