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New Site Design

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Well I decided my old site design was getting old and I didn't really like it after a while so I made a new one. This one I need some suggestions for the text in the banner. Don't worry about the big white space in the middle for the content that will all be taken care of once I code it. Please comment and give suggestions on what I could do better and with the banner text. I appreciate it.


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Shadowdemon's right, there's too much white going on under the banner. But, that can be fixed with a little HTML/CSS. Also, apply some anti-aliasing to the text in the banner.

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lol Like I said I know the font in the banner is messed up and there is a big empty space. I am going to fill it up with content and stuff and it'll look much better once fully coded. If someone has any suggestions for what I could do with the text in the banner I would greatly appreciate it.

This one I need some suggestions for the text in the banner. Don't worry about the big white space in the middle for the content that will all be taken care of once I code it.

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Heh, i guess i forgot to read what you posted. Anyways, maybe a 3D font would be better. "Plenoptic Design" - 3d font, and "Bringing Your Site To Life" - pixel font, maybe. Just the layout is a bit too simple for me. Your site could use a universal logo, though. Not sure if thick side borders would help, but just an idea.

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I can see some black border around banner font. IMHO, I think it would look better if you remove that. Give it a try. You might also make it a little bigger. Try changing its colors, too. You may find something interesting ;) Also, you might try with a curvature (curved font, fit text to path) if you know what I mean. I don't know what software you are using but I guess it has a function like "fit text to path" (in Corel Draw) that can fit text to any curve. Shape of that curve is up to you. See where it best fits. Somekind of logo might help you to populate that "banner". Text itself is a little "empty".I hope this was helpful. Feel free to ask any questions you have.p.s. One more thing... Try adding some kind of separator (a line or something, vertical) between your menu items (home|forums|templates|etc.)

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