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Coldfusion Vs. Php

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Coldfusion vs. PHP

Coldfusion Vs. Php


Okay. It seems like a lot of people haven't even TRIED Coldfusion. I'm not familiar with either one so I can't talk to you about performance or ease or anything. By the way, people seem to think that Coldfusion isn't free. There are free Coldfusion versions out there. That seems to have been a major misconception. I agree with one of the earlier posts: it's more of an opinion thing.


-reply by Matt

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I have the same question

Coldfusion Vs. Php


I use php, but I want to know what I'm missing out on with cold-fusion. None of you have answered that question at all, except with informing us that you like php. THANKS! so do I! but I want to know what features cold-fusion has that php doesn't. The only thing I read that was of any help was that cold-fusion can create pdf from html..I don't think php can do that, so thats good to know. Who else has studies both and actually knows what they are talking about?


-reply by Adam

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I'm very shocked by the lack of understanding of ColdFusion. I'm NOT a C++ programmer and have used both and CF is more powerful with less code than PHP. Free is worth what you pay for it.-reply by CFUser

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ColdfusionColdfusion Vs. PhpHassan Ahmad what you tell us is so not true, read the post before from absurdparadox.Quote: comparing noob-level CF to more advanced PHP is certainly not a fair comparison-reply by fnkbll

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ColdFusion 8 running PHP and Ruby!Coldfusion Vs. Php

Coldfusion 8 is very powerful and, for the price ($1500), is really a no-brainer with all the support and scalability Adobe provides in the now enterprise level product. It was first designed as a tag based language, just like HTLM. This allowed many people to learn Coldfusion, as most understood the syntax and how to write tags with attributes, but it has grown to an enterprise level application that includes a plethera of unique and very useable features.

Coldfusion 9 (Centaur), with Built-in Object Relational Mapping, is already in beta release along with a new IDE in the works. And with Alchemy, any C++ application can be compiled to run in flash. And just some quick important feature sets include: Microsoft Office support, Exchange support, dynamic PDF support, dynamic Image and charting support, application packaging and deployment, remoting and web messaging, JDBC Connect, Lucene Search, IPV6, RIA, ORM, AJAX, Flex 4 (Gumbo), Flash 10 (Astro) and Adobe Flash Catalyst; all of which can be accessed and reviewed at: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/

If price is of importance, you can check out an open source version by New Atlanta. They provide both a native .NET and JAVA installation that provides many features:  http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

You can directly leverage and access .NET, COM Objects, Java Resources, etc... It's also very powerful as a RAD environment where "turning on a dime" and working with different components, to bring about the whole of an application, is needed. It's perfect for RIA development and can run independently or even on top of popular Application Servers such as WebSphere. It can run the Zend Framework and this includes the ability to leverage most any web platform required. Including PHP and Ruby:  http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

The main advantage is that Coldfusion can directly access, within the application scope, variables set or run on any langauge, like PHP, JSP and CFM, when leveraged by Coldfusion correctly. It also provides many free extensions from the Adobe Coldfusion Exchange and, not to mention, all the sites dedicated to User Defined Functions. Also, both Dreamweaver and Ecplise IDE's are supported, along with Flex, AIR, Flash and Spry Framework; along with many other plugins.

As this has just been my experience, I truely beleive, to each his own, but I thought I would say my peace, as I have also used many other types of application developent environments. And as always, feel free to point out my mistakes, as every product, from every vendor, keeps progressing and it's harder to keep track of everything these days.


James Piper - VP / CTO - 5 Star Universe, Inc.A Woman and Veteran Owned Small Business5staruniverse.Com

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I write in Coldfusion and php for 6 years... Coldfusion is great and php is fun. I make a lot of money because I speak multiple languages !

I think the bottom line is to learn everything you can. I learned a lot of stuff in coldfusion programming in php and vice versa.

and for the price of coldfusion...Use the developper version !

 I'm NOT a php and I'm NOT a coldfusion. I'm Mike and everyone want's to be like Mike 

 -reply by Mike


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opinion onlyColdfusion Vs. Php

I can't say that I have used php very extensively, but I am a big fan of coldfusion.  For me, the big advantage is the time saving.  I can accomplish with a single tag what would take 20 or more lines in php or asp, plus it does a lot of other neat little things that are helpful like the pdf comversions, faster form validations, chart rendering, etc.  plus, it is faster to learn (at least, I thought it was).

just my opinion

-reply by mistersender


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Are ColdFusions days numbered?Coldfusion Vs. Php

 IMHO ColdFusion is clearly a more "efficient" technology.  By that, I mean, I can accomplish far more, with feweer errors, in heck of a lot less time than I could using either PHP or ASP.  Maybe that's just my personal experience, but it is true for me.

Now that being said, I don't know how Adobe is going to able to possibly succeed in the long run with ColdFusion given that you can run PHP for free.  As we all know it's practically impossible to compete against an alternative product that is essentially given away.  (although that may not be the case with MySQL vs Microsoft SQL Server, which already has a substantial market presence and is probably going to endure for the long term).

The bigger question is whether or not Adobe is going to license ColdFusion as an Opensource technology. Which I believe may be only viable long term future for ColdFusion.  And if it does, will they be able to make enough money, to make it worth their while to invest in further development of the platform?  

For me personally, I'm quite willing to shell out the $bucks for what I see imho as one the best Web technologies out there.  I'm just not convinced others out there feel the same.  


