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Hey everyone, just thought I'd quickly drop by to introduce myself before roaming the forum. If not, I'l'l never get around to introducing myself. ;) Anyway, I'm Kristen and currently I'm looking for a place to host my small blog / graphic site. So, it shouldn't surprise you to hear that it's for that reason that I am here. Currently I'm in my first year of college majoring in Computer Science and minoring in math. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Honestly, I'm having the time of my life doing so. Sounds pretty odd, doesn't it? In my freetime, I am quite fond of just laying around and doing a lot of nothing, but I rarely get free time. I work fultime at a nearby college in the English Department and I'm also a fulltime student, so my schedule can be quite crazy at times. Uhh... I love to read, watch movies, listen to music, all the stuff a normal teenager loves to do. At the moment I am currently loving The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice, but unfortunately I recently finished the last book in the series, so I am running around like crazy trying to find something else to start reading. I do perfer reading things in a series, I'm not certain why. If you have any suggestions, hit me up. :huh: I feel like I've rambled on enough for the time being. If I feel like I've missed anything, I'll be certain to come and edit this thread. Until then, I look forward to seeing you all around the forum!

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Computer Science and Math major. Hmmm, that sounds like a lot of work. Not surprised you like to kick-back when you can. I'll bet it doesn't happen often enough.Well, there should be some interesting topics for you to post onto around here. Lots of Computer stuff at least. Might be a little weak in the Math department, but have a look. The way this Forum goes some days, I wouldn't be surprised if there is some stuff for you to play around with. Certainly there will be lots of Graphics stuff for you to keep you busy for a while.Best Free Post-to-Host deal around. Have Fun.

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Just into college. Cool. Wow Math and Computer Science. That is quite the goal. I can imagine you are really busy. And you work another full time job?! So do you get much spare time at all to even study?Anyway, on to those books. What kind do you like. I like Religious and Inspirational books. I don't read much Mystery/Horror. Just isn't for me. Umm. There are these really good books by Sam Campbell called the Living Forest Series. They are for all ages. The theme is about the real-life experiences of Samp Campbell and his wife Giny, living in the northern midwest in an animal sactuary. You may like it.Well hey, if you need anything, Trap is one of the best places around, so just ask someone. I say one of, because I know of only one more place besides this that has hosting for the same deal. Actualy easier posting, but not many members, which makes Trap a little more fun. Hey welcome aboard and enjoy your stay.

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Currently I'm in my first year of college majoring in Computer Science and minoring in math. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? Honestly, I'm having the time of my life doing so. Sounds pretty odd, doesn't it?

Hmm, busy girl. I majored in Math and minored in Business Admin and Music. But that was a long time ago. Never found a career in Math, other than teaching which I didn't do, so I have lost it all. You know if you don't use it you lose it. Made a career with my Business over the years, accounting mostly. Miss playing my flute; that went by the way some years ago as well. I still love to listen to all kinds of music. That will never change. I am not a dedicated reader, so I can't suggest anything right now.

You will find a lot of friendly helpful people of all ages here at Trap 17. Welcome aboard. Show off your graphics as soon as you get settled here. :huh:

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Not surprised you like to kick-back when you can. I'll bet it doesn't happen often enough

Too bad you are wrong. I am a sophmore who is majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Physics so im the same boat as her yet i have lots of free time especially on the weekends. Like you get a lot of work but it tends to come in spurts and as long as you dont procrastinate too much you tend to have time to do lots of stuff. Im in a fraternity and i play club roller hockey yet still have pulled a gpa of 3.79.

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You are a Computer Science and Math majoring too? Thank God, so now I know not only me who had my feet onto that kind of majoring. Seriously, getting double-major like this almost grab all of my leasure time at all. And it's maybe my greatest mistake because I cannot love mathematics till now at my sophomore year. Well, my class is better I think, my neighbor class which is Computer Science and Statistics majoring must have worse days ahead...Anyway, in my college I cannot have a minor, both of them is major. Well, it's what they said for the first time; and now I feel I got a Mathematics major, because the Computer Science class is too few compatring the Mathematics I got these years. Hope it will turn next year...

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Hey Kristen..Nice for your job Computer Science and Math Majoring.. I often don't like reading books like you but I have few my favorite books like thous from Dan Brown...Engels and Demons and Davinchi Code.. theyr my favorite books i ever red..If your in college then I understand why you don't have much free time ;).. Im still small boy but with free time a lot :huh:..GooD LucK heading for your hosting for that blog ;)..and please stay active ;)..

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