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Wild Car Sig by Avalon

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coool car and ur sig...very clear and nice.the text is fairly appropriate to the whole.what you made like the cover of a magzine which introduces concept automobile :huh:

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Yeah, awsome render :huh: - I want a car like that.Somehow the motion blur doesn't quite make it look like it's moving? I'm not sure what it is, but it's not quite working for me. (Oh... maybe it's coz the wheels look like they're stationary?)Otherwise, nice background brushing. I don't really like the name bar, but I suppose it's alright - perhaps try removing the scanlines in it? Stylish text, but once again I'm not really feeling the bevel on it..

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Very nice, Avalon, very nice. I like how you merged the motion blur with the car. But, i must agree with cool freaker. The car doesn't seem like it's in motion. I blame the wheels as well. I like the style used on the text, but the drop shadow doesnt work all that well, imo, with the bar.

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DOH! :huh: I meant to blur the wheels so it would look in motion, but I forgot! I also removed the drop shadow on the text, I too think it looks better. The bevel is staying though because it's supposed to look like a car badge. I tried it in silver but it didn't go with the rest of the colors. Edited sig below.


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In fact there is a car called an 'Avalon' in Australia, it's made by Toyota. It looks nothing like the car above though, see below. :P


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I like my car MUCH better! :(

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Hmm, I like it, not too big, not O.O stand out(andor annoying), but not too plain either.Although, IMO the text would look better as some type of mid-darkish blue..or maybe not, idunno, either way nice sig. 9/10.PS: Yes, the wheels on second version >>>>> first.

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