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Albus Dumbledore

Is There Limits On Data That Can Be On Single Page Limit on The amount of data on one page?

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ok, on my site i have a HUGE list of things..and it cuts it of like a little above halfway through the entire content section..

i know that was confusing! i dont really know how to explain it... but here is the link


it cuts off on P when it is supposed to go all the way to Y lookiong like this


but the second one shows all of them, so im kind of guessing there is a limit on the amount of stuff on a page?

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This is a little odd, when I look at the source for creatures.php, all the data appears to be there. This looks to be the last entry on that page.

Yeti<div>Native to Tibet, this tall (up to 15 feet) white-furred humanoid creature may be related to the troll but as it will attempt to attack and eat any human that it meets, no witch or wizard has had an opportunity to study a living yeti at close range.<div>
I would say it has something to do with your layout, possibly the error you have made with the <div> tags. Can you see where you have opened the <div> but haven't closed it with a </div>, it appears you have tried to close it another <div> tag.

I like your layout, but to be honest, I think you would be better to break the list up a bit so you don't have so much information on the one page. You also another minor error where some of your section title headings, (i.e. the letters) that are not the same as the others. In addition, you have opened and closed the majority of your paraghraphs with a </p> tag, you should use a <p> to open and a </p> to close.

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I can see everything, all the way to Y in creatures.php. You must have tweaked something already? I like the site btw. :(

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im using firefox, maybe its somthing in there? or maybe its just me? well, ill have a look at the <div> and <p> tags and see if any of those help me at all..thanx for the input!

and i like the site also..

You also another minor error where some of your section title headings, (i.e. the letters) that are not the same as the others.

what do you mean by they arent the same? like when you click the letter at the top it takes you elsewhere than the letter it says on the page?

edite to above: i see it is because i am using firefox...that solves that problem i suppose..unless there is more input--and does anyone know how to make it compatible for firefox?
Notice from jlhaslip:
merged two poss

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You also have another minor error where some of your section title headings, (i.e. the letters) that are not the same as the others.


What I meant by this, is after the heading "M" in your content, it appeared the <font size=4> tag had not been applied like the rest of the headings.


Looking at the source though I can see the font tags are there. Even more curious, when I look at your site with IE, everything looks fine, including displaying all the content to "Y". I really think it must have something to do with the way you have done your tags, it must be confusing Firefox.

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Albus I normally have a hard time making things compatible with firefox as well. I think the only problem is that you forgot an end tag some where like maybe in a div you forgot to end or just forgot the / in the </div> or maybe one of the <> Just look through your code very carefully and if you don't find anything then validate it to be valid XHTML and it should show up fine.

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well on a program someone posted on here.i ran my site through it and fixed all the placed where the tags were not opened and closed as in <div> and </div> i dont see he point in opening and closing them, but i guess it must be done, im going to get a book from the library that might advance my knowledge in this stuff a little more than it allready is although i think i am pretty knowledagable except for this stuff, @ Avalon, thanx for pointing that out! ill have a look at them and check to make sure they are all the same >_< i prolly would have never noticed!by the way, i got it all fixed and it can be viewed in firefox now, strange how the tags openeing and closing can effect the way the page is viewed in different browsers.. but oo wellthanks for all the help!!

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How about that, everything now works fine in Firefox. I am a little surprised the unclosed tags had an affect like that. I can understand the formatting going haywire because of it, but to stop it displaying content is very bizarre. I guess that's one to keep in the memory bank for when you see strange things happening on a site, check the tags!Glad I could help. :(

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i opened your link http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and it is opening completely.
i could see something like

Native to Tibet, this tall (up to 15 feet) white-furred humanoid creature may be related to the troll but as it will attempt to attack and eat any human that it meets, no witch or wizard has had an opportunity to study a living yeti at close range.

so i think it is the end of the page.

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yeah, thats because i fixed it :-D lol if i hadn't fixed it you wouldn't be able to see it in firefox..but oo well i did fix it thanx to Avalons help :-D thanx again!

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