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Do You Want All Your Internet Activity Logged? By the governement?

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the government is the organization that we should not trust our private life with.... in fact the turmoil of the world is the product of a government system whos interest is not for its people but for the poeple who are in the position.....

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the government is the organization that we should not trust our private life with.... in fact the turmoil of the world is the product of a government system whos interest is not for its people but for the poeple who are in the position.....



that's the nature of men kind. =P ... luckly i live in the US... and i believe invading others privicy is against the constitution.. .But then on the other side, it might do some goods. Like less people will go online meaning more people will actully get a life =P. .AHAHAH just kidding. But then that would lead to the destruction of online ads companies. And then we wouldn't be able to get free hosting from Xisto and we will all be doomed..... Yeah.. i might have over exagerated a little.

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that's the nature of men kind. =P ... luckly i live in the US... and i believe invading others privicy is against the constitution.. .But then on the other side, it might do some goods. Like less people will go online meaning more people will actully get a life =P. .AHAHAH just kidding. But then that would lead to the destruction of online ads companies. And then we wouldn't be able to get free hosting from Xisto and we will all be doomed..... Yeah.. i might have over exagerated a little.


The US has the PATRIOT ACT. Probably the most vile attack on civil liberties known to man.

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In Australia we dont have this sort of thing going on just yet and thank god.What we do in our own homes is our business. I can understand the desire for government authorities to want to monitor activities of people on the internet but if they are simply using it as a method of catching out criminals then for the sake of 99% of computer users it is inappropriate.

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I would like to say that they really dont look at individuals files one at a time - they put it all in a database and run searches for choice information. As such, 99% of you still have your privacy, assuming you dont do anything wrong with your computer, or else you may come up in a search. Also, if somebody hijacks your computer for malicious purposes the police dont just walk up to you and toss you in jail, but search your computer in much the same way to find out who did it (if it wasnt you then you are safe). Any bits of irrelevant data they find is not logged, talked about, or remembered - you are one of millions. Any relevant data is filed with the case to be viewed again as necessary during the case and only to be opened ever again if there is a purpose (make sense?) and the case needs more work. Oh, and btw I would like to add that some governments (US included) already are monitoring the general public using many methods, most people just dont realize that they are trying to cover their bases so it doesnt become a large scale issue. You can be monitored by software on your computer (spyware, spybots, and many other forms of malware), hardware (more rare to what Ive seen but it can and has been done), keyloggers and the like (software and hardware exist), external devices and storage media (pop in a cd and they could know which one - look it up), your cable/phone line, your isp (and yes they do give that information, and get $$$ for doing so), other clients, servers, online tracking spiders, email, search engines, general public hubs, proxies (they arent invincible), intercepters, and even satellites. The list could go on but im tired! Im just trying to say you are making way too big of a deal out of this, they arent trying to find out how many pizzas you order a week, or if you like to go to http://www.hugedomains.com/domain_profile.cfm?d=yummyfudge&e=com a lot. Its not just for terrorism but also for financial reasons, like the millions companies lose yearly on piracy.

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