-reply by Oliver Wendal


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try JSP and java servletColdfusion Vs. Php

on daily work I use JSP and java servlet, JSP compiled to servlet only for the first time...

with Java , the precision of data is better  for example what is the result if 162.295 to be rounded by two decimal places ? in scratch the result is 162.30  with java BigDecimal class ...In javascript 162.29 , and I think PHP is similar to javascript...How does PHP and coldfusion solve this ?

but in my country Indonesia , PHP is the most common web programming language. Forgime if my english bad :)

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ColdFusion rocks and is your best solutionColdfusion Vs. Php

Jaba/JSP? Give me a break. The JSTL expression language (proposed PHP/CF killer) hasn't been updated since the mid-90's and it's full of holes. If you want to geek out to your friends, yeh go for for Java/Jsp. A good PHP or CF developer will deliver 15 times the workload and be a better resource to your company/institution. Between PHP and CF? I'd go with CF because of it's simplicity and elegance. And now it's free too. Check out http://www.getrailo.org/. Railo is an CFML engine and is free, open source and very powerful. Game over IMHO.

-feedback by Mark

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Having worked extensively with both ColdFusion and PHP, I can say that there is less of a learning curve with ColdFusion. However, I'm trying to use PHP exclusively for several reasons:


  • It's an ACTUAL programming language. In other words, I can carry more over from knowing PHP than I can with ColdFusion, so if I ever need to code REAL web apps with Python/Django/Javascript, I can.

  • It is object oriented. There is nothing cleaner and neater than OO code. Have stock libraries for applications is excellent to stream line a site.

  • It's secure. Because of it's OO abilities, (namely bound parameters and results) SQL injection attacks are a thing of the past.

  • It's efficient. It doesn't take many resources to run and it's a breeze to install.

  • It's free. We don't have the money to update ColdFusion with every release.

  • Support is GREAT in PHP. Most of the code you need is written for you, anyway.

Alright, I'm done. ColdFusion is easier to learn, but it's not very useful for anything other than writing ColdFusion code, making your business/corporation/department stuck in sticking with ColdFusion which ultimately will not be able to meet your demands as your business grows. What's more, so many huge sites use PHP and other FOSS. When was the last time you were on a ColdFusion-powered page, anyway?

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Abbreviated languagesColdfusion Vs. Php

What sets out Cold Fusion from PHP is its readable syntax. A well written programme should be fairly easy to read years after it was written. With a combination of comments, good variable names, and an understandable syntax, the maintenance of the programme will be much quicker with issues easier to spot. The problem with these abbreviated languages is that it can take you some time to even read the few lines that you have just written, not mind trying to figure them out years later. For this reason, Cold Fusion has the edge over PHP.

The problem with Cold Fusion though, is that since it is interpreted it is deadly slow. I am used to compiled programming languages like Cobol, which can process far far greater volumes of data that would only be a pipe dream for Cold Fusion. It was for this reason, I was looking on this website to see if PHP could process vast quantities of information quicker than Cold Fusion? If it could, I was going to write some core routines in PHP (as it is one of the few allowable languages that can be used on the server that space is rented on).


-reply by Gary of Anglo Sunshine

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stick with CFColdfusion Vs. Php

Coldfusion is the way to go. The reason being is Adobe is a great company and has really amped up its products in the last couple of years. RIA development is where it's at. Think about it... Everyone loves TVs today that look great and are bigger, better, and faster. Adobe Flex and Flash provide all those great things. Sure you can use PHP and ASP with Flex (among many others)... But since ColdFusion is "their" product... They easily integrate it with Adobe Flex. Plus you need so much less code to get the job done with CF. And the CF administrator shows you everything you need to know about the inner workings of your server and memory in real time. These other products like PHP and ASP charge extra for programs like that (as well as charging for additional functionalities that CF includes). Silverlight just can't keep up and Flash is on 99% of computers.

plus Adobe now offers CF for FREE for academics! a win win so you won't have to pay.

I do recommend teaching computer students EVERY language. Give them a dose of each one so they have experience with it. I know some PHP and have used ASP in the past... But I prefer CF and have been using it for years and years.

PS I think its funny when people say CF is slow... It's only as slow and limited as the web developer makes it. It's all about architecture.

-Matt from Boston

-reply by Matt

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If you want to go PHP, you might still be able to keep some of theGood things in ColdFusion... Check out Prado, it supposedly brings"tag-based" to PHP.

I have no opinion on the question above. The hot thing in the PHP world now seems to be framewords. Like modx... Or whatever (this one doesnt seem too bad).

 AsFor me, I am getting tired of always stumbling into "low level"Problems with PHP (where did PHP put the temporary file that my userJust uploaded... Etc.) and am having trouble organizing my code on myOwn (although I'm doing better then in the past), and framewords turnMe off (do I really have to learn all these weird functions now?), soI'm considering moving to ColdFusion. It looks really nice and wellOrganized, the way it should. So I'm not giving any verdict now, butI'll try it out :)

PS: if PHP is cheaper but lessProductive, then the college will be saving money on the software butSpending more on development costs. A stupid decision I would say.Unless they can chain you to a chair and make you work for free. Note,I said "IF". It also depends on the assignement.

-reply by Rolfen

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Hi!@kvarnerexpressI have not used ColdFusion so I can't really tell much about it, but you did mention about being able to interface with Java, which seems to be a huge plus.If I were to intentionally put forth arguments against PHP to get a key decision maker to go against it, I would probably put forth the fact that most content management systems and blogging engines based on PHP tend to use the CPU heavily. It takes a significant amount of caching to bring the CPU load down to manage large amounts of traffic.However, from a software engineering perspective, you do have to consider both the advantages and the disadvantages of a programming language and platform before you form your opinion of what would be best for you to do.Perhaps from a career perspective, continuing with ColdFusion may seem like a good choice because you can list a straight x years of experience on the technology, but if you were to switch to PHP development that would help you in applying for positions available to both programming language.

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