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I Am Prashant My Introductions to my buddies in Trap17

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my HELLO goes out to everyone trapped in Xisto. :Pbtw .. I am Prashant Ladha.I am from Mumbai, India.at the moment working in Datawarehousing Dept of some company.But hold a strong interest in Java Programming and web designing.About me . I am True Scorpion. I am exactly what Linda Goodman says about Scorpions in her book.A strong will to become something respectful.A strong Learning-greed & a good logic gives me an edge over the other brothers of mine (atleast in the real world).I would like to learn a lot from the my kind of people ... scattered over the earth.Currently my goal is to achieve what Sabeer Bhatia has acheived.btw... Mumbai is Life to me. I would like to work only in a alive foreign cities in Singapore .. New York .. and Dubai ... coz i have heard they are alive and kicking too.well thats it from my side.btw.u can get me on Messenger also.just send me ur email id .. we will get the talking started.i guess thats it for now.In case i missed out on something about me, i will post that again.also would like to know about ur people also.cu around.

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Hello prashant,

I'm glad you decided to join our forum and take advantage of free web hosting. There are few key elements that we didn't get to discuss on the shoutbox (I know...more rules) but these are designed to keep the boundary strong so that this forum does not suffer like most other forums have in the past--destroyed by foul mouth, disregards for others, and does not care members.

Keep your post as though you are writing a paper--no excessive blank lines :P. Keep it clean and straight to the point. Hijacking or going off topic is also forbidden. Use correct BB codes. They are available when you are making a post--located on the left side "BB Code Help." Some examples are:

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If there are any other questions, feel free to PM moderators or administrators. Our members are very helpful and they are eager to help you out as well. Once again, welcome to Xisto and please use my signature links for your reference.

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Hey welcome to Xisto. There are many people here that can help you out with java programming and web design. If you would like you can add me to msn messenger, speoj@msn.com or aim crazystuntman05.

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Hello and welcome to Xisto, prashant!This is one of the best, if not the best, free webhosting services out there. It has all the features, services, and qualities of the paying hosts for free! I wish you the best of luck on your new website and hope that you share it with us as soon as you are finished with it. Once again, welcome and have a fun time!(P.S.) - Don't forget to post often as it is one of the most important things that you can do here in order to maintain and keep your account active!

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hello prashant,welcome to Xisto commnity,where you chosen is a great web planet :P i should say nothing more to offer you info about here because our kind BH had told you everything about how to enjoy yourself here.good luck!

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