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How You Handle Awp? help... some tips to better AWP handle

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Replying to MyougaAwp isnt a noob weapon if you noe how to use it, I dun use it myself but I'm learning how to beat it, best technique on how to beat awp is smoke nades. Throw it in between you and awper, therefore he can only kill you once you appear infront of the smoke, by then you will be close enuf to spray at him, giving him an instant death. -reply by AeVLoN

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Nothing really

How You Handle Awp?


YOOO some good tips is stand still and walk most of the time..Never ever rush with an awp...Ummm. When your taking cover and you want to kill some1 by surprise..Jump out of cover and still still and take your dead aim shot...When your noscoping...Walk and never run.Yeah most of you may know the quick pull out...As soon as you shoot press 2,1 or hit qq like he said.Just practice like I did and you will be pro.


-reply by Chris

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The awp is one of the top 3 weapons in css, You aim at peoples chest you hit them, they die, you miss your shot or there's more than one, you die if you're not fast enough, if they have an awp or have a ak/deag/m4, you have equal chance.NOW GTFO PUBLIC BADDIES-reply by **** off

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Mostly I do no scope and dragshot. And I never pressed Q button twice ONLY IF a enemy is near. Waiting for the bolt action animation is faster than switching weapon.

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Compliments to CrazyShooter for that enlightening tutorial.Its a very important factor in teamplaying games, to understand the versatility of the players and their preferred equipment. People normally think that an sp (thats what they call a Sniper, where I live) is a sitting duck without Assaulter cover. This type of thinking leads them to lose the round/map. I'm an Assaulter in my team... And I know my Sniper very well. I know that when he's stuck in a very compromising position and we cant get to him in time, he thinks rationally, and takes steps accordingly. Sometimes its important to feel, rather than brood on mechanics. He basically prefers a Deagle or a USP as a sidearm. Deagle more, because of its Muzzle Velocity and its ability to shoot through walls and such.I'd like to agree with most of the comments here that say its good to switch to your sidearm or knife after a shot, as it decreases the time you need to reload. Also, it's advisable to double duck while moving as it takes you faster and doesnt make noise. Though, when about to take a shot, walk, stop, shoot, and scram- technique works well :DQuick-scoping (I guess thats what you guys call it), is called "Flicker" here. Pressing both buttons at the same time, so that you see the scope for a fraction of a second and you shoot the same time. It is also a very useful method.But as a strategist, I'd like to point one thing out. Even if you are a Sniper, you should have command of the assaulting weapons as well, because if you dont then in the worst case senario, you'll end up saving the whole match and not get an AWP or even a Scout, that you can keep for long.Hope that helped!

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I always loved watching those l33t awp vids on the net so I keep practicing with it. Ive only been playing for 5 months, and getting along quite well. So far what ive found out is that you need to rely on your drag skills for those noobs who Spawn jump all the time so its recomended that you set your zoom_sensitivity_ratio . I keep mine at 0.88 (default is 1.2) . This is basicially your sensitivity when your in Scope...If you cudnt figure that out.Another thing, quick scope in close range is also important. Cuz its a hell lot faster than switching to your pistol. Lasy, getting in position is vital. Why not stand with half your body behind a wall rather than your whole body as bigger target? :P Hope these helped :D-reply by ValoR

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For All AwpersHow You Handle Awp?

Awper should not let his postion be known by the enemies.You shoot once then move to other places that the enemies would not expect.

I'm used to be a rusher but after I saw the power of AWP,I change to awper.Now I am a semi-pro awper because I'm just only 12 years old

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*darn*, those language barriers are killing me, but I will try to explaine it somehow to u :P


It also depends on CS version u are playing, cuz I don't play CS Source and maybe there are some other tricks for shooting with AWP...


If we are talking about 1.5 and 1.6... It is good to change weapons ( pistol/knife / awp ) after shoot, cuz u will reload it faster and will move faster... so if u are hiding behind some wall/door/box, u will move faster behind it if u miss...


