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Site Not Visible Due To Dns Problem

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Admins: Im having very serious problem.I have uploaded my site on Xisto hosting.my page opens some times in a day and mostly it doesnot open...it says , can not find the page...I want to know is it a hosting problem or its my setting problem? my domain is http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=pakdir&e=com , please tell me if there is any thing wrong in my settings what is wrong?thanks

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your domain seems to be working at the moment. i can view your front page. only problem i see is some missing images (doublecheck your uploads, and your directory linking).your site is not using php/mysql, right? if you are using plain html, any mysql downtimes (which have not been experienced recently, to the best of my knowledge) will not affect your site.problem could be with your ISP connection, it could be slow and timing out so you're getting the error you're experiencing. is it only with your site most of the time or with other sites as well?

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It seems to me that your nameservers aren't pointed to the correct place. Make sure your dns settings are set to point the nameservers to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM It takes me to a page that shows up when there isn't anything on a site yet meaning it is the domain hoster's default page used until you point your nameservers to the right place. If you have just changed your dns settings then it can take a day or two to update.

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It seems to me that your nameservers aren't pointed to the correct place.  Make sure your dns settings are set to point the nameservers to NS1.TRAP17.COM and NS2.TRAP17.COM  It takes me to a page that shows up when there isn't anything on a site yet meaning it is the domain hoster's default page used until you point your nameservers to the right place.  If you have just changed your dns settings then it can take a day or two to update.


where did you get that? :)

nameserver is correctly pointed to Xisto, as shown here:


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Thank you very much for your quick reply, but i have cleared all the history , cache , and everything , but its still not working.i can see the page "Can not find server" . my internet is working with all the other sites well , and i have tried to open it in firefox also but its not working , and my nameserves are also pointing to the right place, can you please tell me in detail what else could be wrong .My site was working some hours ago..yes i know it doesnt show images, but thats not a problem...i mean i cant even see any page ..it simply says "can not find server etc...and also i cant access my control panel..like it should be on and it was on the site http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=pakdir&e=com but now its not even opening..whats so wrong ? i need help :)

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is this how your site looks like? this is a screenshot taken minutes ago. hence, i am able to access it with no problem.

Posted Image


hmmnn... did you make any further changes to your domain nameservers lately? if plenoptic is reporting your nameserver is not pointed properly (which might be the case if you made any changes recently), then you may just have to wait until your domain is re-propagated again. from where i am, these domain changes in the nameserver my ISP is connecting might have appeared already so i'm able to access your page. in your place (and in plenoptic's), it may take a little while more.


you can still access your cpanel via IP.


Notice from serverph:
thumbnail link fixed.
Edited by serverph (see edit history)

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Nevermind I thought that was the page of the domain host. I didn't know that was his site. Well then your site works fine for me. Try clearing your cookies and all files from your internet browser.

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yeah my site looks like that.I could see that couple of hours ago but now i can not see...and i changed my name serves may be 3 or 4 days ago but not today or yesterday...and ic ould see my site on my computer some hours ago but now its not working here.i even tried firfox.what could be wrng with it...and i also can access to my cpanel via ip but i cant access though my site like i used to ...what i should do now ? my internet is fine and i tried firefox and IE but not working...

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don't mess with your nameservers, now that we've determined it's not a nameserver problem.try rebooting your PC.try accessing your site via another PC.try using another ISP/connection.if these fail, relax first. rest for a couple of hours then retry. :) maybe some glitch with your system i can't pinpoint at the moment.

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okay thank you very much for your kind co operation all the way..im still upset coz of my friend also said he can see this page ..i dont know what can be wrong with my computer but anyway i will try to do something..thanks again..have a nice day.

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