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Introducing...*drumroll* Me! not that theres really all that much to say...

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I had meant for this to be my first post, but for some reason, it didn't occur to me to look in here for the Introductions part of the forum. So this ended up being my fifth post. Which is fine. Whatever. It doesn't matter, right?Anyway, I'm me. Erm...fairly verbose, with what I like to think is a good vocabulary, and a somewhat overinflated ego. Sometimes, at any rate. Actually, I don't know what I always do an introduction post, since I never know what to say about myself. I don't really find myself that interesting, and I can never figure out what I should say to what's essentially the equivalent of a roomful of strangers. I mean, normally, if I had to introduce myself to a roomful of strangers IRL, things would go largely along these lines:I walk into the room. I look around and start feeling awkward. I say "Hi." An awkward silence falls.So yeah. Actually, this post probably says a lot about me that isn't very complimentary. For example, it announces loud and clear that I have a terrible tendency to ramble. A lot. And that I'm just a little strange. And...I'm just going to shut up now.

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Welcome to the Trap. Lots of good stuff to read up on and learn from. Quite a variety of topics to choose from. Lots of good info and people to get to know. Enjoy. Hope you keep rambling. And that 'strangeness' will hardly be noticed around here...

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Thanks for the welcome! And don't worry, I'll definitely keep rambling. Seems to me like I ramble more when I get tired, probably because I can't seem to keep track of what I've already said and what my point is/was, so I tend to just keep going on and on about nothing, and then I end up with nice long sentences that I can't shorten because I've got no clue what I was trying to say. Yeah, like the last one. And then I tend to follow those with shorter sentences. To make up for the overload, sort of. Um...yeah... >.>

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Verbal diarrhea??Please! Ladies! Keep our forum clean and sanitized! ;)Welcome misere. Xisto is striving to be the best forum community on the web. And the byproduct of participating in the forum discussions is that you get to have free web hosting. It's a nice reciprocity I think. HA HAOh and by the way, "Clean up in aisle 5! Customer spillage..." :huh:

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You wish Jim. Oh, sorry, forgot my manners there. Welcome to Trap. Who is here? You know, talking now? Me Wild20. As you can imagine, we like talking. A lot. So you shouldn't have trouble rambling ;) If you ever need any help, just turn to any of these fine mods and members and we will be there in a second.I do like to know one thing. Spam is the enemy, you should be on the good side. That's us. Spam is hunted down here using the best trained attack dogs,..err, mods on the planet :huh: Hey enjoy your stay, and like I said, Trap is one of ther best hosts out there, so look NO further!

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