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Help With Changing A File my index.php to cmps_indes.php

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Please use more descriptive topic title next time. I'm editing it.If you are using FTP, simply click on the file you want to rename by right clicking and just rename, including the extension, and you are all set.If you are using cPanel, go to your file manager and click on the file. You will see many options to your right and select the "rename" and you'll be all set.I just want you to know that when you don't have any index (html, htm, php etc) in your public_html folder, your entire content listing will show when someone goes to your website. Be very aware! Okay? And your cmps_index.php will not be the first page that everyone sees for your site.

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Please use more descriptive topic title next time. I'm editing it.


If you are using FTP, simply click on the file you want to rename by right clicking and just rename, including the extension, and you are all set.


If you are using cPanel, go to your file manager and click on the file. You will see many options to your right and select the "rename" and you'll be all set.


I just want you to know that when you don't have any index (html, htm, php etc) in your public_html folder, your entire content listing will show when someone goes to your website. Be very aware! Okay? And your cmps_index.php will not be the first page that everyone sees for your site.


Thank you very Much BuffaloHELP and sorry about the thread title. But the problem is the forum home page is named index.php and I can't rename it. So i want something to point to cmps_index.php as the home page. I was so sure I saw it before in the cpanel. Maybe I am wrong though.

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I was so sure I saw it before in the cpanel. Maybe I am wrong though.


Access your cPanel. Go to File Manager. A new window will open. Go and find your file to be renamed. Click on the name. On the top right side you will see list of commands you can perform on that file. Select the rename file option. And you get to rename the file however you'd like, how many times.

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Access your cPanel. Go to File Manager. A new window will open. Go and find your file to be renamed. Click on the name. On the top right side you will see list of commands you can perform on that file. Select the rename file option. And you get to rename the file however you'd like, how many times.


This is telling me how to rename the default page but I would like to change it not rename it. Sorry if my questions are dumb.

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all right , i know your question.

you can do as that.

there is a index.htm or index.php on your dir,yes?
so let's empty the index file just fill it with this code below:

< META http-equiv="refresh"content="0;url=http://YourURL.com/dir/cmps_index.php">

if this could help me i will be more pleasure

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Can someone helpme please because I need to know how to change the default page from index.php to cmps_index.php


Oh I see, I'm sorry. When you wrote just this I assumed that you wanted to rename your index to cmps_index. I also changed your title to suit your question. Your question is not dumb just that I'm having bit of hard time understanding what you want to do. You said to "point to cmps_index" but from where? From your forum as a link or when someone types http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ it goes to cmps_index? What you are saying is that when someone types your address it goes to your forum page because the forum was created with the initial filename with index.php?

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Perhaps a quicker way of doing this is to create a file called .htaccess in your forums directory (or edit it if it already exists) and add the bottom this line of code:


DirectoryIndex cmps_index.php

This doesn't trigger a redirection but instead it changes the index file so that you when you type in http://yourdomain.com/dir/ to the location bar you don't get redirected to but still see cmps_index.php instead of index.php

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Can someone helpme please because I need to know how to change the default page from index.php to cmps_index.php


I have question. Is your site hosted in Xisto?. I see that your site is from 100 webspace.com. If your site is hosted in Xisto. for example http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then of sure you have http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ as well. So I have idea for you, put the files related to the forum in one of them and put the normal site in another . The index file in the two group are different. You can keep the old site and redirect it to the forum site in Xisto.

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