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Php Nuke Site Templates

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Hi All,Does anyone know where I can get some good, free PHP Nuke Templates that I can use on my website. I have been using HTML. But I have had a lot of people tell me that I should use PHP Nuke. So I looked into it and I like it. Only thing I dont like at the moment is the template.Anyone who could help I would be extremly grateful. Thanx all :)

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Hey,dude,if you using html so long a time,and i think you should know all knowledges about html,so you needn't change to phpnuke,.of course,for why?that i think: Use html or xhtml standards is more simple than use a cms.Cms will connected with sql data,so html is your choice,but you would find templates on phpnuke official site forum.

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Well, I use Mambo and I think it is much better than PHP Nuke. Anyways, it is always way cool to know where you can find a nice design for new templates for your site.Cheers!!!

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Php Nuke is not all it is made out to be. First of all, i really dont care for it but i do use it for my fraternities website since once it is up, i wont have to be the only one updating it. However, my site that is hosted here is written in HTML and PHP and i find it much more satisfying writing the code myself. Secondly, when you encounter an error in php nuke (which you will) they are super hard to debug since you dont know the code since you didnt write it. I would recommend writing your own theme if you are going to use PHP Nuke since you really learn the code and it makes life much easier and to be honest it isnt hard. You just have to learn the file structure Nuke uses and then its as simple as just changing a line or two in someone elses code and creating new images if need.

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Hey guys i know basically nothing about php nuke all i know is that A. it can have logins on yoru site and B. if you have a news section other people can update it right? Well besides that im tottaly new to Nuke but i need those things on my site and i dont know any php so i cant write it my self. So whats the first step to geting nuke? Any help would be great cause im lost :)

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Hey guys i know basically nothing about php nuke all i know is that A. it can have logins on yoru site and B. if you have a news section other people can update it right?  Well besides that im tottaly new to Nuke but i need those things on my site and i dont know any php so i cant write it my self.  So whats the first step to geting nuke?  Any help would be great cause im lost :)


Well if you are Hosted with Xisto you have a full access to a PHP Nuke Install in your cPanel. Just login and then select Fantasino (wrong spelling) then down the list you will see PHP Nuke. It is about a 22MB Install. But it has everything you need to get started.

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Okay sorry for the double post. I now understand after duffing around my cpanel for an hour what he means. Since i do not have the required amount of space. I decided to go with mambo, Now guys bear with me here cause i have no idea what im doing. Now when i installed it it saied pick a directory where you want this to go or somthing and i just left it blank because then wont it be my home page or somthing? Well im sorry for my newbness but im tottaly lost can some one please tell me the next step.

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