I don't know gaming names for those tricks and moves on english, but anyway, I will try to give some help :P Someone before me said something about aiming, but if u are really bad with AWP, this is the most important advice for better aiming with AWP :


When u zoomed, don't try to look for him with croshair when he is strafing or staying... It will take too much time to u and u will be dead untill u "find" him with ur crosshair. Just zoom, somewhere in his direction, u will probably not set croshair on him from first zoom... it will be somewhere left or right of him... If u zoomed a little left of him, just pull ur mouse on right and in that moment shoot... U will be amazed by ur shot... It is one of biggest misteries in CS and honestly, for those 3 years of playing, I still don't understand why that bullet goes on him... U will probably not do it from first time, but with few days of practicing u will notice how it works and what I am trying to say...


One more tip:


Let's say u are on aztec and u are on the bridge... On the other side is ur enemy who's waiting u to come out and shoot. Now, u have AWP in ur hand and u are behind wall and trying to come out as fastest u can, but, u are having AWP in ur hands and u are moving very slow... Try this : U are staying behind wall and u need to go, let's say left side, just start going left and when u are about to come out, press duck and u will do it much faster and it will have an effect of some short jump, but u will be on ground and will be able to shoot...


I hope, I helped u somehow, if u didn't understand what I am saying, post again what u didn't get and I will try to explain as much as my english knowledge allows me Posted Image

thanks for the tips :D , now i know why my friend is so good using AWP to kill me :P

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Well i would say i am above the average with the awp... More of the kills come closer ranges so if you do you awp you should "quickscope". Heh if you do not know what that means, what you do is you can run with a pistol for running faster unless you dont care then you just run with the awp. To quickscope, click both mouse buttons at once and then it will give you a little cross for the awp and you can shoot the awo like a bazooka Posted Image

Also there is something called a dragshot lol and when i was told what it was it was pretty neat Posted Image. But i cant remember how exactly to do it.

I think you mean Flickshot when you say drag shot. And when you say quickscope I though you meant, Have awp scoped once then quick switch to pistol/knife then switch to awp then scope then shoot again, it's faster but its a skill thats needs to be practiced to perfect.

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Basically for all snipers, there is three techniques that are invaluable (besides the gay *bottom* autosnipers).1) QuickscopingBasically, you aim on to the player you shoot before you ever scope in, then once you scope in you just shoot immediately. It's pretty much no scoping except it garauntees that if your shot is on target, it will hit. This takes practice since pretty much you have to place the target in the middle of your screen without crosshairs to help you. This is best used on mid to close range opponents. Although practically if they're close enough you should just no scope. Make sure if the target is moving to lead your shots, aim to where he will be by the time you scope in and shoot rather than where he is before you scope. This also just takes practice.2)DragscopingBasically a quickscope except you adjust your aim once you zoom in if your shot is not on target, the point of this is to be more accurate while still being very fast in your kill. The way I quickscope is this, I start by setting the target approximately in the middle of my screen, then keep dragging the scope even once I'm zoomed in which increases my accuracy a ton and pretty much any target that has not spotted me I can take out easily, and 80%+ of the time I can dragscope and land the first shot even on a guy who is bunnyhopping and *BLEEP*.3)No scopingClose range kills, no scopes are pretty inaccurate at mid-long range. But it's definitely useful to be able to no scope well, saves your *bottom* a ton if you accidentally get in close combat with a sniper. Basically just place the guy in the middle of your screen and shoot.And I don't consider regular sniping a "technique". But definitely get your kills this way if possible. If you have the time to just scope in, take your time aiming, then kill them, then go ahead and do it cause obviously it gaurantees a kill and improves your accuracy loads. And some other general tips:1) Never ever jump while shooting, and try to stand still before you shoot too.2) Double tap q after a shot, always.3) Don't camp, but be strategic. Meaning don't camp in a corner, but don't run around like a chicken with its head cut off. Try to catch people at long range combat where you have the advantage. If you go and rush spawns with even the almighty AWP I can gaurantee you will get killed. If you like being in close-mid range combat a lot, using a M4 or AK, don't AWP.4) Don't be afraid of camping, if there IS a spot on the map where enemies show up repeated to receive your .338 magnum bullets in their chest, stay there. Don't be all "omg what if they call me a camper? I'd better go rush them and get killed so I'm not a camper!". At the same time, don't be afraid to move. If you've got this really nice sniper spot but no one shows up there, *BLEEP*ing move. It's not a good sniper spot if no one shows up there.

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