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Nani Cheri

Unproofed Crime my mom is innocent..

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It's unlegal to call in the car without using a hands-free set. If you do call with your cellphone in your hand, you can get a ticket. But what I really need to get out of my head is this hatred feelings I have for these policeofficers who falsely accused my mother, not long ago, of calling without handsfree. What happend?My mother was driving on the road. She often drives with her head leaning on her left hand. One policeofficer saw this, and thought to see my mother calling with her cellphone. What does this stupid do? She calls to its colleague just as few miles further tru the walkie talkie, and says that the arriving black Atos 60-BF-TN is calling without handsfree. The next policeofficer stops my mom and gives her a ticket, when he can not even prove that she was actually really calling without her handsfree!!!I hate this becaus with these things you never can prove what was really going on. And besides, policeofficers have this arrogance over them, which makes you mad, that you don't think of let them check you call history or something!My mother paid the ticket 300 EURO'S im guessing. Rediculous. But I know how the police is now.Pay attention how you sit when you drive your car....it would be a shame if they accused you of murder next time?

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Wow that has got to stink. Yes cops do have end of the month quotas that they have to meet so towards the end of the month you will always seem them making speed traps in places they never have before. They will stop you for going a couply miles (kilometers) per hour over the speed limit just to help meet their quotas. The decide well now is the time to make up for the times I didn't get that one guy speeding 20mph over the speed limit and decide well the only way to make that up is if I get someone going 2mph over the speed limit. lol It stinks some time so be very careful what you do at the end of the month. :P

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I don't think that it quite works like that in Australia- and doesn't it seems a little bit dodgy to you guys that cops are actually doing this? I mean, that's a pretty bad example of justice :PI'm pretty sure that you could appeal or something though... it's been done before, the police waved a ticket for my Dad because he'd had a perfect record for 25 years and it was a few km's over the limit.. so surely if it's something that could easily be mistaken you could probably appeal?on the other hand, I'm not entirely sure what it's like in the States.peace out :P

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I agree, you must be able to appeal. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, right?


Then again, in the UK someone got a speeding ticket, but the photo was blurred, had an error on it which meant it couldn't be relied upon in court, he was only a few miles per hour over the speed limit (within accuracy limitations of speed dials) and he was still given the ticket after he appealed.


They have quotas and they have to be seen to be actually doing something, otherwise they will be accused of being 'soft' on criminals.

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yeah they can be very tricky sometimes...my friend told me that for 3 km an hour more her friend has been stopped by the police, and got a ticket....On roads in villages and cities you can drive max 50 km/h in holland... Her friend drove like 53 km/h I mean come on....driving isn't that fun anymore if this happends alll the time, and the money is ripped of you wallet, is it????????policaofficer in traffic, please get a life ;)

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welcome to real life ... it's bad when you get pulled over by the cops every once in a while because they're somewhat bored [i've rather got problems with those cops who are desperate to get some bikers to pay] but hey, it's pretty easy to get away from them if the street is busy enough so they can't get after you with their van but free enough for you to go faster than they can run ;)but I feel worse when we're out with some two hundred people, accompanied by two hundred riot cops on either side of us just because we might do something which is not covered by the right to assemble peacefully... that's just like asking for trouble, isn't it?

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welcome to the world of corruption, how do you think the police make the money for the technology they need to prevent crime. I sometimes thought about joining the police but that was like long ago when i was kid and stupid, but with whats going on in the world crime is as strong as when the first murder was ever commited.hmmm makes you wonder who was the first one to commit that crime.

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That is really dumb if you ask me. I thought that police officers were supposed to uphold the law not bend it to their own advantage. All people in power are like this no matter what the job is. It is unavoidable you just have to learn to deal with bumps in the road like this. Also, here in the United States we do not have to use a handfree set but we still get pulled over for stuff just as dumb as that.

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Yeah, thats total bull. My brother in law is a state trooper and he himself has told me that they have to make a certain amount of tickets sometimes, so they will stop you whether you are guilty or not sometimes.


I knew it! I always suspected that they had a quota of tickets to fill, even though they will deny it until the cows come home. The highway patrol always seems to be out and about during certain times of the month, always in excess. It's like why now? Why are they not out in droves like this every day? That's really sad, because what this tells me is that the city/state is being dishonest, and they are trying to make money of the citizens. I have to wonder where that money actually goes. Probably in their pockets. ;)

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i think that is totaly bs...me i would take it to court, i would go to my service provider and get my call history, i would have gone online and printed it off..then sued the police for taking the price of the ticket off and extra for time and suffering *cn be done my mom has done somthing similar before and won!* unless they can prove it they should not do it...

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Well, Cops are usally total BS, but some aren't all too bad. Most times though when you the victim you end up getting accused of being wrong, but Cops do have a personailty like there better then God and talk to you with so much disrespect when your just doing something to get away from something that is affecting your life. But hey, what do I know, I'm only 16 :( That sucks though that your mom had to pay money for what seems like the hell of it lol. But thats just how it goes sometimes.

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That sucks though that your mom had to pay money for what seems like the hell of it lol. But thats just how it goes sometimes.


Yeah, it really is a pity those policemen. She did went to court though... I told her she just needed to show her call historylist, but at that point she was like *a bit* pissed off, so that totally slipped her mind...


But I'm sure, there are (some) good policemen out there, they should teach their colleagues how to do their job properly right? Also, sometimes, when I see 2 policemen walking around in the neigberhood, they have thid face like: u can't touch me, Im too good for y'all, Im a important person , Im a policeman. They walk, act, and talk like they are untouchable. Why is that? Why can't they just walk normal? Talk like an average person would do, not like some asswhol who thinks he's better than you.


I have another story by the way :)

Here, if you ride on your bike, at night, without lights, you get a ticket too! :) A friend of mine was riding on his bike with a friend. He forgot too put on his lights. Than a group of policemen came, on their bikes too, and asked why he has no lights. And my friend finally got a ticket, when he could just turn the ligts on at that moment, if those policemen were not being such asswholes!

Is'nt that rediculous? You forget to put you lights on, it's dark, okay I understand, it's dangerous. But as a policeman you can tell that if the person just forgot to do it, there is no crime committed orsomethin. Come on, grow up..I can't understand these things! whahaha, I wonder what I'd do in a situation like this...I'd probablly attacked him (hahaha not true!) :D

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