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Ads? I have them...?

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It says its an ad free site, but when i go to my site ( i have uploaded anything on it, i guess its the "default" version of my site) I have ads on the side. Do those go away when i have more credits? Or when i upload the page onto to it?

http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ everyone elses site i have seen doesnt have them...im just a little confused on why I do.

Notice from rejected:
Fixed the URL :D

Edited by rejected (see edit history)

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Right now I can't see your site but if you haven't uploaded anything that means the default Trap page is on there. As soon as you upload your index page and delete the current one they will be gone. It helps keep people from viewing your directory.

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The default index file contains ads until you replace that index file OR delete the default index file and place your own. Noticed that the ads are along the right vertical section and the codes can be removed and will not resurface. The default index page is also to shield a brand new site from ugly "still under construction"Xisto.com promises that you will never be forced to display any advertisement.

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Alright, i was just wondering...sorry i didnt put the correct link earlier. I am notorious for mispelling links. Thanks for the information, i just wanted to make sure i didnt do anything wrong. Not really important i guess but...When i try to go to the cpanel through Internet Explorer, it just continiously pops up the thing that you sign into, but doesnt sign me in, but when i sign in through Firefox it works, is anyone else having that issue? It doesnt bother me, since i use firefox most of the time anyway, but i just found it weird.

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Please do not go off topic.I use Internet Explorer and I am having no trouble logging into my cPanel. Sometimes the server rejects your log in if your browser does not support the proper security encryption. Try updating your IE browser or Windows SP files.Or it could be as simple as for that split moment the cPanel itslef was not functioning properly. But update all your Windows update files and security settings (to make sure you have 128bit encryption) and try it again.This original topic has been answered and thread is closed. JasperIk, if you would like to start the topic regarding IE login session to cPanel, please make a new topic.Thank you. :D

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