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New Fire Sig Wooho

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Well, got some new brushes and so far, I LOVE THEM! Lol, whadya guys think?


Should I replace freezor with this one?



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That spot of blue on his chest is kind of awkward but the brushing looks nice enough. 9/10And I think I like Freezor better, but it's your call :/

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He's from Soul Caliber, that's how he really looks lol. So the blue spot isn't my fault :D.Thanks.

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Keep the Freezor. Anyways, about the sig, you gotta start using more than 1 color in your sig, and that blue spotch is kind of random. Try to find a way to manip it and get that out lol 7/10.

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multi-coloring would have gone good with this, try it out and see what kind of results you get with it.

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funny only you have a thing for subzero, even though some kubi stuff is better then that one, it must be the blue.

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