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Losing And They Rub It In Your Face.

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Don't you hate it when someone beats you at something so NOT IMPORTANT and then rubs it in your face, and THEN does back talk to ya? darn IT! (Sorry)


And even when you're a good sport, they have to be a *BLEEP* and go on a bragging rampage?! I deal with them via noogies :) hahah.


Oh! And what about the people with tempers, and big egos, or over confident who want re-matches? Who won't admit when they're beat? (Good quality, just ANNOYING!!!!)


Do you people get ticked off at that stuff too?


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edited topic title found it a little exessive to have that many letters in a topic title. You been warned.
Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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Gah... my little brother is like that!!! Everytime he loses a game he cries and it's just like... a little video game like kirby. We weren't betting money or anything!!As for people who win and rubbing it in your face.... well...it's natrual for someone to be happy, but it's not nessicary to rub it in their face. You can joke around and go "OH YEA!!!" and something really funny after it, as lon as it's ok with the person you went agenst ^_~. But you just look like a totally *BLEEP* instead of a winner if you rub it in their faces, it's soooo annyoying!!

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I don't know... I guess if they beat you fair and square usually it's best to take the flak, as you know next time, you're gonna win and beat them ^_^

That's all well and good for things like sport or academic achievement (even if it's a fickle event/test). Online games are another matter... I highly dislike it when some faceless unknown *BLEEP* thinks he's king of the world just because he won a measly game, or topped some scoreboard with frags or whatever.

You can joke around and go "OH YEA!!!" and something really funny after it, as lon as it's ok with the person you went agenst ^_~.

Yeah, rubbing it in among friends is just a bit of fun, can get funny when you shut 'em down in the next few seconds :lol:

Oh! And what about the people with tempers, and big egos, or over confident who want re-matches? Who won't admit when they're beat? (Good quality, just ANNOYING!!!!)

Sore losers in my book are much, much worse than inflated-ego-winners. People who can't admit you have the skill, or at least some acknowledgement. What annoys me is when they're like "Oh I didn't really try" or some excuse, rather than congratulating you for it... rematches are fine, as long as you keep beating them ^_^

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I don't know... I guess if they beat you fair and square usually it's best to take the flak, as you know next time, you're gonna win and beat them ^_^


That's all well and good for things like sport or academic achievement (even if it's a fickle event/test). Online games are another matter... I highly dislike it when some faceless unknown *BLEEP* thinks he's king of the world just because he won a measly game, or topped some scoreboard with frags or whatever.

Yeah, rubbing it in among friends is just a bit of fun, can get funny when you shut 'em down in the next few seconds :lol:

Sore losers in my book are much, much worse than inflated-ego-winners. People who can't admit you have the skill, or at least some acknowledgement. What annoys me is when they're like "Oh I didn't really try" or some excuse, rather than congratulating you for it... rematches are fine, as long as you keep beating them ^_^


I agree that bragging and stuff isnt that bad if you win, especially when the person you are playing kept bragging himself on how good he or she is at that game for the entire week before!

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I am also really annoyed by this. When ever my cousin comes over we play video games. I lose just once and he rubs it in my face even if I rarely played the game or have never played it before. Then I never hear the end of it until he leaves. I wish that people could just stop making a big deal about winning because it is not a big deal in my opinion.

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We all no one that's like that or are like that ourselves. I am sure we all do it every once in a while. Sometimes you think it's fun to rub it in their faces or just get to caught up being competitive and want a rematch but it gets annoying when they do it all the time.

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It seems the people who do this the most need to have the most reassurance for the littlest things. There's a certain age when it shoud stop, but sometimes it doesn't. I've found that happily congratulating someone right away for winning will usually know some of the wind out of their sails. It's funny though, sometimes when you are just joking, like when my sister and I are playing something dumb like connect four and we start shouting, "in your face!"

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Well, that reminds me of my younger cousin. He challenged me to this two-player fighting game, and me, being very fond of video games, agreed. I didn't know how to play this game, and it's the first time I've ever heard of it in the first place! Once the game started, he started pelting me with combos, and all I could do was nimbly kick him and dodge by jumping around. I lost, of course, and he rubbed it in my face. Grrr...I sulked, and when he challenged me to play again, I scoffed and told him it's no game if they person you're playing with doesn't know the controls. Anyway, since I was older and exerted a lot more intimidation, he taught me the combos. When the game started, I began to exterminate him and wow, I didn't know my character was so strong! :) Of course, I beat him every game after that. Muhahaha! :)

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I really think it depends because somtimes its nice depending on the closeness of the game to brag. Some people feel that if it was a close game that you won you still dont have braging rights because it was so close. I disagree because if you creamed him then he has nothing to say back at you and it just lookes like your an bad mannered but if it was close you can say hahha wanst that great!! and then he can return by saying ya it was but my this was also coo. So you can brag but every one stays happy. However not to go too far off topic I would just like to say what really ticks me off is when people (right now im refering to the rts game starcraft among others) wanna 1v2 because if they win they are the hero!! the god no exceptions but if they lose its liek well it was 1v2 any way so what did u expect? so really if your on the two side and you win you get no braging rights and if you lose your the goat. So ya thats one thing i hate

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