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Question: Signatures And Post Size

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I have noticed in my Forum Control Panel I can have up to 50,000 characters in my signature. I know hosting credits are partly based on the size of your posts. My question is: Is the signature included as part of the post when measuring post size?I am guessing it's not. Otherwise you would a lot of ridiculously large 'text' signatures on the forums. But you never know, it might be something that everyone has overlooked and luckily doesn't seem to have been exploited so far. I realise of course that signatures that have been 'inflated' to exploit a loophole like this would be quickly spotted by the moderators and the member would be asked to change it.Anyway, I am just curious. (pointing to his graphical signature below so as not to be accused of exploiting a possible loophole) :)

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thats is a interesting question but no the signature block does not count toward hosting credits, it would be interesting mod ot have but no one would use it just for the fact people would max that out and just post until them get the right amount of credits.

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Thanks SM. I guess the next logical question is why allow people to have a possible signature length of 50,000 characters? Imagine the spam in the forums if someone maxed out their signature allowance? :) Wouldn't it make sense to reduce the character allowance so it could never happen?

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well now your making people look like they have no commen sense, but yeah back in the day i had like 5 quotes and sig going on in my signature block but reduced to down to what you see now.

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well now your making people look like they have no commen sense, but yeah back in the day i had like 5 quotes and sig going on in my signature block but reduced to down to what you see now.


I have some questions in regards your signiture[i am one month in the forum:

1. What you means by sig [ I feel it is something as banner]

2. Why I see and hear about gifts

3. Can I put my site URLs in my signiture. Previosly I don't do that because I thought that it agains TOS. But I saw many put their url in the signure.


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[1] A sig is an image designed either by yourself or by someone who has given it to you as a gift. They normally have your forum username on them and sometimes a short sentence or quote. They originally started to show off a bit of your personality, graphics skills and to end messages with your name.[2] Gifts are gift sig pictures given by members to other members for doing something helpful, being nice or other random reasons.[3] As far as I am aware (feel free to correct me) I think you can put links in your signature, as long as they are not referral links, e.g. the ones to get you free stuff where you need a certain number of people to click you link.

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  Thanks SM. I guess the next logical question is why allow people to have a possible signature length of 50,000 characters? Imagine the spam in the forums if someone maxed out their signature allowance?

True but it is not happening so there is no need to restrict it. If anyone does have a large text or graphical signature, they will be asked to remove it and if they don't someone will remove it for them :)

The main trouble with adding restrictions in general is that there will always be someone who has no intent of abusing a rule who could use the restricted content unabusively. For example, if there is a 1500 character signature restriction and I want to post several 4 lined paragraphs of text and a image with a long url and it takes up 1600 characters, I couldn't do that even though it's okay in the forum rules.

I could also still post a 800x600 pornographical image or a 300x1000 image that contains just text in my signature that would be within this 1500 character limit and against the rules, so really there is no point in adding it.

Nice suggestion though :)

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