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Manga & Anime What the???

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Of first of all, I'm p*ssed, because of all those shows that are coming from Japan to USA. I mean, what the hell is the difference between manga and anime...same to me. Also, they look SO fake, everybody ( if you're an artist ), could draw better than that. Those manga and anime stuff have triangle noses, I mean, come on! How would I get so 'popular'. For hell's sake, I've even see an anime porn. That's terrifying. I mean, why is it so popular, when all it is, is more than a stick figure.

PS: Manga and Anime look the same to me....

Sorry, for the double post, but I mistyped something there. If a moderator is here, please merge the post!

How would I get so 'popular'

It's supposed to be: How could it get so 'popular'


Notice from KuBi:
Merged double posts. Next time please just PM a mod with what you want added/changed. :)

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Well first off;Manga is an anime "book", a comic if you will.Anime is a movie or a T.V. show.Huge different, manga = black/white motionless, Anime = Color and motion.Anime is a more advanced version of a cartoon, that's why it looks fake. And no, not every artist can do better, anime is VERY hard and COMPLEX to draw. The ideas that people get are awe inspirering because people draw things that are in fact "fake", meaning there is no existance, you'd have to have a great imagination to draw something that is non-existant.I can't really explain to you why Anime comes from Japan and being dubbed to a US version, I don't really understand that myself. But there is one thing I do understand;Manga, in japanese means "Comic, Cartoon". So you can see where this fits. Comics are non-moving.Anime, in japanese means "Animation", So you can see that "Anime" meaning "Animation" would explain why things are full of motion.Please remember, manga = Comic, anime = movie.Hope this clears some stuff up.

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I'd just like to say that i like to draw anime myself and i can assure you it's a lot harder than it looks. Even professionals can waste hours on just one character (no scenary or color). Even i have looked at some anime/manga pictures where i've said i can do better, but when i actually try to do better, i end up failing... Because of that i tend to think twice before judging other people's work.

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Although it's true that not everyone like anime and manga. That's okay - they're entitled to their opinion and I respect that. I quite like the unique style of anime myself, as well as the story. The best example, in opinion, are the movies made by Studio Ghibli - in particular, the ones created by Hayao Miyazaki....great stuff! I'd reccomend it to anyone who's new to anime.

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I am one that likes anime alot but what really ruins it is when it comes to USA and they change the voices. Anime is something that is ment to stay in Jap and not to be messed with you should have to read subtitles. If you can't or don't want to read the subtitles then you shouldn't be watching it in the first place its that simple. Now mangas i think should be translated so of course we can read them and such.

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I think it's a love or hate situation... I know a lot of people who love it, as well as a lot who would rather sleep than watch it. The greatest misconception though, is that it's for "children", and even Hayao Miyazaki's work (Ghibli) is quite enjoyable for older people, as some of the themes are only obvious to adults.

I mean, why is it so popular, when all it is, is more than a stick figure.

Well, why is any sort of artform that's not realistic popular? If anything, it's just another art with it's particular style. It's appealing to some, less so to others. On the same token, why is any animated feature popular? Japanese animation tends to have a lot more detail in the drawings than western animation, and the extra exaggerated characters or gestures can make it rather amusing.

For heck's sake, I've even see an anime porn

Just coz you like anime, doesn't mean you like hentai. Japanese have crazy (creative even?) minds (hence the range of anime and plotlines available), so I guess, really, it's inevitable. I do have to admit it's over the top - but one can enjoy anime and not enjoy its more perverse counterparts.

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Okay...this is like....really really pathedic. People who like anime in general don't just go for the art style. Theres at least 500 sucky animes and at less then 50 of them that are really good. For me, I just go for particular anime series, not anime in general. And just because you saw one or two sucky animes doesn't mean all animes in general suck. There are lots of really GOOD animes that are really enjoyable and you can get hocked on. You just haven't seen them yet. All the animes and manga that were dubbed from Japan suck because no one translates it good.Although they look fake, the characters look beautifully drawn. They have the characteristics of a human and that's all that matters. If someone went off and drew a cartoon with 2-d people who had eyes, noses, and mouths like a real human, they wouldn't end up pretty. What about cartoons on Cartoon Network? They have green and purple tounges on ed, edd and eddy and mac from fosters home for imaginary friends has a round rectangular head. And they look cute too, depending on the artists, or they look really crappy, depending on the artist... I hate how Animes are being imported to the US as well. They should stay in Japan. People just want to make money, jeez. But in the end, it should be for entertainment purposes =P. Take note: Anime is ANY cartoon from Japan. And not all of them are draw with cute eyes, realistic hair and such. Some end up looking like Hello Kitty, and Hello Kitty IS an anime. It's kinda of being biased if you say you hate anime. So try narrowing it down to particular series. What series have you seen anyways?

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I myself prefer anime over manga. Yes, manga's tel the stories faster than animes do, but it's just boring reading it when you can actually watch it moving.I've got about 170Gigs of anime in my hard drive now and it's still expanding. I'm a sucker for movies, especially animes. Just can't live without them. B)

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I think the difference in Manga and Anime has been addressed...now here is why it is so popular...very simple reason actualy.. becuase all american cartoons be it in comics or in animation have a very boring and most of the time unintersting stories...take for example the Xmen.. no blood, stories are lame... i mean there are soo many hero mutants in marvel specially in new york but still there are loot of hoodloms.. B) and spiderman meet only few of them when all of them are after bad guys B) hehehehhehethe conclusion.... american cartoons are really for kids and anime and mangga is for more mature audience becuase its stories has more sense and more mature than simply killing and capturing bad guys in the street....if you still didnt get what I mean, try to watch BLUE SUBMARINE SIX... and compare it to whatever stupid american cartoons B) hehehehe

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