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Death Jr. Sig As seen on Trap17

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well besides the text being pixelated due to that size, and somewhat blended in render this one rocks you like a hurricane.what did it llok like with the background color in it.8.8/10

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On the render? The render on the....the...backround, was transparent. If that's what you're asking.That's actually a pixel font, lol. Thanks. I like this one too. Should I replace this one with my Current one?

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Hey kubi!Thats a great great sig! I like the text...render is cool!And those lines which are going across the sides of the render are giving it a great look and effect. Backround is making it look even better....well are you still waiting for the rating? :)

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One of the style lines is visible through the render. A part of the "y" in "cemetery" and the question mark is visible through the render as well. There's also a huge space between your name and the question. The background color does not match the render's color.Everything else that I did not mention is great.

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Personally, I would have the main text bigger with some sort of effect on it - as the render is just a touch on the small side, so you need to compensate with the text.The pixel font is too pixellated? :) - It's hard to read - I'm not sure if you've used a size too big for the font, or it's the way it's supposed to be, but I'd recommend changing to a different pixel font just for the sake of readability.But the render and background are truly great, just right not it feels a little bare on the left.

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Well, the background is nice, aside from those "scratches" or whatever the heck they are supposed to be(just looks weird to me).Text is ok, the "Kubi" text is kinda ugly, but not horible(like my text useually is).Render doesn't seem to fit perfectly, but still looks ok with it.Yadda yadda 8/10.

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Ther pixel text is very hard to read, I had to look at it a few times to figure out that you had in fact spelt 'cemetery' right, the 'e' letters look almost like 'i' letters. Either the font needs to be bigger or a different font. Also the pixel font is a little too far to the right, it is partialy covered by the render. The text for your name is good but could be a little bigger have more contrast to the background so it stands out more.I don't know if the markings in the background are supposed to mean anything, but they look abstract to me and distract from me the render and text. The bright horizontal and vertical lines look like guide lines of some sort that look like they shouldn't be there. The horizontal line goes over the render's hand but under the head, doesn't look right either.6/10 from me, I've seen much better sigs from you. :)

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as funny as it may seem, i like it, the render is nice and simple, you used my border type i think :), good job with it.The only thing i would reccomend is getting better brushes and better fonts.

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Humm...Getting better brushes? I have over 300 brushes. Over 400 fonts. I have enough. Have you seen any of my other work? Probably a lot better.Thanks for the comments...

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