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Which Way Is Up?

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Something that has bothered me many years is the preconception by those in the Northern hemishpere that North is at the top of our planet. Being from Australia, I find it demeaning to have my country referred to as 'downunder'. This implies we are lower in status to counties in the Northern hemishpere. This preconception is further portrayed by cartographers all over the world by having North pointing to the top of every map in existence.


Who is to say which way is up? There is no 'up' and 'down' in space, it's all relevant to your current position. Last time I checked our planet floats in space, therefore what gives those in the Northern hemispehere the right to say THEY are at the top of the planet.


I suggest all Southern hemisphere countries should rally together and start a 'South Is Top' (S.I.T.) movement to have all the maps in the world changed to reflect South as being the top of maps. Below is a proposed logo for the movement.


Posted Image


Come on countries of Southern hemisphere, UNITE! Together we can change the world, literally! ;)

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Hey, don't worry! Supposedly in a few thousand years the poles of the Earth will switch so that the South Pole will become North and vice verca. The the Southern hemisphere will be at the 'top' of the planet, although Australia will still be at the 'bottom'. Not all cartographers have north pointing upwards on maps. In our geography room we have both a globe and a world map with south at the top.

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well dont worry friends!if all of the people of southern hamisphere will join the rally then i am sure that they wont be able to even compete with ASIAN's itself...because ASIA is having CHINA and INDIA....which are the most most populated countries in the world...so dont worry guyz NORTH WILL BE ALWAYS UP!he he he

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Arghh! But that's the whole point. There is no UP and DOWN in space. I'm sure it's a conspiracy to mess with everyone's mind.


I bet really North and South are on a horizontal plane to each other. So it's LEFT and RIGHT, not UP and DOWN.


Something to think about! ;)

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Left and right...tricky.But you see, this is an ancient thing, the first cartographers were from the northern hemisphere and they didn't anything but to put themselves at the top and work their way out once they figured out that there were more lands.It's the short-sighted cartographers you should be angry with. And Men at Work for putting out that "land down under" song.

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But you see, this is an ancient thing, the first cartographers were from the northern hemisphere and they didn't anything but to put themselves at the top and work their way out once they figured out that there were more lands.


Ah yes, and it was also once thought that the world flat. However we have since changed our thinking in that area, why can't we change our thinking in this too?


Since those first cartographers made their maps we have discovered space, where there is no up or down. So why does the Northern hemisphere still hold with this ancient idea when we have discovered it no longer applies? Elitism perhaps?


By the way, sxyloverboy's first comment is probably the most applicable to this thread.

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