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Google Whacking For google whackers

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well, i tried once to whacking, but i dont have luck, anyone here was able to whack?

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I am not sure about what you are talking in here... If you mean "hacking" - then you can forget about using this for in those purposes, no one will answer you and everything that is illegal is not supposed to be discussed here. Make sure you don't make this kind of threads in the near future. Between I'm pretty sure google will put their hand on you if you try over and over again.If I got something wrong - please correct me

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well, i do not think that he is talking about hacking, i think he is talking about googlewhacking, its a kind of sport for itnernet searchers

And now for something completely different: 'Googlewhacking' is a new competitive sport that tests both your searching skills and your mastery of language -- and it's catching on like wildfire!
Google's index of web pages is generally regarded as the largest of all the major search engines. This means that for most searches, it's not uncommon for the Mountain View, Calif.-based search engine to report millions or even tens of millions of pages containing your search terms.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, however, there are combinations of keywords that return only one single result on Google. Web entrepreneur, online commentator and gadfly Gary Stock is obsessed with finding these combinations. So much so that he's created a game, complete with rules, that he calls "Googlewhacking."

In essence, Googlewhacking is simple. Simply try to find those elusive combinations of search terms that are so rare they return a single result on Google. According to Stock, "The sweetest words ever returned are 'Results 1 - 1 of 1.'

For example:

"microsoft crenelation"
"orchestrator bamboozling"
"metronome dewpoint"
"plectrum irradiation"

Stock lays out the rules for keeping score: One point for a pure googlewhack, meaning a single result for your query; one point if you learn something; and a bonus point if you "laugh even more" at the results. The irony of Googlewhacking, however, is that success actually breeds failure, so to speak, for when you find a whack and report it online, that page will soon be crawled by Google and the Googlewhack will lose its uniqueness.

source was This

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There's a documentary comedian named Dave Gorman who did a series called Googlewhack Adventure where basically he came up with Googlewhack's then set off around the world to visit the people involved in the websites that came up in the searches.

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Wow, i can really see so many people sitting in front of their computers on a weekend just entering random words in to Google, just to get a 1-1 Result. I can think of a better way to spend my time, :). I give it 2-3 years before people start using Google for drinking games. You take it in turns to search google, and if you get a certain return you have to skull. Thats alot of Skulling! :)

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My apologizes for not being specific, well, googlw whacking also have a whole community, it's funny, but i think that theres more important stuff out there.....




but, if you still feeling curious, visit: http://www.googlewhack.com/


I am not sure about what you are talking in here... If you mean "hacking" - then you can forget about using this for in those purposes, no one will answer you and everything that is illegal is not supposed to be discussed here. Make sure you don't make this kind of threads in the near future. Between I'm pretty sure google will put their hand on you if you try over and over again.


If I got something wrong - please correct me


"However, for some the word has a negative connotation....."



Actually, hacking is not a crime, check at wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker


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