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Intel Based Macs A Reality Intel based Macs a reality

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I was roaming around the internet, and I suddenly found everybody selling the expensive notebook macs for around $500 to $700 (used), I am currently tempted to buy one. So I went around the internet looking for info and found in one forum, someone advising not to buy macs until mid january because something big was coming, and I searched more and found it.

The Intel based macs are finally coming, I thought that they werent going to be a reality until mid 2006 or more, but it is here and it will have a very low price tag.

Read along on the following link.


I guess Ill wait a little bit and see if prices drop more, or if I get an intel based mac. I dont know yet, any advise?

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Wow this is cool. Macs really burn a hole in your pocket. Coupled with Intel I think it will be an economic choice. Do you know anything about how Mac is faring on Intel. Apple was claiming that their processors were more efficient than Intel's. So lets see what happends now. What's next? Macs on AMD?!

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Yes, Mac have partnered with Intel for chips for their new PCs. They will contain a authorization chip so that Mac OS cannot be installed on normal PCs which kinda sucks. However, they will be better than the current macs since intel chips out perform the current mac chip. Plus, apple will be able to cut current develoment costs for its chips so hopefully, the cost of the their computers will decrease. I cant wait even though i am trying to get a free minimac. Plus those who say AMD is better, you really dont know what Intel is up to nor what their future hold. They in the end will continue to dominate.

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I've seen the iBook with an Intel Core Duo processor on Apple's web site. It seems like a nice machine, and hey - you might just be able to install Window$ on it. I did see something on getting Mac OS X x86 installed on a Windows machine (you could find the story on ZDNet UK; it was a while ago), but that was only a development version of Mac OS X x86.

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