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Gfxtrap.com V2 Updates

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Well after some minor editing here and their and getting the website to work with both FF and opera I was able to get it work YEAH!!! For me


Only problems I had was the logo up top in ff and opera is off to the left so had add some spacers to it. Also the ad rotator script that I am using will not work for you ff users and opera users, bummer. :D


If anyone could give me suggestion on how to fix that it would be appriciated.










Now those should be good unless you want to get techniqual and do the screen resolution and that im not going to even try its like what 5-10 different resolutions you could use. thats just to many index's I have to make ;) and keep updating (if need be).


Pretty Much all the forum stuff is connected since the V1 was just a central hub to begin with but i starting adding the hosting links to it. with that all I did was add the link to the main pages for Xisto - Web Hosting, Xisto, and the traps, it shouldn't be to hard to figure out how to navigate through the sites from their.


So pretty much the central site webpages need to be worked on but that will done quickly once i get the final set up done. The colors thought thats going to be the hard part. you can already see the nasty color combo i got working right now. Contimplating if I want to go ALL black and shades of grey for the whole site and then design some minor gfx's to fill in some spots to it as well. You can tell with the racing stripes that if do the right design it will look good.


any suggestions you could think of that I could add to the site drop a post and I will look into it. mind you I don't want it to look like a complete mess and i coin the phrased "junk" to it.


Also I added a topsites lists got my little banner and header logo all done




So you can start putting your sites on the list and of course spread the word as well.


Also I ask Plenoptic ot help out with affiliations to others sites to build up the viewership and get new people to join as well. ;)


of course anyone wants to contribute to advertisement drop a post or a pm at me and I will get with you ASAP.


So to Sum up the latest updates


-web design works in all 3 browsers

-need to add just a bit more

-finish up the main pages

-have topsites list going

-v2 is almost their.

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On problem tho ;) On line 257, you have the following code:


<div><!-- Begin Top Sites -->[color= red]LINE 257 :: <a href="gfxtrap.com/topsites">[/color]<img src="http://img467.imageshack.us/img467/6619/banner2np.gif" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /></a><br /><br /><a href="gfxtrap.com/topsite/ style="font-size: 8.5pt; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none">Rankings</a></span><a href="gfxtrap.com/topsite/index.php?a=join style="font-size: 8.5pt; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none">Join</a></span></div>
The link doesn't work and the code should be like this:


<div><!-- Begin Top Sites --><a href="[color=red]http://[/color]gfxtrap.com/topsites"><img src="http://img467.imageshack.us/img467/6619/banner2np.gif" alt="Image Hosted by ImageShack.us" /></a><br /><br /><a href="gfxtrap.com/topsite/ style="font-size: 8.5pt; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none">Rankings</a></span><a href="gfxtrap.com/topsite/index.php?a=join style="font-size: 8.5pt; color: #FFFFFF; text-decoration: none">Join</a></span></div>

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The biggest problem with the GFXTrap website on different resolutions is the obnoxiously gigantic header image. You should try for something that can be viewed on 800x600 pixel screen without having to scroll left and right (just make the image itself smaller and put it on top of a table that blends in with the image color).

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Very nice looking so far. I can't wait to see the whole thing up and running. Like I told you in the PM I will get more affiliates as soon as possible. Just give me til Thursday. If you need help with anything else on the site I'd be happy to. Just send me a pm or talk to me on msn.

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Well, I dont know that is it just me or what!I can see that the header over there is having a blurry text!So if you can look out of the that..also the color of the header..is not of my taste...You gave it a tech look..may be you can try diff. other things...we all know how good you are at these things ;)

Edited by mayank (see edit history)

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Well, I dont know that is it just me or what!


I can see that the header over there is having a blurry text!


Same problem here, the reason is quite simple, the image has been resized via html code. The actual size of the image is 765 x 80, yet it is being displayed at 912 x 95 on the site due to the <img> tag used.


I assume all the affiliate buttons are not going to stay where they are, it looks over the top as it is. I think an affiliates page is needed.

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yeah i edited the image to fit the width of the website to look uniform will be doing a new logo for that. but with the affiliates yeah that will be changed once i finish the edits to it it will be moved on to main folder of the site.

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