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Popularity Of My Partner - Love Relations the most horrible thing

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I was looking at my so called "best-friend"'s myspace and I just realized something horrible. NOw, let me give you some background info.My best friends name is natalie. I love her to death, and we have been best friends ever since we were babies. But now as we enter our teen years, I've noticed that she is so much more popular than me, has so many more friends, and has had countless boyfriends. SHe is outgoing, friendly, and funny. She has 3, count them, THREE best bosom buddy luv-y-4eva lol good times friends. Myself, on the other hand, I have one best friend, a handful of other casual "school" friends and an either less extensive number of "our parents know your parents and we're both russian so we're cool" friends. I have never had a boyfriend, insecure about my body, and just plain insecure. I do have a good sense of humor, but its a bit off color and the only one who really laughs at my jokes is Natalie. Now, me and my only best friend are drifting apart. She talks all the time about her two other best friends and how they have so much fun sneaking into the movies or hanging out with guys, while me and natalie occasionally see eachother in the hallways at school. Her cellphone constantly rings off the hook, everyone wants to talk to her. My cellphone is mainly to ask my mom or dad to pick me up from the library. I feel so isolated and alone. Can some one help me?*

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Hey! I think it's just a phase in your life. I've had that before and my uberly popular friend was always the center of attention and I was a bit jealous, not about her getting all the attention but about her giving them more attention than me. :) Just loosen up and try to do things that please you. Befriend other people also just like Natalie. I'm sure this phase will just pass and you and Natalie will still be friends. Good luck :P

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semeticsister,It can be a cruel world out there. Not everything is going to turn up roses. There will no doubt be the odd weed pop up i the garden. It is a good thing to learn this stuff early so the big ole nasty world doesn't hit you too hard when the realizations set in.As for having lots of friends, I believe that it is highly over-rated to have a great number of "best" friends. I would much rather having only a few "great" friends. Great friends are those you can call at 3 o'clock in the morning from 1,000 miles away and they will get put of bed and drive across town to pick up another friend, take them someplace and then return to bed. I know because I have friends that have done that for me. They might not have really liked doing it, but they did it. And lesser friends would not have done that.I suggest you chill out on this. Time is your friend. As noted above, it is more important that you continue to be you rather than trying to be someone you aren't. In due course, those who can appreciate your strengths will come into your life.

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there isn't really a way to judge of one group is cooler than another. Sometime i think that .. those people that are really outgoing and make alot of friends. Half of their friends talk behind them. Also, they probably are crazy about the attention they're getting and not being themselves. I really hate those people, they seem so fake. Pretending like they are cool with everyone. I'm sure you have friends that think you're cool. Who cares if you never had a boyfriend. To me, high school or teen relationships are crap. 90% of the relationships aren't serious. Usuaully last for 1-2 months. If you said your friend had alot of boyfriends, chances are that she's a slutty type. I cannot judge on her since i do not know who she is, just my inference..If she's your best friend, she should have introduced you to her other friends instead of avoiding you. I understand if she abandoned you because of her boyfriend. I would do the same thing if i have a gf, but really, i don't see any point in having one. You waste money, time, etc. And the relationship isn't that serious. This might sound reallly corny, but fitting in with everyone isn't all that great. You would alway have to put of a front and be carefull of what you're saying so they won't think your a loser and such. lol. Popularity won't do you any good in the future. So.. just ignore your friend and be yourself. Hangout with your REAL friends...

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you made me realize something about myself i am actually becoming stuck up. I think its mainly because girls like me now all of a sudden. in middle school the girls didn't like me as much. then i was too influenced by my friend and he is the one that got me into comuters. SO anyway when i went into high school my best friend went to another school so i had to find new friends and since in middle school i hanged out with only 1 guy i was lost. but then i found some old friends which i stasrted hanging out with and for some wierd reson i started looking after myself, i started buying myself alot of good clothes and i would gel my hair and i would go out with girls i dont know y i started to changed soo much but so i started hanging out with my cousing group and they are pretty cool. And now that you said you friend is like leaving you you reminided me of myself and what i am doing to the guys i first hanged out with.

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