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Getting Help With My Ftp trying to connect to one

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Your first problem is you don't have enough hosting credits for free hosting. From the "Free Web Hosting Account request" subforum...


You must have 10 Hosting Credits to qualify for Starter Package or 30 Hosting Credits to qualify for Default Package. You need quality posts and hosting may be denied if you don't follow the rules.

Also, as rvalkass has pointed out, you have posted this message in the wrong forum. This is something that is frowned upon here, the purpose is to keep the topics in the forums relevant to the subject of the forum. This post should have been in the Support and Feedback forum. Don't be surprised if you get a warning from one of the moderators for this.


I suggest you read the forums to understand how Xisto works. While they do provide no cost web hosting, you do have to 'work' for it, (if you could call it work). If you participate in the forums with quality posts, you will be rewarded with free hosting.


Your application for hosting is what would be considered a 'spam' post, 2 words is NOT a post. Read the guides to posting in the forums and you will find it easy gain the hosting credits you require.


With the extensive range of topics here, I'm sure you'll find something that interests you. Welcome to Xisto! :)


Notice from BuffaloHELP:
Edited as requested.
Edited by BuffaloHELP (see edit history)

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thanks avalon and rval, this posted will be reported to the mods of this forum and this would be your final warning since you broke two rules in one post.topic title has to be clearer then please help and you posted in the wrong forum.

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I replied to your hosting application. Please read the reply. In order to post in our forum, the topic title and its description are VERY important. Please refrain from using title such as, please help me, read my thread I need help etc. Name the title that is about the summary of your post.


I'd like to thank everyone for guiding our new member. And remember we are here to show the ways of being a Xisto member. Use kind words and leading persuasion to alert and notify in a post.


Thank you everybody.


----- Topic closed, title renamed, moved to Questions & Queries -----

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