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What Is Happening With Sotw?

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With SOTW #24 closing after 2 weeks of voting on Feb 13 2006 and SOTW #25 being cancelled, I am wondering if SOTW will be brought back again? Personally, SOTW has taught me a lot about graphics and I am sure it has done the same for many others. As far as I am aware this is just about the only competition on Xisto so it would be a shame to see it disappear.


So the question remains...

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SOTW shall continue as long as at least 1 person is interested. It is my firm belief that a project such great potential should not be extinguished without the benefit of the doubt. In the past, there were some miscommunications as to who actually runs the forum. However, SOTW will go on as long as Xisto GFX Crewmen are here. It is not up to just one individual to keep the place going--it is up to all crew members. I believe that coming up with new SOTW with literal interpretation of new one every week was too strenuous for some members. SOTW can be accommodating this way: one week to submit a piece and one week to vote. This is technically still SOTW since it's a week long process of evaluating and voting. We may not have all 52 signatures out of a year but let's set more obtainable goal of week long discussions.

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We should probably get rid of the restrictions as well - ie render requirements or the use of filters. It might be good every now and then to have a themed SOTW, but I think we would get more entries if people didn't have to specially make a sig just for SOTW and rather could enter anything they created during the week.

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the reason it was themed like that especially with this one using filters, is to keep people from doing the same thing over and over again and thus making it dull.Also with all the resources on the net concerning sig designing is at your disposal. also finding the right tutorial that would fit with SOTW theme is not hard either. yeah some people have an advantage of where to go and all that and I know i mentioned those sites several times in my posts. its not the question of they want to do it, its the question of how to do it just right to be on a level playing field.

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SOTW can be accommodating this way: one week to submit a piece and one week to vote. This is technically still SOTW since it's a week long process of evaluating and voting.

Isn't this the same process as before? See this link for an example.. http://forums.xisto.com/topic/30263-sotw-16-entries/

Perhaps 'Sig Of The Month' might be easier to manage? The danger with that though is the competition might become 'stale' between entry rounds.

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well SOTM was going to be started depending on the outcome of sotw when the gfxtrap website first started but we need to build on sotw to start sotm.actually we been doing it like that 1 week for entries 1 week to vote then during the voting entries would be posted up for next weeks sotw.But for me it was the workload though which has been reduce literally, which is good for me.

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I can see the workload could be heavy. What about sharing the load? There are a few members in the gfx crew that are quite active on the forums, why not delegate the responsibility of running the SOTW on a rotation basis? This way no one person has to come up with the ideas and update the gfxtrap site. You are volunteering your time here, it should be enjoyable, not hard work. Just a thought. :huh:

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On the whole theme idea...i dont really mind about it...but i think it is a good idea to have themes..even if the factors is just to NOT have any size restrictions or bursh restrictions...take patriotic as a theme...you would want any type of sig within reasonable size to have smthing in it to do with petroitic things like flags ....lol or somthing..however i feel the whole filter / render restriction thing really does put the pressure on people..but anothe reason why you want to have a themed SOTW ...is so that you dont get people who have made the sigs week's before... before i knew it was against most other SOTW's to enter somthing that was designed before the SOTW , i used to enter any old random sig that i would have made weeks previously before...themed competitions ensues that people are making them that week....for that theme...if you know what i mean lol.

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